
Editor: Lan S. Mercado Carreon
Isis Resource Section Editor: Pi Villanueva
Contributors: Nancy Pearson Arcellana, Chee Heng Leng, Josefa Francisco, Patricia McFadden, Cecilia Ng, Samjhana Shrestha Pandey, Nayereh Tohidi
Copy Editor: Carolina Malay
Editorial Assistant: Annie Calma Santoalla
Graphic Design: Irene U. Chia

On the cover: Liberate our minds by Abena Addofrom Women Artists Diary 1995


Neglect and Abuse by Nhial Bol
Sudanese women ex-rebels speak about oppression in the liberation army
Cover Story: A New Place, A New Self by Patricia McFadden
The Challenges and Prospects for the African Women's Movement in the 21st Century
Revolution, War and Women in El Salvador by Norma Vazquez
Recovery from the changes that history left in the lives of Central American Women is a necessary feminist contribution
From Indonesian Prison, on International Women's Day 1997
A letter from arrested defender of women's rights Dita Sari
Struggling for Change by Chee Heng Leng and Cecilia Ng
Malaysia's challenge is to broaden women's arenas to include issues of class and ethnicity
Claiming Autonomy by Josefa Francisco
Questions are being raised about the context of continued calls for an autonomous Philippine women's movement

Women s Reproductive Rights and the Politics of Fundamentalism by Sajeda Amin and Sara Hossain
Neither the Quran nor the Bangladesh's law provides no basis for the repression of women's reproductive rights.


I am Only Human!
Cries from women bumed-out by the war

Modernity, Islamization and Women by Nayereh Tohidi
The difficult balance between reclaiming national identity and reaffirming progressive elements in society
Women's Land Rights = Food Security by Samjhana Shrestha-Pandey
In the Solomon Islands, cash cropping is not equal to progress
Radio, Democracy, Development by Charles Arthur
Radio breaks isolation and exploitation
Rape Victim's Cry for Justice End in Peru Gunfire by Ray Sanchez
The story of one woman fighter of Tupac Amaru
Editorial   1
Feedback   4
What do you think?   5
Clips   6
Action Alert   9
Isis Resource   42
Books   42
Reviews Plus   48
Ginu Kamani's Junglee Girl
Ding Xiaoqi's Maidenhome
Poetry   52
One on One: Heisoo Shin by Nancy P. Arcellana
A look into Korea
Countiy Report: Guatemala by Victoria Rich
Gender-specific violence as a component of counter-insurgency
Health Updates   73