Resources for Feminist Research (RFR) / Documentation sur la recherche fiministe Vol. X No. 1 (March 1981) Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
252 Bloor Street West Toronto, Ont. Canada M5S IV6. 
The discussion forum section of this excellent publication is devoted to "women in resistance and revolutionary movements in Latin America." Reproducing documents from
Chile, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Latin American women in Canada, the section gives a good sense of the concerns of women in liberation struggles in Latin America, and the differences with women in Canada / North America. Resources for Feminist Research is a quarterly journal listing extensive annotated resources on all aspects of the women's movement internationally.
Sandino's Daughters : Testimonies of Nicaraguan Women in Struggle by Margaret Randall New Star Press 2504 York Avenue Vancouver D.C. Canada. 1981. $6.50. 
A collection of personal testimonies of a large number of women who were active in the struggle In Nicaragua, from many in-depth interviews which the author carried out.
Material on the women commandos, women in the Nicaraguan Women's Association, and the stories of many less well-known figures are included. (From RFR above).
Nicaraguan Women and the Revolution Women's International Resource Exchange 2700 Broadway, Rm. 7 New York NY 10025 USA. 1980. 
This is a packet of resource materials including reprints, poetry, and translations, which is available in English or Spanish (Las mujeres nicaraguenses y la revolucion). A good resource.
FEM Av. Mexico 76-1 Col. Progreso Tizipan Mexico 20, D.F. 
Entitled "America Latina: La Mujer en la Lucha I y II",  numbers 12 and 13 of volume III of this feminist publication are dedicated to women in struggle in Latin America. Number 12 discusses the situation in the Southern Cone and number 13 that in Central America, the Caribbean and Colombia. Price: 240 pesos.
AMNLAE - Asociaci6n de Mujeres Nicaraguenses Luisa Amanda Espinosa Casa de la Mujer Apartado Aereo 238 Managua Nicaragua.
The Nicaraguan Women's Organisation actively involved in organising and mobilising women on women's rights and the reconstruction of the country. They produce a monthly newspaper. La Voz de la Mujer. 
La Voz de la Mujer Asociacion de Mujeres Nicaraguenses Luisa Amanda Espinoza De la entrada de Reparto San Juan 2 1/2 C. A l Sur, Nicaragua 
This monthly magazine of the Nicaraguan Women's Association deals with many of the major issues facing women in the new Nicaragua. It is written in a simple, popular style and illustrated with many cartoon-type drawings. Regular sections include 'Tribuna Popular" with letters from the readers; "Por la salud de nuestros hijos consolidemos la revolucion" with simple illustrated explanations on breastfeeding, nutrition, etc.; "Asi avanzamos" with notices and information about meetings, courses, etc,; and " Y tambien aprendemos a leer" which explains the meaning of words such as people's participation, counter-revolution, etc 
Femmes au Nicaragua Collectif Femmes Nicaragua c/o Yanne Marette 47, rue Blanche 75009 Paris France. 1980. 
This 46-page brochure is one of the most comprehensive works available on women in Nicaragua. It is a collection of articles based on interviews and first-hand accounts, detailing the situation (historical and present) of women in Nicaragua, the organisation and work of AMPRONAC, the role of women in the armed struggle, women after the victory, and an interview with Gloria Carrion of AMNLAE. 
Mujeres en Armas: El Caso de Nicaragua f i lm by Victoria Schultz 16 mm., color, 59 minutes, in English or Spanish Hudson River Productions 1897 Hamilton Avenue
Palo Alto, California 94301, USA 
This documentary film examines the role of Nicaraguan women both in the struggle against the dictator Somoza and in the reconstruction of the society, looking at a variety of themes from the family to the organization of the people, to the Sandinista People's Army. It shows the struggle against oppression, underdevelopment and machismo as important problems facing both men and women 
"Victory was like a Dream for us"  Spare Rib No. 105 (April 1981) 27 Clerkenwell Close London EC1R OAT UK. 
A 4-page article based on interviews with Nicaraguan women in February 1980, demonstrating how Nicaraguan women feel equal to men but continue to fight for women's rights on such issues as domestic labour and child care. 
Women in the Struggle for Liberation in El Salvador El Salvador Solidarity Campaign 29 Islington Park Street London N.I. UK. 1980.
Three-page article based on an interview with a refugee woman teacher from El Salvador. Gives a description of the economic and political situation in El Salvador and the current liberation struggle against the ruling oligarchy and USA aid and intervention. Also describes women's situation and participation in the armed struggle — estimated at 40 per cent. Contains some testimonies on the brutal killings, mutilations, and rapes which the National Guard and paramilitary groups are perpetrating on the peasantry. Ends with a statement of the BPR (Popular Revolutionary Bloc) on the role of women in the revolution, emphasizing the class struggle as the major fight.
