The UN International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (INSTRAW), is an autonomous body of the United Nans that conducts research, training id information activities to integrate women in development.

Based in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, with a relatively small staff, INSTRAW's mode of operation is based on a network of co-operative arrangements with mainstream UN organizations, academic bodies, governmental and non-governmental organizations, academic institutions and women's groups.

INSTRAW relics on international networking used in innovative ways. Today, it is contributing to the substantive changes taking place in the very nature of women's networking.

INSTRAW's worldwide network of the five UN Regional Commissions and 26 focal points at the national level assist the Institute in carrying out activities in their countries and regions.

Within the network of focal points, .there is joint brainstorming, information sharing and exchange of research results. In the area of public information, INSTRAW has mounted joint exhibits with focal points. It also works for the benefit of the organizations involved by sharing costs, avoiding duplication; each profiting from the other's expertise and multiplying outreach. More than anything else, it works for the advancement of women. Through these joint ventures, more women can take advantage of the trainings offered, the research incorporating the newest trends in the women in development debate, and the information accumulated over the years.

It has its regular publication called INSTRAW News and its supplement INSTRAW Links, a liaison bulletin that provides a channel of communication among its focal points.

INSTRAW's network, however goes far beyond the designated focal points, to encompass NGOs and women's groups all over the world. It hopes to grow further in terms of network contacts, focal points and correspondents. Networking is more than a trendy word-it is the basic ingredient for effective global action for the advancement of women.

Source: INSTRAW News No. 11 INSTRAW, P.O. Box21747 Santo Domingo Dominican Republic