The Shonga Group

Women of all walks of life in Tanzania have come together to form a communication network - The Shonga Women's Group. The group is dedicated to raising awareness among women in different parts of the country through the exchange of information and experiences. It especially aims to provide a forum of communication between urban and rural women.

Shonga Women's Group intends to disseminate information through a 40 page monthly newsletter featuring news of organising efforts, resources and referrals, profiles of Tanzanian women and poetry and children's stories.

It will carry articles on family, education, health, employment, development and technology, the newsletter will be published in English and Kishwahili.
The group also intends to set up a women's centre in Dar es Salaam which will be both a meeting place for women as well as a resource centre.

For further information, please contact:

Shonga Women's Group

PO Box 7393

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Drugs and Pregnancy ...

Is your group working on this issue? Then you might be of great assistance to DES-Action/The Netherlands who are trying, together with the World Health Programme, to collect information about programs in European countries focused on the reduction of drug intake during pregnancy.

If you have any information on this subject, you are asked to contact:

Anita Direcks

DES-Action/ The Netherlands

Maliesingel 46

3581 BM Utrecht

The Netherlands

Do You feel the over-forty blues?

Then team up with others who are similarly experiencing the cruel prejudices of Western society towards middle-aged women ...and sweep those blues right outta your life (or try, at any rate).

It is a fact, that though you know that there's nothing wrong with maturity, with the appearance of experience, the constant bludeonings of the mass media and the prejudices of mainstream culture might penetrate your armour and affect your morale.

If you need support therefore, you may contact the group which calls itself Broomstick. This network aims to develop positive definitions of women and especially of mid-life and long-lived women. It publishes a bimonthly magazine in which the experiences, ideas and strategies for change submitted by subscribers are aired.

"Broomstick's purposes," a recent editorial states, "are to clarify ways in which social institutions - medicine, housing, law, economics, advertising -exclude or exploit older women and fail to meet our needs; and to develop ways to relate to these institutions and to meet our needs, either within or outside them. In presenting long-term solutions, we will include ways in which we may survive on the way to them. In presenting short-term solutions, we will discuss whether they support or retard possible long-term programs. "

So, if you have an article, poem, or drawing you wish to submit... or if you want to subscribe and see how other women are dealing with the same problems you face, contact:


Broomstick, 3
3543 18th St., ยง3
San Francisco, California 94110