We continue with the description of another 38 feminist groups which are working on women's health issues. In addition to these groups, there are a great variety of other Brazilian groups, centers and institutions (Church- and State-related as well as private) which are carrying out very interesting work in this area. Many of these groups participated in the National Meeting on Women's Health and made significant contributions. Unfortunately we are not able to include in this issue information on all these groups, for lack of space. Additional information will be disseminated through the Health Network of Isis International.
Assessoria Feminista da Deputada Lucia Arruda PT RJ
(Feminist Advisory of Representative Lucia Arrud, of the Workers Party of Rio de Janeiro)
Praca XV, sin numero, sala 410
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Telephone: (021) 224667
Founded in 1983, this group functions on the local and regional levels and is dedicated to developing legislative proposals, cultural seminars, motions of support, special commissions, and public statements to promote women's interests. It has participated in the organization of feminist events such as the Meeting on Women and Reproductive Rights in September 1984, in Rio de Janeiro. The Advisory promotes and participates in the Grupo Saude Mulher (Women's Health Group). It supports feminist initiatives above all on a parliamentary level. The group publishes a bulletin.
Associacao de Mulheres de Mato Grosso
(Women's Association of Mato Grosso)
Rua Baltazar Navarro 231-Bairro Bandeirante
78000 Cuiba MT
Founded in November 1981, this local Women's Association has carried out campaigns to ensure the right to adequate wages and to services such as day-care centers. It has organized projects on health and communication as well as discussions on such themes as PAISM - Programa de Asistencia Integral de la Salud de la Mujer (Program on Full Aid for Women's Health). The group has participated in feminist debates and has supported community movements.
Brasilia Mulher
(c/o Ana Azevedo)
SQS 208 Bloco F, apto. 602
70254 Brasilia DF.
Founded over 5 years ago, Brasilia Mulher is a local organization dedicated to the compilation of theoretical documents for analysis of sexuality and health. It organizes courses on sexuality and health issues. It organized the Fifth National Meeting of Feminists and participates in local, regional and national events. Brasilia Mulher works primarily with low-income women. It occasionally publishes materials.
Casa da Mulher do Norteste
(Northeastern Women's House)
Av. Caxanga 108, 1er andar, Madalena
50.000, Recife, PE.
Telephone: (081) 2270531
Founded 4 years ago, this regional group prepared the audiovisual Apenas o Comenco ("Barely the Beginning") on contraception and maternity, in conjunction with the SOS Corpo de Recife group. It is working on the PARIR Project with pregnant women before, during and after their childbirth, as well as on the ALDEIA Project which provides job-training for poor women in the region to generate incomes. The Women's House works with low-income women. It produces audiovisuals and pamphlets on women's health issues.
Centro de Estudo e Atendimento a Mulher e a Enfancia - CEAMI
(Women and Children Study and Care Center)
Rua Marqueza de Santos 10
22221 Rio de Janeiro RJ
Telephone: (021) 2056745
Founded in 1975, this center provides psycho-educational services to the community as well as psychological care for children, adolescents and adults. It trains the "Deixe Comigo" group, adolescents between 16 and 20 years old who work as babysitters with babies and children from the age of 3 months to 10 years old.
The center works primarily with middle-class women. It prepares articles and other materials for publication in magazines.
Centro de Estudos, Pesquisas e Assessoria para Assuntos da Mulher - CEPEA
(Center for the Study, Investigation and Evaluation of Women's Issues)
Rua Barao do Triunfo 16, apto. 506
90.000 Porto Alegre, BS.
Telephone: 336470
Founded in November 1983, this center participates in the project investigating the conditions of health, contraception and maternity for low-income women in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre. It works primarily with low-income women.
Centro de Informacao da Mulher
(Women's Information Center)
Caixa Postal 5
78730, Sao Felix do Araguaia, Mato Grosso
Telephone: (065) 5221288
This regional center works in the field of women's health (maternity centers, pregnant women, etc.). It provides training for pregnant women and for persons who perform examinations for the detection of cancer. It also furnishes information on family planning and natural medicine. The center works primarily with low-income women.
