"Feminism", writes Robin Morgan, is "central to survival, evolution and transformation on this planet."* This in a way reflects what we have always felt at ISIS — the reason why we continue our work. The need for international communication among the women of the world, who are working and struggling for our survival and that of our planet, has never been more urgent and necessary.

This is also why this first issue of our 1983 ISIS Bulletin focuses on peace — women for peace. Peace is something which women have always intuitively strived for, even in moments of most dire rebellion. Official history is a chronicle of wars and bloody violence done by men to men and women. A womenoriented world could not tolerate such acts. The peace section of this bulletin examines the connection between patriarchy and war, and the need to overcome it through feminist theory and practice.

For the rest, we've changed ! Yes, after more than five years of the same format we felt the time had come. More than that, concentrating on one single theme each time has meant that many of the burning issues for women have been left aside. We receive literally tons of documentation every month, and we feel frustrated at not being able to communicate much more of it to you. Starting with this number, we will include articles on a wide variety of issues and there will be special rubrics on readers' letters, events, world news, spotlight on groups, the International Feminist Network, fiction/poetry, and of course, resources — interesting publications and books we have just received in at
ISIS. This is all in addition to our usual theme which is refashioned in a 12-page pull-but section. Please remember that we have extensive back-up documentation on the theme which we have compiled in the form of a Documentation Packet.

Please write to us with your comments, suggestions, information, ideas. The letters section is for you!