childcare and child custody • housing • consumers • adult literacy • environment

 short takes


The Apartment (USA)


Made by Rita Moreira and Marma Mahia Pontes

Distributor: Rita Moreira (Brazil)

This videotape depicts an adventure of finding a place to live in New York City. The video highlights the experience of Carol Groshery, who tries to make her apartment liveable.


Other resources that address the themes of this chapter are listed below. The chapters where they may be found are given in boldface type.


Empowering Women for Development

Vida de Angel (Mexico)

Las Amas de Casa (Mexico)

Mujeres en Lucha (Mexico)

Las Mujeres Lo Hicimos (Peru)



Echale Mas Agua a Los Frijoles (Mexico)

(Add Some More Water to the Beans)

Documentary slideshow, 94 slides, 15 min., color, in Spanish, with signals for manual slide change

Made by Comunicacion, Intercambio y Desarrollo Humano en America Latina (CIDHAL)

Distributor: CIDHAL (Mexico)

This slideshow is about the rising cost of living in Mexico, including an analysis of internal markets and the role of transnational corporations in domestic production. It goes on to show how these factors affect women, who, as the slideshow shows, are those who suffer the most in times of economic downturn, especially among Mexico's poorer classes.

Yuri Takada and the Consumer Protection Movement

(Japan 1976)

Second in a ten-part series

Video, U-matic, 27 min., color, in Japanese, Chinese and English

Director: Haruko K. Watanabe

Producer: HKW Video Workshop

Distributor: HKW Video Workshop (Japan)

Yuri Takada, vice-president and chief scientist of the Japan Housewives' Association, talks about her scientific support to the consumer movement in this interview with Yoko Nuita. She says that she formed her philosophy of life while experimenting in the laboratory: one must accumulate sufficient data and then analyze it accurately. She also speaks about her late husband who taught her to love people and work with others. Yuri Takada expresses her hope to set up a small claims court system in Japan in order to protect consumers.

Super Duper (Australia 1977)

Film, 16 mm, 7 min., color, in English

Made by Canberra Women's Film Group with Sarah Dowse and Vladimir Stojanovic

Distributor: Sydney Filmmakers Cooperative (Australia)

A woman literally makes her home in a supermarket, for there hardly seems any reason for her not to. The theme is the loneliness and absurdity of consumerism, that ubiquitous process where the consumer ends up herself consumed.


child care and custody

Sobre las Guarderias Infantiles y la Educacion de los Hijos (Mexico)

(On Day-Care Centers and Child-Raising)

Slideshow, color, in Spanish

Made by Comunicacion, Intercambio y Desarrollo Humano en America Latina (CIDHAL)

Distributor: CIDHAL (Mexico)

Still in preparation as this Guide goes to press.


Other resources that address the themes of this chapter are listed below. The chapters where they may be found are given in boldface type.


Our Work

Working with Child Care (Australia)

Identity, Roles and Relationships

Mum's the Word (Australia) - single mothers

Single Mothers Speak Out (New Zealand)

Lesbian/Gay Liberation

Showtime (Australia)


Identity, Roles and Relationships

Who Needs Nurseries? We Do! (England) - child care

Our Work

Paroles d'Assistantes Maternelles (France) - child care


Empowering Women for Development

Grupo Creativo de la Mujer (Chile) - child care

Our Work

Atendimiento de Criancas en Creche (Brazil) - child care


Identity, Roles and Relationships

Joint Custody: A New Kind of Family (USA) - custody

By the Skin of Our Teeth (Canada) - custody

Lesbian/Gay Liberation

In the Best Interests of the Children (USA) - custody


Other themes


Empowering Women for Development

Women Streetsweepers of La Paz (Bolivia)

O Mundo Era Muito Maior Que a Minha Casa (Brazil)

Aprendiendo con Luisa (Dominican Republic)


Migrants and Refugees

Mulher, Identitade, Urbanismo (Brazil)