Boletim Informapao, Documentapao das Mulheres Rua Filipe da Mata 115A 11600 Lisbon Portugal Telephone: 760102
A publication of the women's information and documentation center, this 12 page bulletin gives news and information about the center and the collection of books and publications available there. It also gives news about feminist groups and activities in Portugal and elsewhere. In addition to the documentation center, the group is undertaking studies and offering space for feminist groups to meet.
Das Mulheres Grupo de Mulheres da AAC Assocapao Academica de Coimbra Rua Padre Antonio Viera 3000 Coimbra Portugal
Feminist publication produced by a group of university women in Coimbra.
Editora das Mulheres Rua da Conceipao 17,4 Lisbon Portugal