Isis-WICCE (Women's International Cross-Cultural Exchange)

Isis International has a sister organization, Isis-WICCE in Geneva, Switzerland. Both our organizations evolved from Isis, founded in 1974 and transformed into Isis International and Isis-WICCE in 1984.

Isis-WICCE is the Women's International Cross-Cultural Exchange. The organization runs a programme that is a "sharing and learning experience whose purpose is to provide an opportunity for women active in women's organizations and projects to spend time in another cultural context, with a group involved in similar work." Individuals from around the world, representing various types of women's organizations and activities, travel to other countries and remain three months with a "receiving group" which is similar to the organization of the visiting women. Before going to their receiving group, the participants in the exchange come together for a month long orientation course in Geneva.

The programme is focusing on the theme of communication in 1984.. In 1985 it will focus on health. Applications forms for sending and receiving groups are available from Isis-WICCE. Applications must be received before 31 December for the following year's programme.

The first Women's Cross Cultural Exchange Programme was carried out by ISIS in 1983: twelve women from Brazil, Hong Kong. India, Israel, Kenya, Mauritius, Philippines and Switzerland went to nine receiving groups. Reports of their experiences are found in the Isis Women's International Bulletin 29 and in Isis Boletin Internacional de las Mujeres 15-16. 30 Women's World, a quarterly publication of Isis-WICCE brings news and information about the programme, twice a year in the form of a newsletter, once as a dossier on the theme of the programme and once as a report on participants' experiences.

For more information write to Isis-WICCE,

P.O. Box 2471, 121 1 Geneva 2, Switzerland.

Isis International wishes Isis-WICCE much success in their programme.