Dear Friends,
We are happy to announce that in 1987 Women in Action will appear four times instead of only twice. Women in Action is a channel for women around the world to share their experiences, ideas and information. With only two issues a year, we found that we could include only a very small part of the interesting information about what women and women's groups are doing in different countries. Four times a year still won't be enough, of course, to relate all of the exciting and stimulating experiences, resources available, events and news, but at least we will be able to include more.
The Isis International Women's Journal will be issued as a Book Series from 1987 onward. We will produce two books per year in collaboration with Third World women's groups. Books currently in preparation include Rural Women in Latin America; Women as Consumers: Victims and Activists in. the Marketplace; Women, Religion and Development; and Women and Popular Education.
Isis International Membership will thus bring you two books and four issues of Women in Action in 1987. (And at no extra cost!)
We would like to mention, especially for those of you who renewed your 1986 membership late m the year, that the membership is for a calendar year and goes from January to December of each year. Thus, no matter which month you send in or renew your membership, you receive all the publications for that year. This is unlike subscriptions to some publications which begin on the date you send in your subscription.
Finally, we want to apologize for the delay in sending out this issue of Women in Action which should have been sent out to you in December 1986. The good thing about it is that you still have four more issues to look forward to in 1987. So please renew your 1987 membership now!
There are other things to look forward to in 1987! Many of you have expressed interest in the Health Bulletin of the Latin American and Caribbean Women's Health Network. We are happy to tell you that this year it is going to appear in English as well as in Spanish. Produced in the Santiago, Chile office of Isis International, the Health Bulletin brings news and notices of activities and meetings being organized by women around issues of health, and about their publications and resources; information on health campaigns and calls for action, as well as shares experiences of women's health groups.
Isis International wishes you all a very good 1987 and a year rich in sharing ideas and experiences among women all around the world!