Profiles in Female Poverty Leela Gulati Hindustan Publishing Corporation Delhi 110007, India. 1981.

Leela Gulati has put together life histories of five working women drawn from the lowest income groups in Kerala, a poor and densely populated state In South India. The range of occupations covered includes an agricultural labourer, a brick worker, a fish vendor, a construction worker, and a coir worker. All the profiles are drawn as a result of extensive interviews not only with the five women, but also with their families and communities. The clear and even tone of the book makes it easy to read, despite the depressing title. We are so caught up in the women's lives that we have to admire them for their incredible strength and endurance. Emphasis throughout, however, remains
on the women's work and dally routine. There Is little about how they really Interact with their community, how the community's support system works (or not) when their children are born and little, how they cope when they're sick or how they really feel. Nonetheless, a fascinating and important book.

Seeking for publication In an antfiology material of all kinds by women on tfie prison experience. Tfils Includes the writings of women currently Incarcerated allegedly for a "crime", the writings from women who have chosen to go to prison at some time as an expression of their outrage, and the writings of the healing time after we "get out". If we indeed have. This material can be anything you have to offer: journal excerpts, poetry, essays, letters, drawings, thoughts. Anything which expresses for you your experience in prison. Send materials and a brief autobrlographical note to Prison Writings, c/o IWIaggie Mc- Kenna, 332 So. Silver Lane, Sunderland IVIA 01375 USA.

The West Virginia University Council for Women's Concerns, the West Virginia University Women's Studies Programme, and the Northcentral Women's Studies Association are co-sponsoring a three-day Interdisciplinary conference on September 30, October 1 and 2, 1982, entitled FOCUS ON WOMEN'S HEALTH:TAKING CARE AND TAKING CHARGE. The conference will be held at the West Virginia University Mountainlair, Morgantown, West Virginia, USA. For registration and programme information, contact Lauralee Sherwood, Dept. of Physiology, West Virginia University, 3049 Basic Sciences BIdg., Morgantown, West Virginia 26506 USA. Phone (304) 293-4991.



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