Improving Media Image

Media Women in Kenya have banded together to try and improve the inadequate and inappropriate coverage of vjomen m the media. Founded in 1982, the Association of Media Women (AMWIK) now has 63 members who meet regularly and have established a forum for the exchange of ideas, expertise and support.

        For further information, contact;

Eulaila Namai

PO Box 43637

Nairobi, Kenya

Tel 334567

Women's Trade Union

Members from 41 countries participate in this pan-African organization. Called the Pan African Women Trade Unionists, this group has regular activities and puts out a newsletter.

       For further information, contact:

Kathini Maloba

Pan African Women Trade Unionists

PO Box 61068

Nairobi, Kenya

Raising the Status of Arab Women

Women in the Arab world have traditionally been the victims of a set of backward beliefs and values which have kept them very suppressed.

        An organization which addresses this problem on an ongoing basis is the Arab Women Solidarity Association. The aim of this group is to abohsh the taboos imposed on the minds of people through a promotion of a rational and critical attitude towards the traditional backward values and beliefs. In carrying out this objective, the AWSA hopes to promote and develop the social, cultural and educational status of Arab women.

        For further information, contact:

Nawal El-Sadawi

Arab Women Solidarity Association

25 Murad St Glza

Cairo, Egypt