just in isis

Reweaving the Web of Life Pam McAllister, Ed. New Society Publishers 4722 Baltimore Ave. Philadelphia PA 19143 USA $8.95

A collection of essays from many perspectives on feminism and non-violence. Recommended

"Women in Communist Systems" Studies in Comparative Communism Vol.XIV,Nos2&3(1981) VKC 330 School of International Relations University of Southern California University Park, Los Angeles, CA 90007 USA.

Contents include women in communist revolutions, women in Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, North Vietnam, East Germany (compared with the United States), and an article on socialism and women's equality.

Unequal opportunities. The case of women and the media Margaret Gallagher UNESCO Press 7 place de Fontenoy 75700 Paris FRANCE

This book attempts to bring together various activities, research, and experiences in the area of relationships between women and communication media and to address a series of basic questions: what are the issues? what do we know already? what has been done so far? what remains to be done? It attempts, therefore, to relate the findings of research to the needs and possibilities for action. Also contains resource listings of feminist publications, as well as directories, conference reports, and groups dealing with  women and the media. All from an international perspective. A valuable publication

Battered Women's Directory Betsy Warrior 46 Pleasant Street Cambridge MA 02139 USA US$9.50

This Directory is at once a resource for practitioners, a guide for abused and beaten women, and a source of important feminist analysis. It contains an international listing of battered women's shelters, information on how to organise (and find funding for) a shelter, and theoretical and analytical articles such as "When non-sexist language
is sexist" and "Medicine and patriarchal violence". We cannot speak glowingly enough of this publication. Very highly recommended.

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Keeping the Peace Lynne Jones, editor Women's Press 124 Shoreditch High Street Lx)ndn E l ENGLAND £3.60.

"Turn fear into anger, anger into action." Women around the world are taking the issue of peace and survival into our own hands. Lynne Jones has assembled accounts by women involved in Greenham Common Peace Camp, the American Women for Life on Earth and German, Dutch and Japanese women's groups, to show the energy and diversity, the imagination and invention, of women's initiatives. Informative as well as inspiring. Keeping the Peace also includes practical information and resources for women interested in initiating new actions for peace. Subtitled "Women's Peace Handbook 1", we can look forward to further titles in this series. Recommended.

"Rural Development and Human Rights in South East Asia" Consumers Association of Penang No. 27, Kelawei Road Pulau, Penang T' MALAYSIA

A joint pubUcation of Consumers Association of Penang and the International Commission of Jurist, this book contiins papers and documents which formed the proceedings of an international seminar on "Human Rights and Development in the Rural Areas of the South East Asian Regions". Covers topics such as agricultural
and economic poHcies, land reform, role and status of women, and natural resources and environmental questions. This and the other publications of CAP are unique resources.

"Working Class Women View Their Own Lives" Meera Savara Institute of Social Research & Education Carol Mansion 35 Sitladevi Temple Road Mahim, Bombay - 400 016 INDIA ,

The purpose of this paper is to examine how working women in the textile industry in India experience their own lives at home and at work. Besides an overall view of the Hfe of textile women workers, various themes are discussed: experience of work in the factory, experience of housework, of the family, and the sort of relationships
that women develop between themselves. A valuable resource.

"The Pune Domestic Servants' Revolt: Background and Causes Amarja Pawar Institute of Social Research & Education Carol Mansion 35 Sitladevi Temple Road
Mahim, Bombay - 400 016 INDIA

This is a study of an unprecedented strike by the women domestic workers of Pune. It describes the social background of the women, the changing nature of domestic work over the decades, the changes which have occurred in the employer-employee relationship, how the strike developed, the nature of demands thrown up, and the
effects of struggle on the women domestics themselves. It indicates that an organisation of women in the informal sector is possible when it develops out of the needs and experiences of the women workers themselves. An important document.

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Jeane Vaughn 217 Palo Verde Terrace Santa Cruz, CA 95060 USA

Material is being solicited for a lesbian parenting anthology to be published next year. Essays, stories, poems, letters, interviews, visual art, tapes, etc. will be considered. Submissions in languages other than English are welcome. Such articles will be translated and confirmed with the writer. The article will also appear in its original

The United States' only national park to open this year is the kind of place you visit to learn about feminism, not geysers and grizzly bears. Earher this month the National Park Service officially opened the Women's Rights National Historical Park in Seneca Falls, New York. The park honors the birthplace of the women's movement
of the 1800s. The first women's rights convention, held in Seneca Falls in 1848, addressed such issues as suffrage, equal pay, double standards of morality and access to education and employment. Lucille Povero, President of the Stanton Foundation, noted at the park's opening that, except for the right to vote, "we are still debating most of the other issues raised at the convention."

Her Say


"By 'Reproductive technologies' we mean all procedures affecting conception and pregnancy, including sterilization, abortion, prenatal diagnosis, artificial insemination, and neonatal intensive care. We hope to receive: accounts from women who have experienced one of these technologies, descriptions of particular technologies and their abuses, poUtical analysis and strategies for change, as well as poetry and visionary science fiction." Please send inquiries, outUnes or articles to Renate DueUi Klein, 22 Pilgrim's Lane, London NW3 ENGLAND or Shelley Minden, 5235 E. 3rd Ave., Denver, CO 80220 USA, by March 31,1983.

Lesbisch Archief Leeuwarden Postbus4062 ; 8901 EB Leeuwarden NETHERLANDS

The Lesbisch Archief collects and takes care of the sources that reflect the lives of Lesbians of the present and the past and the activities flowing from our Uves. The Lesbisch Archief welcomes all material dealing with Lesbians — with priority given to material from and about women of colour. The Archief is also open to those
who would hke to consult the documentation already on file. In addition, the Archief has a newsletter which ; disseminates information about the : Archief and the material which makes up the Archief.

Environment in Women's Lives; Anthology of Political, Historical, ; Economic, and Cross-Cultural Perspectives, is seeking essays, articles, ; bibliographies, interviews, poetry, journal selections, and photographs ' about women's environmental/occupational health, the impact of technology, particularly electronics, on women's
experience, women and planning/ architecture, women's participation in environmental struggles and more. Write for details or send submissions to: Environment in Women's Lives, P.O. Box 274, Santa Cruz, CA 95061 USA by June 1,1983.