"Hoy : las mujeres en El Salvador" Mujer y Sociedad No. 2 (1980) lea 441 - A-of. 401, Lima Peru. 
Article based on an interview with Olga Ruiz, delegate of the Revolutionary Democratic Front of El Salvador. Covers questions of the equality of women in the struggle, the Association of women of El Salvador, specific problems of women. Points out that abortion and sexual freedom are not burning issues at present : "women cannot speak of peace or of equality with men until they first participate in the struggle to eradicate misery, exploitation, hunger and oppression in our country."
Women's International Resource Exchange (WIRE Service) 2700 Broadway, Rm 7 New York NY 10025 USA. 
This group is currently preparing a resource kit on Women in El Salvador. It will be in Spanish and English.

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Latin America
"Latin American Women: One Myth, Many Realities" 
Nacia Report on the Amflricas vol. XIV, N. 5, Sept-Oct. 1980 151 West 19th St. New York, New York 10011, USA 
Examining the situation of women in Latin America, this special issue of NacIa gives an excellent analysis of both the myth surrounding the Latin American woman and the many real situations faced by women in Latin America today. Special attention is given to the exploitation of women workers in the multinational industries. The article "Women Challenge the Myth" gives an interesting overview of the various women's movements and ways which Latin American women are organizing themselves against oppression. Price: 2.50 dollars.
"La Mujer PortorriquefSa: Independencia y Liberacion" Yolanda Gomez CELADEC Servicio Documental, No. 7, November 1979 General Garzon 2267, Jesus Mari'a
Lima 11, Peru 
In this issue, the liberation of Portorican women is seen as an integral part of the independence struggle of Puerto Rico from the United States. A key example given is that of Lolita Lebron, imprisoned for 21 years in the United States for her active role in the liberation struggle.
La mujer cubana en el que hacer de la historia Laurette Sejourn^ SigloXXI Editores Cerro del agua 248, Apdo 20626 Mexico 20 D.F. 
In the book, the voices of a wide variety of women are used to recount the history of the Cuban revolution and of women's struggle until the present. The book focuses on social movements such as the literacy campaigns, agrarian reform and the Federation of Cuban Women.
Testimonio: Roles y contradicciones de la mujer militante en la resistenda y en el exilio Gladys Diaz Wire Service Rm 7, 2700 Broadway New York, New York 10026, USA 
A report from the International Conference on Exile and Solidarity in Latin America in the 1970s, held in Venezuela, in October 1979, this discusses the contradictions faced by women active in the resistence and in exile. The activist women are described as doubly oppressed. Available in English or Spanish. Price: 1 dollar
Frauen im Befreiungskampf G.Wellmer (ed.) Informationsstelle Sudliches Afrika Bliicherstrasse 14 D-5300 Bonn 1 Federal Republic of Germany. 1979.
Covering South Africa, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Mozambique, Angola and Guinea-Bissau and the Cape Verde Islands, this is a collection of documents concerning women in struggle in these countries. Although the book itself is published in 1979, the source are often from 1976 or 1977 which means the information is outdated, but nonetheless important as a "historical" collection. Reproduces, for instance, the documents and resolutions from the second conference of the Organisation of Mozambican women in 1976.
"The Liberation of Women is a Fundamental Necessity for the Revolution", Samora Machel Mozambique : Sowing the Seeds of Revolution Magic, 12-13 Little Newport Street London WCH 7JJ UK. 1977. 
This is the opening speech given by FRELIMO President to the first conference of the Organization of Mozambican Women. Important analysis of the role and problems confronting women in the revolutionary process. (From Resources for Feminist Research, Canada). 
Les femmes mozambicaines Centre d'information sur le Mozambique Librairie L'Harmattan 18, rue des Quatre-Vents F-75006 Paris France. 1976. 
Subtitled "Textes de la 2eme conference de I'Organisation de la femme mozambicaine", this is the French version of the entire documentation from the second conference of the Organization of Mozambican Women held in Maputo, 1976. It includes the address by President Samora Machel and resolutions on a whole range of social problems from prostitution and alcoholism to polygamy and abortion. 
"Women in Mozambique" Newsfront International (Aug. 1980) People's Translation Service 4228 Telegraph Avenue Oakland, CA 94609 USA. 
