resources 26

Loaded Questions: Women in the Military Wendy Chapkis Institut for Policy Studies 1901 Q Street, NW Washington, DC 20009 - USA

Informal, analytical essays. Outstanding piece on strains in NATO. Other pieces on Israeli women as "soldiers". National Liberation struggles, harassment of women in the

'Aint no where we can run a handbook for women on nuclear mentality Susan Koen / Nina Swaim WAND, Box 421 Norwich, VT 05055 England

Feminlsme et Pacifisme Le Grief des Femmes, antologie Edition Hier et Demain 1978 par Maite Albistur / Daniel Arnogathe ISBN 2 7 206 0055 5

Frauen fiir den Frieden Editor Eva Quistorp Extrabuch 1 Rotlindstr. 45 H D-6000 Frankfurt 1

A reader (in German) for women (and men) who want to be active in the peace movement or want further information. Materials for peace education in schools, unions, women's groups, or any other group.

Document protest against the integration of women into the army and other war preparations, against the so-called emancipation of women in the army, a history of women
activities for peace and a feminist perspective. Examples of actions, street theater, peace marches, peace camps, tax refusal and peace weeks. Many addresses. A very useful guide.

My Country Is the Whole World

Anthology of women's work on peace and war. Compiled by the Cambridge Women's Peace Collective, will be printed in summer 1983 by Routledge and Kegan Paul. The book contains poems, stories, political writings, paintings, and songs made by women since the earliest times for peace and against war.

WONT c/o Esbeth Owen 79, Broadway Grantchester, Cambridge CBS 9NQ England

Feminism: The Hope for the Future American Friends Service Committee 2161 Massachusetts Avenue Boston, MA 02140 USA

Collection of writings on draft, militarism, NATO, and the political process.

Leah Halper/WILPF 1, rue Varembe v • CH-1211 Geneve 20

Leah Halper has compiled a bibliography (women authors) on disarmament, peace, and other connected questions. Very useful.

Women and Men's Wars Women's Studies International Forum Special Issue No 3/4 1982 Pergamon Press Headington Hill Hall Oxford, 0X3 OBW England

Was geht uns Frauen der Krieg an? Christa Randzio-Plath Reinbek 1982, rororo aktueli 5021 Germany

Reweaving the Web of Life Feminism and nonviolence Pam McAllister, Co. New Society Publishers 1982 4772 Baltimore Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19143 USA

An anthology written by feminists which gives the experience and expressions of women as a process for change to a nonviolent world. "Voices expressing both defiance and nononsense goodwill, hiss-scream-sing from this anthology." A great variety of writings from black and white women and two men about patriarchy, Gandhi, sexism, militarism, anti-racism, and nonviolence all over the world.

Disarmament and Masculinity John Stoltenberg 1978 'Frog in the Well' Palo Alto, California USA

Reclaiming the Earth Stephanie Leiend / Leonie Caldicott 1983 2 St. Edmunds Cottages Bove Town, Glastonbury Sommerset, England

Im Hause des Menschenfressers Dorothee Solle "  rororo aktuell 4848 

Text and poems for consciousness-raising for peace, to learn civil disobedience. Dorothee Solle is professor at the Union
Theological Seminary in N.Y. and has a mostly feminist perspective.

resources 2 26

Feminism and Nonviolence Newsletter 168 Hamilton Road Manchester 13 ENGLAND 

The papers of the Women and Militarism Conference, even though they date from August of 1980, are still a very useful source for peace work and thoughts. The topics include: education for peace — linking peace with sex role stereotyping; women's resistance to military service; NATO and disarmament; the military and women; women and anti-militarism; international actions; education and socialisation; and women and the future.

"Radioactive Paradise" Broadsheet (April 1982) P.O. Box 5799 Auckland NEW ZEALAND

Since 1946, over 180 atomic and hydrogen bombs have been detonated in the Pacific region by the United States, Britain and France, 66 of which were in the Marshall Islands. The article documents the resulting health problems (the effects of radiation), the callous indifference of those countries responsible, and the struggles of the Marshallese and other Pacific peoples. "While the Western world is preparing for the possibility of nuclear war, people in the Pacific are already dying from it." A n important resource.

So kann es nicht weitergehen Nachdenken iiber den Unfrieden — Mutmachen zum Aufbruch Ein Arbeitsdossier von Frauen fiJr KAGAS c/o ChristI, Friedensdienst Leonhardstr, 19 V CH -8001 Zurich SWITZERLAND

This dossier (It can't go on like this) was put together by a group of Swiss women who separated from a mixed group because they felt that they would be able to work better in working only with women and women's knowledge and experiences. Consisting of different articles, the dossier is in the form of papers which can be taken out for work. It gives ideas about how to put uncomfortable feelings into action, about our fears and how to learn to see connections between patriarchy and militarism, and how to prepare peace work for the future. Very useful publication. In German.

Peace and War Women Vol 8 No. 1 3038 Greenmount Ave. Baltimore MD 21218 . USA

The entire issue is devoted to militarism and radical feminism, women and war in literature, the Women's Pentagon Action, tax refusal, women in the military, thoughts on
pacifism, and making the draft a women's issue. The resources at the end give a good overview. If you want to take action in refusing to pay taxes (the source of funds for
arms), you will find a very informative article "Peaceful Wymyn ain't gonna pay for war no morel" with helpful addresses for further information and action.