We want to introduce you to our new logo. This is how we will be known from 1984 on. WICCE is the Women's International Cross-Cultural Exchange — a learning and sharing experience —. representing not only the Programme you have read about in this Bulletin, but also a wider sharing of information through our network.
Women and Communication will be the focus of next years' Programme and Exchange. We use the word communication in its broadest sense, i.e. the dissemination of ideas, whether the means used are pamphlets, newspapers, theatre, film, video, broadcasting (radio. TV), posters, cartoons, etc.
Whether or not you are a participant in the Programme, you will still be able to benefit from the experiences through our documentation packets and publications. These will consist of the background papers and a collection of materials produced during the Programme and resources on the central theme. The quality of the exchange will be greatly enriched by your contribution : please send us any information you have on Women and Communication (addresses of groups, articles, studies, conferences papers, photograph.s. posters, bibliographies, etc.) in your region or country, so that we can share it not only with the participants and the women who will attend the Orientation Course, but also with all the Isis-WICCE members.
By sending us such information you will automatically become an Isis-WICCE member. If you do not have relevant information to share but are interested in being part of the Isis- WICCE network (hearing about the Programme and receiving the materials produced) you can do so by contributing USS 10 per year.
Isis-WICCE Collective
Rossana Cambi. Roxanne Claire. Jane Cottingham
Monika v.d. Meden. Valsa Verghese
C P . 2471
1211 Geneva 2