Serious Gynaecological Effects of the Disaster in Bhopal, India

In the aftermath of the Bhopal tragedy, effects on women's health have remained a silent area. A small study of 55 women 3 months after the explosion has shown that the following effects have developed:

Abnormal vaginal discharge  (leucorrhoea)  94% 
 Pelvic inflammatory disease  79%
 Endocervicitis and/or cervical erosion  67%
 Suppression of breast milk in breastfeeding women  57%
 Excessive menstrual bleeding  46%

as well as 3 miscarriages and 2 stillbirths, all following gas exposure. The two doctors who did the study comment that the pattern of these diseases and the frequency of them is so different from the usual pattern that it is clear they are connected to gas exposure, particularly since the women said symptoms only began after the explosion.

Only 16 of the women they examined were pregnant and without fetal screening they were unable to determine if there was a risk of damage to the fetus or what kind. Fears that damage is likely have led the Indian Medical Research Council to do a larger follow-up study but by the time the results are known it will be too late for many of the women exposed.

The doctors call for: all the women to be informed of the risks of fetal damage and the choice of abortion offered, along with studies following any abortions of what damage might have occurred; more adequate medical relief in polyclinics and hospitals and information to gynaecologists in these facilities that the problems found in the study exist (which many of the doctors deny are related to the gas exposure); field clinics set up including gynaecologists; attention to more than just pregnancy with regard to women's health damage from the gas; more information to women on all these aspects of the problems; and a large research project to investigate such disease and possible treatment.

They call for support from voluntary agencies and women's groups in this work.

For a copy of the complete paper by Dr Rani Bang and Dr Abhay Bang who did the 9-page study, phone or write to:

"Women's Reproductive Rights Campaign", 52-54 Featherstone St. London ECI, England.

The above news item comes from the "Latin American and Caribbean Women's Network Bulletin" No. 1-2. This Bulletin which will be published every two months acts as a communication channel between the groups that belong to the Network. Each issue will include news items, resources and campaigns. It will also contain information about new groups joining the Network.

This double issue includes a list of the almost 300 groups which make up the Network.

For more information write to Isis International, Casilla 2067, Correo Central, Santiago, Chile.

Claim Against Manufactures of the Dalkon Shield

January 1986

Dear friends in other countries:

As you may have heard, AH Robins, manufacturer of the Dalkon Shield lUD has filed for bankruptcy. A. fund has been set up from which all claims against the company will be paid out, but any woman who believes she has been damaged by the Dalkon Shield must send In a postcard to the following address by April 30 in order to have her case considered by a group of court-appointed lawyers:

PO BOX 444

Women who do this will receive through the mail further instructions and a questionnaire, to be returned by July 30, 1986. (The deadline for women in the USA is June 30, 1986.)

Because AH Robins is doing practically no outreach in countries outside the United States, it is crucial that you help to spread the word about this to other women.

For more information, contact the National Women's Health Network, 224 Seventh St. SE, Washington, DC 20003. And please send us any articles or news about the Dalkon Shield in your country. Thank you.


Judy Norsigian
for the Collective
Beatriz Fontana (Brasil)