Centro da Mulher Brasileira
(Brazilian Women's Center)
Rua Franklin Roosevelt
20.000 Rio de Janeiro RJ
Telephone: (021) 2205128
Founded eight years ago, this local center includes various groups: an education group to train teachers, an investigation group on the sexuality of Brazilian women and on violence against women in the Baixada Fluminense region, a study group dealing with women's health issues. It works with low-income women and educators.
The center publishes a pamphlet: "Mae, Filha, Mulher" ("Mother, Daughter, Woman") on knowledge of and control over one's own body.
Centro das Mulheres do Cabo
(Women's Center of Cabo)
Rua Padre Antonio Alves 20
54.500 Cabo - Pernambuco.
Founded in March 1984, this regional center provides gynecological and prenatal assistance and disseminates information on methods of preventive medicine through campaigns on such issues as the use of potable water, contagious diseases and first aid.
It works with women from the outskirts of the cities and with sugar-cane cutters.
Centro da Mulher Sergipana
(Sergipana Women's Center)
Rua Siriri 496, sala 5
49.000 Aracaju, SE
This group carries out projects in the field of health as well as investigations related to working conditions for women. It works on a local level with low-income women.
Centro de Valorizacao da Mulher - CEVAM
(Center for the Advancement of Women)
Rua 90,999 sector Sul
74000, Goiania, GO CEP 74000
Telephone: (241) 0039
The five-year-old center provides assistance, advice and support to local women. Its main objective is to provide a study and popular mobilization center for asserting the rights of women from Goiania and for defending the rights of the Brazilian people. It maintains exchanges with other organizations in other states or countries that share CEVAM's goals.
Colectivo de Mulheres do Rio de Janeiro
(Rio de Janeiro Women's Collective)
Caixa Postal 33114
22411 Rio de Janeiro, RJ
This five-year-old collective is involved in work on women's health and other aspects related to the liberation of women through consciousness-raising, debates, film production, and the publication of books and periodicals. It works on a local and regional level with women from the middle classes and from the urban periphery. Three times a year, the group publishes the periodical "O sexo finalmente explicito" ("Sex Finally Made Clear") and has published texts such as: "What is Abortion?" and "A Global Vision of Women's Health." In addition, the collective provides regular training and orientation to professionals in the field of health.
Comissao de Saude do Sindicato dos Trabalhadores nas Industrias Quimicas e Farmaceuticas de Sao Paulo
(Health Commission of the Chemical and Pharmaceutical Workers Union of Sao Paulo).
Rua Tamandare 348
01000, Sao Paulo, SP
Since 1983, this commission has organized discussions on health and working conditions of women in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries on a regional level. It works with women workers in the chemical, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries.
The Commission publishes the daily bulletin "Sindiluta," which speaks out against the exploitation of women at work and working conditions harmful to their health.
Comite de Mulheres da Sao Bernardo do Campo
(Committee of Women from Sao Bernardo do Campo)
Tiradentes 1612, Villa do Tanque
09700, Sao Bernardo do Campo, SP
Telephone: (011) 4434167
Founded in 1983, this local committee participates in discussions concerning health in the "Women's Health Project" proposed by the State Health Secretariat. It focuses its attention on women living on the periphery of Sao Bernardo. The committee publishes an informative bulletin, "Mulher" ("Woman").
Conselho Estadual da Mulher
(Women's State Council)
Praca Carlos Chagas 49 - 10 andar St. Agostinho
Belo Horizonte CEP 30000
This council was created in August 1983 by the government to assess women's issues, primarily those related to women's health and legal rights. It instructs community groups on existing resources. The council works with low-income women and women from outlying areas of Belo Horizonte.
Grupo Acao Lesbica Feminista GALF
(Lesbian Feminist Action Group)
Rua Leoncio Gurgel 11
Vila Economizadora
Caixa Postal 62618
01000 Sao Paulo SP
Founded in 1979, this action group holds consciousness-raising meetings on lesbianism and feminism. It conducts work locally and nationally on information-gathering and consciousness-raising regarding the rights and oppression of lesbians. The group publishes the bimonthly bulletin, "Chana Com Chana."
Grupo Feminista Eva de Novo
(Eva de Novo Feminist Group)
Caixa Postal 901
74000 Goiania, GO.
This four-year-old local group promotes cultural activities and participates in debates on television and radio. It carries out investigations on sexist education in schools, and produces materials related to women's health issues. The group monitors the implementation of the PAISM program (Program for Full Aid in Women's Health) in Goiania hospitals through discussions with women assisted by this program.
