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The Wisconsin Centre for Film and Theatre Research

Founded in 1960, this is a joint venture of the University of Wisconsin- Madison and the State Historical Society. It has over 200 film and manuscript collections from motion
picture, TV, theatrical directors, to actors, writers, producers and production companies. Strongly recommended for researchers interested in the portrayal of women by entertainment media and its impact on 20th century society. Also providing an invaluable resource is the centre's collection of film and video copies of a broad range of TV programmes which would make it possible to trace the evolution of the image of women projected by American TV from hs beginnings to the present time.

'Women's Work - Women's Lives' Third World First Link Pamphlet Series Editors: Maddy Halliday & Liz Cairncross 3W1, 232 Cowley Road, Oxford OX 4 lUH

A thought-provoking pamphlet. Women's Work - Women's Lives explores the issues of women and work to 'identify shared and common experiences, conflicts and tensions of women internationally and to indicate ways women can respond.' Articles from different countries reflect the particular priorities of the women of those countries, provoking a debate on what could be common platforms for international solidarity among women.

The publication is brought out by a group of students in higher education in Britain concerned with understanding international poverty and campaigning against it.

Panakaeia c/o Marlene Packwood 136, Balls Pond Road Islington, London N l England

This journal of feminist psychics and alternative healing includes articles on heaUng, herbs, homeopathy, acupuncture, feminist astrology,andmagic and psychics. The second issue is due to be published in the Spring of 1983. A unique resource on alternative healing and women's spirituality.

1983 Index/Directory of Women's Media Women's Institute for Freedom of the Press, 3306 Ross Place, N.W. Washington, DC 20008, USA. Prince US $8.

The 1983 Index/Directory of Women's Media provides a network among women's media and with those who have information to share. It lists 379 women's periodicals (over 100 outside the U.S.), 92 women's presses and publishers, 74 women's bookstores, 37 women's music groups, 51 radio & TV groups and regular programs, 28 film
groups, 57 art/graphics/theater groups — is published to increase communication among women nationally and internationally. Other categories include news services, film groups and distributors, women's columns, speakers bureaus, special library collections on women, as well as hundreds of individual media women and media-concerned women in the Individuals section - listings written by the women and groups themselves with addresses, phone numbers, contact people and descriptions. Updated annually.

Along with the Directory is an Index, What Women are Thinking and Doing to Change the Communications Media. This annotated index of women's media activities and research provides a history of the women's media movement. It is a valuable resource for those who are studying the history of recent and current events. ISSN: 0197-3401

Women's History Resources State Historical Society of Wisconsin 816 State Street Madison, Wisconsin 53706 USA.

The society is located on the campus of the University of Wisconsin- Madison. Since its founding 135 years ago, it has collected printed materials, manuscripts, archival materials, pictures and museum artifacts which detail the accomplishments and status of women in North American society. The Library contains excellent primary and secondary women's history sources. Topics include frontier/utopian communities, ethnic groups, women's organisations, women and labour unions, women's political
groups outside the mainstream, and many others. There is also a collection of Women's Periodicals and Newspapers from the 18th Century to 1981. The Archives has extensive holdings of private and public records, both those created by women and those relating to them. Among private records are collections relating to labour, social action, mass communications and theater. Theater collections feature all aspects of theater, motion picture and T.V. production in the U.S.

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'Women and power in the nuclear age' Videotape of a talk given by Helen Caldicott in America. Excellent for provoking thought and discussion. 3/4" NTSC standard. 30
mins. Hire US$ 40 + $5 postage. From: High Hopes, Media for a Changing World, 932 Twelfth Avenue, Seattle, WA 98122, USA. Tel: (206) 322 9010.

'Better active today than radioactive tomorrow' 1-hour film showing the successful opposition to a prospective nuclear power plant in West Germany of ordinary people living in the area. By Nina Gladitz. Hire Aus. $40 (enquire for postage and negotiable prices). From: Sydney Filmmakers Cooperative, P.O. Box 217, Kings Cross, NSW 2011, AustraUa. Tel: 33 0721.

'Four minutes to Hiroshima' 1-hour slideshow giving a clear and comprehensive picture of the arms race over the years since the Cuba crisis. Highly recommended. By Monika Nehr (German womens group), hire US$ 50. From Zimmerstrasse 10a, 1000 Berlin 20, West Germany.


Once again women are gathering at Seneca - this time to challenge the nuclear threat at its doorstep. The Seneca Army Depot, a Native American homeland once nurtured and protected by the Iroquois, is now the storage site for the neutron bomb and most likely the Pershing II missile and is the departure point for weapons to be deployed in Europe. We invite all women to join us in this Peace Encampment. It will open on July 4th 1983. For further information contact Donna Cooper, Women's International
League for Peace and Freedom, 1213 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19107 USA. Tel. (215) 563-7110.

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Women's Resistance Camp In Germany there will be a women's camp from 15 July to 15 August near the exercise place of the army in Kastellaun/Simmem in the Hunsrtlck where Cruise missiles should be deployed by the end of this year. The camp is against mens domination through daily violence against women in its broadest meaning. The women plan an action weekend on 30/31 July. One of the contact addresses  : Manuela Borkenhagen Musikantenweg 24 D-6000 Frankfurt/M Tel.: 0611 /499640

Broadsheet P.O. Box 5799 Auckland, New Zealand.

The December 1982 issue contains several important articles describing the movement for a nuclear free and independent Pacific. A great deal of coverage is given to the seven-day "hui" held in Auckland in mid-November as a follow-up to the Nuclear Free Pacific Conferences held in 1975, 1978, and 1980. Organised by the Pacific Peoples Anti-Nuclear Campaign Among workshop topics were: effects of multi-nationals, nuclear power plants and American colonialism on the people of the Philippines;
US military presence in Hawaii; and the effects of French nuclear testing. "Our homelands are the practice ground for World War III."

Lysistrata. A Women and Peace Magazine c/o 11 George St. Brighton, East Sussex, England. Price £ 6.50 per year.

Published six times a year, the Winter '83 issue included articles on women's peace activities around the world, exerpts from a woman's diary while being held in HoUoway prison, exerpts from Helen Caldicott's Critical Mass on the medical effects of nuclear war, and contact addresses




in Wellington is collecting material about Depo-Provera. They are interested in starting a campaign about this issue in New Zealand. They want to hear from women about their experiences of past or present use of the injection.

Hecate would like to know why women were given the drug, what effects they have had or are experiencing and any other information. If you are prepared to help with this important survey write to them: Hecate Womens Health Centre, P.O. Box 11-675, Wellington, New Zealand.
(Ph. 721-804)

Published in the Newsletter no. 33, October 1982, of the NEW ZEALAND WOMEN'S HEALTH NETWORK Box 2312 Tauranga, New


What Future for Motherhood: The Politics of Reproductive Technologies. We are soliciting contributions for an anthology on reproductive technologies which we hope will reflect a wide and international variety of feminist perspectives. By "reproductive technologies" we mean all procedures affecting conception and pregnancy, including sterilization, abortion, prenatal diagnosis, artificial insemination, and neonatal intensive care.

We hope to receive: accounts from women who have experienced one of these technologies, descriptions of particular technologies and their ab/ uses, political analysis and strategies for change, as well as poetry and visionary science fiction. Please send inquiries, outlines, or articles to Renate Duelli Klein, 22 Pilgrim's Lane, London NW3 Britain, or Shelley Minden, 5235 E. 3rd Ave., Denver, Colo. 80220, USA, by March 31, 1983.