The following is the unity statement of the Women's Pentagon Action, written collectively by the women who participated in the action. It has been printed in many magazines
and books; It appears in Its full, unabridged, form in Keeping the Peace, edited by Lynne Jones and published by The Women's Press (124 Shored Itch High Street, London
El, ENGLAND). See Resources for further details. 

We are gathering at the Pentagon because we fear for our lives. We fear for the life of this planet, our Earth, and the life of the children who are our human future...

We have come here to mourn and rage and defy the Pentagon because it is the workplace of the imperial power which threatens us all. Every day while we work, study, love, the colonels and generals who are planning our annihilation walk calmly in and out the doors of its five sides. They have accumulated over 30,000 nuclear bombs at the rate of three to six bombs every day...

We are in the hands of men whose power and wealth have separated them from the reality of daily life and from the imagination. We are right to be afraid...

We women are gathering because life on the precipice is intolerable...

We do not want dominance which is exploitative and murderous in international relations, and so dangerous to women and children at home... What is it that we women need for our ordinary lives, that we want for ourselves and^also for our sisters in new nations and old colonies...? We want enough good food, decent housing, communities with clean air and water, good care for our children while we work. We want work that is useful to a sensible society... We want health care which respects and understands our bodies. Physically challenged sisters must have access to gatherings, actions, happy events, work... We want an education for children which tells the true story of our women's lives, which describes the earth as our home to be cherished, to . be fed as well as harvested. We want to be free from violence in our streets and in our houses... We want the right to have or not to have children... We want to see the pathology of racism ended in our time... We want the uranium left in the earth and the earth given back to the people who tilled it. We want a system of energy which is renewable, which does not take resources out of the earth without returning them.
We want those systems to belong to the people and their communities, not to the giant corporations which invariably turn knowledge into weaponry...

We want an end to the arms race.No more bombs. No more amazing inventions for death..

We know there is a healthy sensible loving way to live and we intend to live that way in our neighborhoods and our farms in these United States, and among our sisters and
brothers in all the countries of the world.