Grupo Feminista Sempreviva
(Sempreviva Feminist Group)
Rua Sao Bento 1432, Horto
30000, Belo Horizonte, MG
Founded in 1983, this group carries out debates, conferences and courses on sexuality and women's health and publishes bulletins and books on health, sexuality, violence, etc. It works on a local level with low-income housewives and metallurgy workers.
Grupo Maria Mulher
(Women's Group - Maria)
Rua Juvenal Maria da Silva 620 Manaira
58000, Joao Pessoa, PB
Telephone: 2264120
Founded in 1979, this group forms local study groups on sexuality and women's health in the work place. It has also organized a movement to denounce violence against women.
The group works with women from the urban slums and with adolescents. It published the book "Nosso Corpo Nos Pertence" (2nd edition; "Our Body Belongs to Us") and has a bimonthly publication: "Maria Mulher."
Grupo de Mulheres de Campina Grande
(Campina Grande Women's Group)
Rua Joao Moura 554
CEP 58100 Campina Grande, PB.
(c/o Angela Arruda)
Since 1982, this group has carried out educational workshops and studies with women on sexuality, maternity and contraception. It works with women, particularly young women, from slum districts and shantytowns.
Grupo de Mulheres da Ilha de Sao Luiz
(Ilha de Sao Luiz Women's Group)
Caixa Postal 524
CEP 65000 - Sao Luiz - Maranhao
Telephone: (098) 2273611/2220760
The group organizes discussion groups on such themes as sexuality, contraception, maternity, women and work, and violence. It carries out studies on maternity and midwives. It works on a local level with low-income women.
Grupo de Mulheres do Movimiento Negro Unificado de Belo Horizonte
(Belo Horizonte Unified Black Movement Women's Group)
Rua Bom Retiro 91
Padre Eustaquio CEP 30000, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais.
Founded in 1978, this group holds study groups on government policies concerning birth rate, family planning and sexuality of black women. It works with women from the poor and marginalized districts. The group published the Bulletin on the 1st Meeting of the Black Woman.
Grupo de Mulheres da Periferia de Campinas
(Women's Group from the Campinas Periphery)
Rua Sacramento 1020 Centro, Campinas, Sao Paulo
(c/o Olga Aquino)
This group holds study and orientation sessions on women's health and works for the establishment of health clinics and preventive medicine. It works on a local level with low-income women.
Grupo de Mulheres de Sexualidade e Planejamento Familiar
(Women's Sexuality and Family Planning Group)
Rua Jose Pop 211
CEP 05653, Jardim Leonor, Sao Paulo, SP.
(c/o Vera Lucia Carvalho Tess)
Founded in July 1984, this group holds discussion groups and courses on sexuality and family planning. It is in the process of preparing a primer on women's health and family planning.
Grupo Mulher, Sexualidade e Saude
(Women, Sexuality and Health Group)
Caixa Postal 551
CEP 90000 Porto Alegre, RS.
Founded in 1980, the group provides orientation and information on health and sexuality through courses, training and discussions with low-income women on a local and regional level. It prepares primers and audiovisuals on health issues.
Grupo de Mulheres da Sociedade Amigos de Ferrazopolis
(The Ferrazopolis Friends Society Women's Group)
Rua Mateu Bei s/n
CEP 09700, Ferrazopolis, Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo
This group carries out debates on sexuality, contraception and malnutrition among low-income women in the local area. It has participated in legal action campaigns for health clinics in the neighborhood.
Grupo Saude Mulher
(Women's Health Group)
Rua Marqueza de Santos 10
CEP 22221 - Rio de Janeiro.
Since May 1984, this group has carried out exchanges of experiences between professionals in the field of health. It conducts political discussions and analysis of educational materials on health themes. It works with women registered in the national health system, from the slums and with middle-income women.
Grupo de Mulheres de Vitoria
(Victoria Women's Group)
Av. Marechal Campos 420, ap. 03
CEP 29000 - Vitoria, Espirito Santo
Founded in 1979, the group organizes debates and discussions on family planning, sexuality and abortion. It provides assistance in the formation of women's groups in the poor districts. It works with women from low-income districts as well as with professional women. It is currently in the process of preparing a series of primers on women's health issues.