An interview with Anabella Rodrigues of FRELIMO (Mozambican Liberation Front) by Candice Wright of Liberation Support Movement (USA). Explains the work of the  Organisation of Mozambican Women (OMM) in literacy, employment, skilled agricultural work. Also describes how hard it is to eradicate old traditions such as polygamy and lobolo (dowry paid by husband), and discusses the new family law. Shows how in many rural areas which were liberated early in the armed struggle, women lead in collective production, but that men are often slow to accept this.
"Against Two Foes" Stephanie Urdang New Internationalist No. 56 (Oct 1977) 62a High Street Wallington, Oxon OX10 OEE UK. 
Through a description of the life of one woman, this article gives a picture of the profound change taking place in women's situation through the struggle for independence and reconstruction in Guinea Bissau.
Fighting Two Colonialisms: Women in Guinea Bissau Stephanie Urdang Monthly Review Press Department 13 62 West 14 St. New York, New York 10011, USA 
The Partido Africano da Independencia da Guin6 e Cabo Verde (PAIGC), which led the Guinean people in a successful guerrilla war to overthrow the Portuguese colonialists, did not view the armed struggle as an end in itself. Rather, it was one aspect of their goal, which was to establish a totally new society. Another aspect was the emancipation of women from their dual oppression by colonialism and by patriarchy. This book is an examination of the achievements of the PAIGC since 1974, based on a study of conditions before and after independence. Its conclusions emerge most strongly from interviews with leaders as well as with many of the women and men in the city and in the countryside. 1979, 288 pages. PriceU.S. $ 15.
"Namibia" Spare Rib No. 83 (June 1979) 27 Clerkenwell Close London EC1R OAT UK. 
Article based on an interview with Maria Ford of the SWAPO Women's Council, outlining the history of the struggle in Namibia, and painting a harsh picture of colonial oppression as experienced by women in Namibia. Maintains that the entry of women into the armed struggle has had a major impact on the consciousness of both sexes, and emphasizes the need for double struggle — against colonialism and against "wrong values and beliefs" of which the women's question is one

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Women's Liberation in the Zimbabwean Revolution John Brown Club Box 14433 San Francisco, California 94114, USA 
This pamphlet of material from the ZANU Women's Seminar, held in Maputo, Mozambique in May 1979, includes a speech given at the United Nations by Naomi Nhiwativa, present member of Parliament in Zimbabwe, and the opening speech of the seminar given by Robert Mugabe. Price: US $ 1.
Eritrean Women in Struggle National Union of Eritrean Women (NUEW) Via Firenze 15, i n t 3 Rome, Italy
Illustrated with many excellent photographs, this magazine is a testimony of the work and achievements of Eritrean women in the armed struggle and mass organizations of the Eritrean People's Liberation Front (EPLF).
Women and Revolution in Eritrea National Union of Eritrean Women (NUEW) Via Firenze 15, int. 3 Rome, Italy  

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This 28-page booklet gives a brief history of the struggle of the Eritrean people and the special role played by women in this struggle, the evolution of women's participation, their achievements and their program. 1980.
Women in Iran : the part they played in the Revolution Iranian Women's Group 45 North Street London SW4, UK. (1979)
Although somewhat dated since it refers to events taking place prior to and immediately after the Shah's overthrow, this pamphlet offers some background information on women's situation in Iran and their participation in the struggle against the Shah. Also explains the return to the chador, its traditional meaning and its present political implications.
"Revolutionary Rape of Iranian Women" Big Mama Rag V o l . 8 No. 2 (March 1980) 1724 Gay lor Street Denver, CO 80206 USA. 
A fairly theoretical article examining why women are needed to participate in liberation struggles, and yet how historically they have consistently been downgraded again after the struggle is won. The particular case of Iran is examined, showing how the Koran has always been and is still used as a tool for oppressing women. Argues that women do themselves injustice in supporting causes which are male-headed and male-articulated, concluding, " it is no longer reasonable for women to support the interests of men as their primary cause. The primary cause is justice, and there are few people in greater need than women."
"Daf na et Nadia, m6me combat" 
"Dafna et Nadia, mime combat" CHOISIR No. 49 (Sept / Oct 1980) 102, rue St. Dominique F-75007 Paris France.
Article showing that Palestinian women are still confronted with the conflicting notions that they can be soldiers on the one hand, but are exorted to be traditional wives and mothers at the same time.
"The Palestinian Woman" Third World No. 6(1981) Apartado 20-572 Mexico 20 D.F. 
A two-page interview with May Sayeh, writer and poet and vice-president of the General Union of Palestinian Women, showing that although women are an important part of the
Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO), they are still  tremendously constrained by Arab men's mentality which has not changed. Palestinian women are not supposed to take
decisions and thus have little opportunity to realise their potential. May Sayeh points out how important the Women's Union is for political consciousness raising for women.
