coverWIA1989 2 

Editor: Niala Maharaj
Editorial Assistance: Charito Basa, Maria Eugenia Jelincic and Marilee Karl
Lay-out and Design: Charito Basa, Niala Maharaj and Albert van Oortmerssen
Direttrice Responsabile: Clara Romano
Printing: Tipografica "Leberit"
Copyright © Isis International
Aut. Trib. di Roma n. 295/87 del 20/5/87
Cover design by: Patrizia Bertolini, Chinandu Mwendapole

Success stories in women's communication strategies
by Kamla Bhasin
Women and children defeat Lima police
by Hubert Campfens
Female food traders show the way to Caribbean integration
by Niala Maharaj
Alarming legal developments continue in Pakistan
by Sahiba Sumar and Khalid Nadvi
Malaysians imprisoned for conscientisation of women 16
Legal battle over sex-tours in Norway 17
Upcoming conferences 20
Neighbourhood women do-it-together 21
Legal news 23
Behind the scenes in the nineteen-eightles 25
Stop viewing the media merely as the enemy 31
New resources 33