Article Index



Women in Action 1998-1

Editor: Lilian S. Mercado Carreon
Associate Editors: Mavic Cabrera-Balleza, Luz Ivlana Martinez
Isis Resource Section Editor: Concepcion Garcia Ramilo
Managing Editor: Annie Calma Santoalla
Contributors: Nancy Pearson Arcellana, Leti Boniol, Luz Mana Martinez
Graphic Design: Irene U. Chia

On the cover: Violence against women is not just about physical and sexual violence. Violence against women is also woven into the images and words and meanings that media disseminates. The ad on the cover is by Pepe Jeans.


Women in Action 1997-1

Editor: Lan S. Merc ado Carreon
Isis Resource Section Editor: Pi Villanueva
Contributors: Nancy Pearson Arcellana, Chee Heng Leng, Josefa Francisco, Patricia McFadden, Cecilia Ng, Samjhana Shrestha Pandey, Nayereh Tohidi
Copy Editor: Carolina Malay
Editorial Assistant: Annie Calma Santoalla
Graphic Design: Irene U. Chia

On the cover: Liberate our minds by Abena Addofrom Women Artists Diary 1995