Grupo Saude da Mulher da Rocinha
(Rocinha Women's Health Group)
Rua 1, 259 Rocinha
20000 Rio de Janeiro, RJ.
This local organization founded in 1982 holds study and discussion groups on women's bodies, biological cycle, sexuality, sexually transmitted diseases, cancer prevention, etc. The group's objective is to train health promoters to work specifically with pregnant women and mothers. The group works primarily with low-income women.
Grupo Sertao Mulher
(Women's Group of Sertao)
Rua Victor Jurema 341
CEP 58900, Cajazeiras, Paraiba
Telephone: 5311517
Founded in 1983, this group carries out research on violence against women in Cajazeiras in the period between 1980 and 1984. It expects to develop a project on women's health. The group works with women from the poor districts of Cajazeiras.
Movimiento de Mulheres em Luta
(Movement of Women in Struggle)
Rua Ceara Mirim 272
Barro Vermelho, CEP Natal, Rio Grande do Norte.
The study groups held by this local group treat such themes as sexuality, violence, the education of children, homosexuality, and work in the home. The organization participates in debates at universities, communities, mothers' clubs, etc. It works with middle-class and low-income women. The group produces a monthly newspaper: "Mulheres en Luta" (Women in Struggle).
Movimiento de Mulheres 8 de Marco
(March 8 Women's Movement)
Rua Dr. Muriay 510, Ed. Demeterco 10 andar
CEP 80000 Curitiba, Parana
Founded in 1982, this movement holds study groups and organizes seminars related to problems of health, sexuality and the reality of women. It also holds debates at universities, schools, mothers' groups and women's meetings. It works with middle-class and low-income women throughout the state of Parana. The movement produces the bimonthly periodical: "Maria Maria."
Nos Mulheres / RJ
(We Women / RJ)
Rua Marqueza dos Santos 10
20000 Laranjeiras, Rio de Janeiro, RJ.
Telephone: (021) 2056745
In conjunction with health professionals, this local organization creates work methodologies which develop the theme "each woman hearing, thinking, and acting." It conducts information sessions on the daily lives of different professions, and teaches techniques of group coordination. The group works mainly with middle-class women.
Nucleo de Saude da Mulher de Fortaleza
(Women's Health Nucleus of Fortaleza)
Rua Carlos Vasconcelos 575, Aldeota
60000 Fortaleza, CE.
Since last year, this local center has carried out workshops on education and consciousness raising on health and sexuality. It holds gynecological self-examination groups, natural childbirth groups, etc. In addition, it functions in health institutions. The group works with middle-income women.
Organizacao Autonoma das Mulheres
(Women's Autonomous Organization)
Rua Ribeiro de Lima 544, 1er andar
01000 Sao Paulo, SP.
Telephone: (011) 2287685
Since 1983, this organization has held study groups on health and sexuality. It supports popular movements. It works on a national level with women from the outlying districts of urban areas. In November 1984 it published an informative bulletin on the organization.
Programa Educacional Sexualidade com Prazer
(Sexuality with Pleasure Educational Program)
Rua Caio Prado 32 apto. 35
Sao Paulo, SP.
Founded 2 years ago, this program functions on a local level (suburbs, schools, communities, nurseries). It organizes study groups and courses on sexuality. It works with low-income women as well as middle and upper middle-class women. The group publishes the primer "Feminism and Women's Mental Health."
SOS Mulher
(SOS Woman)
Rua Goitacazes 14, sala 601
30000, Belo Horizonte, MG.
This is a local group which provides legal information, with a telephone information service. It conducts investigations on violence against women in Belo Horizonte. It plans to form study and information groups on sexuality, methods of contraception, family planning and assistance work in the fields of gynecological medicine and psychology.
Uniao das Mulheres Cearenses
(Union of Cearenses Women)
Av. da Universidade 2139, Benfica
60000 Fortaleza, CE.
Telephone: 1016
Founded in 1979, this union carries out debates on sexuality and campaigns for the legalization of abortion. It conducts a state-wide project focusing on legal issues and participates in demands to establish more nurseries. It works with middle-income and poor women. The group publishes the newspaper: "Tempo Mulher" ("Women's Times").