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Short Introduction to the International Feminist Network (IFN)

At the International Tribunal of Crimes Against Women in Brussels in March 1976, ISIS was asked to coordinate the International Feminist Network (IFN). The purpose of the IFN is to mobilise support and solidarity among women when needed by sending telegrams or letters of support, i.e. for rape victims, women workers' struggles, poUtical prisoners, court cases,etc.

ISIS operates as a switching center: we receive information of women in difficulties and we pass it on to our national contact women to disseminate this information in their country for further action. At present about 20 countries are involved in the IFN.

Over the last three years ISIS has sent out and responded to about 50 cases all over the world. The support we have given has been for women who have defended themselves against rape; women who have been tried, imprisoned and persecuted for having an abortion; sterilisation abuse; all those women who are trying to organise and fight
for their human rights

Another possible use of the IFN is to spread information about important forthcoming events such as the Alternative Women's Conference in Copenhagen
or news and actions of women's work and activities for peace. I would like to stress the point that working for women's human rights is peace work, the building of a new society with justice.

International campaigning has had an impact on many of these cases and feedback has shown this support could be enormously helpful to women in distress. If you would like to participate in this network (IFN), contact us for more information. Or, if you would like to help now, we are including below the latest appeals and information
for action; write your letters of protest/support to the addresses below the cases.

Current IFN Appeals for Action

1) In Japan on November 3, 1982, some 4 000 women marched in Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka, protesting the antiabortion law and asserting women's
reproductive rights. They continue this action and need your support.

Send your message of international sisterly support to: Keiko Yokota, Action Group Wakabal - 10,No.D Shinjuku-ku Tokyo,.JAPAN

Letters of protest to: Minister Motoharu Morishita Ministry of Health & Welfare Tokyo, JAPAN

2) In the USA, Tina Fishman faces the loss of her daughter. She has been adjudged to be an unfit mother on the basis of her pohtical activities. Send your support and solidarity letters to:

CAKMMD (Committee Against the Kidnapping of Mao Defendant's Daughter) 17 Brenham Place San Francisco, CA 94108 USA

3) Nirmala Nithiyananthan of Sri Lanka is a renowned feminist and popular progressive writer. A graduate in political science and devoted to producing Tamil plays (Tamil speaking people have long been the targets of racist harrassment), she was arrested and detained under the notorious Prevention and Terrorism Act on the 18th
of November 1982. To date, the government has not preferred any charges against her. She is being held in the Guru Nagar Army Camp of Jaffna, a place known for military torture and tyranny. There are no female guards, and women detainees have been raped and murdered (Prema Manamperi, 1971). Nirmala's primary concern has
been the emancipation of the oppressed Tamil women. Help her by protesting to:'

President of Sri Lanka President's House Colombo, SRI LANKA

4) In the USA, eleven women have brought suit against Cornell Universtiy for denial of equal opportunities in academia (tenure, promotion, job opportunities) through sex discrimination. For more information, contact: Dr. Antonia Glasse 320 University Ave. Ithaca, NY 14850 USA

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5) Finally, we would like to mention that in West Germany women who are working in anti-imperialist and antimilitarist campaigns have been imprisoned
for terrorism. They fight against isolation, for self-determination and identity in prison. One of them is Helga Roos; her sister Barbara has sent us background information
about her case and the situation in prison.

If you are interested in Helga Roos and want to support her, write to her sister: Gausstr. 5 D ~ 6000 Frankfurt 1 WEST GERMANY