The Arab Palestinian Woman: Reality and Impediments May Sayegh  General Union of Palestinian Women 
This 53-page booklet deals with the questions of the liberation of women and ending discrimination against them in the context of the Palestinian struggle. While strongly affirming that
the liberation of Palestinian women is linked to the struggle of all the exploited classes and to the Palestinian struggle in particular, the author stresses the need for a strong organized
women's movement within the struggle. She points out the discrimination still existing within the struggle and the failure to implement seriously resolutions to promote women's
rights and equality within the P.L.O. and society. 
Filipino Women In the National Liberation Struggle Philippines Research Center Box 101 Mansfield, Connecticut 06251, USA 
Briefly summarizing the history of women's participation in the present liberation struggle, this 11-page mimeographed article also presents an early paper, dated 1974, from the
liberation movement entitled "On the Relation of the Sexes" with guidelines on sex, love, marriage and divorce.
No Time for Crying: Stories of Filipino Women Alison Wynne Resource Center for Philippine Concerns P.O. Box 2784 Kowloon, Hong Kong 
This very moving and beautifully illustrated book recounts the stories of Filipino women in struggle against an unjust political and economic system and shows the particular oppression
of women. The women speaking are workers in the multinational textile and electronics industries, on the sugar cane and banana plantations, in the sex-tourism industry. They belong to the tribal minorities whose existence is threatened by giant hydro-electric projects financed by the World Bank. They are teachers, health workers, squatters, nuns. They are also guerrillas, members of the New People's Army. Taken together, these stories give a good picture of how women in the Philippines are organizing and struggling to change their situation. December 1979. Price: US $ 2.50, add $ 2 for airmail
Also available in German, Italian and Dutch. German edition available form Agphi, Uhlandstrasse 9, 5444 Polch, Germany. 
Italian edition available from Kasama, CP. 1059, Florence 7, Italy. Price: 5000 lire.
Dutch edition available from Filippijnengroep, van Lidth de Jeudestraat 26, 3581 Utrecht, Netherlands.
Nelia Sancho: A Beauty Queen and the Filipino People's National Democratic Struggle Kasama B.M. Box 756 London WC IV6XX, England 
The story of a former Filipino beauty queen turned guerrilla is told in a 20-page pamphlet. It recounts her life from her childhood days in a Manila slum to her life as a model in
Philippine high society, her awakening consciousness as a student at the University of the Philippines and her activities n the national democratic struggle and against the oppressive
Marcos regime. Price: 20 pence.

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Women and Liberation New Voices from the Third World Miranda Davies (ed) Zed Press 57 Caledonian Road London N1 9DN, UK. 1982. JC16.95.
This book will be a collection of "women's voices" from national liberation movements around the world. To appear in 1982. Zed Press publishes other books on women and the Third World such as Slaves of Slaves : The Challenge of Latin American Women, by the Latin American and Caribbean Women's Collective, and African Women : their Struggle for Economic Independence, by Christine Obbo. Write them for catalogue
Scarlet Women No. 12 5 Washington Terrace North Shield, Tyne and Wear UK. 
Centering on the theme "Women's oppression under imperialism", this issue of Scarlet Women brings together a collection of articles covering India, Britain, Iran, Egypt, Eritrea, Algeria, El Salvador and Chile. A common theme of oppression under the combination of patriarchy and capitalism is evident, as is the continuing need for women to organise for their rights even "after the revolution". Scarlet Women is a socialist feminist journal appearing three times a year, price £2. It is highly recommended. See also Scarlet Women No. 11 which deals with women in Irelan
Women in Struggle Box 50 Rising Free Bookshop 182 Upper Street London N1 UK. 
An excellent collection of articles put together by the Poster Film Collective based on a three week event in 1978. All the contributions come from women or women's groups which organise independently but at the same time situate themselves firmly within the context of the broader struggle for people's liberation. Articles from : Zimbabwe, South Africa, Eritrea, Latin America, Chile, The Philippines, China, Malaysia, Ireland and India. No price or date given
Femmes Haitiennes RAFA B.P. 54, Succursale Rosemont Montreal, P.O. Canada. 1976. $2. 
RAFA is an organisation of Haitian women in Montreal and this 24-page booklet presents the report of the Haitian delegation to the International Women's Year Congress in 1975.It gives a brief history of the Island, general economic conditions, and then specific areas touching women such as education, health, law; finally a description of Haitian women in
struggle and a bibliography.