An excellent review of the feminist press today in France is given by Liliane Kandel in her article "Journaux en mouvement: la presse feministe aujourd'hui" in Questions Feministes, February 1980 (see below for details). The article was originally published in Penelope, No. 1 June 1979, where there is also an annexe listing feminist journals and newspapers which have appeared in France since 1971. The first contemporary French feminist journal was Le Torchon Brule published from 1971-1973.
Antoinette 50 Rue Edouard-Pailleron F-75019 Paris France
Monthly. Annual subscription 66FF, abroad 77FF.
Women's magazine of the Confederation General du Travail (C.G.T.) bringing together articles on e.g. abortion, laws affecting women, women in the unions, social security, as well as film and book reviews and practical articles on do-it-yourself, vaccination, cooking etc.
B.LE.F. — Bulletin d'lnformation des Etudes Feminines c/o D. Armogathe, CEFUP 9 Bd. Pages F-13009 Marseilles France
Quarterly. Annual subscription 40FF.
This bulletin on women's studies acts as a liaison between feminist researchers. Produced jointly by the Centre Lyonnais d'Etudes Feminines (CLEF) and the Centre d'Etudes Feminines de rUniversite de Provences (CEFUP), the BIEF contains reports on courses, workshops, current research, bibliographies, manuscripts etc.
Les Cahiers du Feminlsme Editions la Breche 99 rue de I'Quest F -75015 Paris France
Published by the Ligue Communiste Revolutionnaire (revolutionary communist league) since November 1977, this monthly journal contains articles and dossiers on, for instance, women in the Nicaraguan revolution, abortion and contraception in France, women's struggles at the workplace, and a cultural section
CEFRES Newsletter 55 rue de Varenne F - 75007 Paris France Telephone: 548 95 48
Quarterly. Annual subscription 60FF. French and English editions.
Four-page newsletter of the Centre Europeen F^minin de Recherche sur I'Evolution de la Societe (European Women's Centre for Studies in a Changing Society), giving news of conferences and events concerning women especially at European Parliament and United Nations levels. Book reviews and usually one article from e.g. the Director of the International Labour Office, or the International President of the European Movement.
Choisir F - 75007 Paris France
Monthly. Annual subscription France 50FF, elsewhere 60FF. Membership in the Association of Choisir, France 130FF minimum, elsewhere 150FF minimum, sustaining fee 200- 500FF
This is the monthly magazine of the Association of "Choisir" which was set up in 1971 to campaign for the legalization of abortion, free contraception and better sex education. The magazine carries news of "Choisir" campaigns in France, and some articles on women elsewhere. The Association gives legal, medical and counselling assistance throughout France. Some of their aims are now described as "Pour le droit des femmes a disposer de leur corps et choisir leur maternite; pour I'insertion des femmes a part entiere dans la vie economique et sociale; pour la destruction des cliches traditionnels et ['affirmation de la veritable identite de la femme".
Desormais B.P. 23 and 115 rue de la Reunion F-91610 Crosne F - 75020 Paris France France
Monthly. Subscription (12 numbers) 100FF, single issue 10FF.
Published by a groups of lesbian feminists since June 1979, this newspaper concentrates on the struggles of homosexuals with a view to overcoming ignorance about the subject. Articles often cover the repression of homosexuality at work, legal aspects, stories, poems, etc.
Difference 43 rue Gatien Arnoult F - 31000 Toulouse France
Local newspaper produced by the women of Toulouse, and appearing every two months.
Elles voient rouge c/o Peggy Ines Sultan 8 rue Brezin F -75014 Paris France
Irregular. No. 0 (May 1979) 6FF, No. 1 (Oct. 1979) 7FF, No. 2(Jan. 1980)8FF.
Journal produced by the feminists of the Parti Communiste Franpais. Frequently takes a critical stance towards the party, and examines, for instance, the way the Left deals with the issue of abortion or the feminist movement in general, (problems of cooptation). Also carries articles on women in other countries, e.g. Spanish migrant women working in Switzerland (No. 3).
F Magazine 26 rue Poncelet Subscriptions to: F - 75017 Paris 31 cours des Juilliotes France F - 94704 Maison-Alfort CEDEX Monthly. Annual subscription 92FF +20FF (postage surface), or 130FF (airmail).
A glossy magazine in the style of traditional women's magazines, but reporting on women's professional, political and personal lives. Gives practical articles on, e.g. car maintenance, legal aid.
Femmes de Marie Claire Place de la Concorde 11 bis rue Boissy d'Anglais F - 75008 Paris France
An eight-page insert of feminist news in a popular women's monthly glossy magazine. Deals with one issue each time, such as prostitution, maternity laws, rape, images of women in the media. Femmes
Femmes Algeriennes en Lutte c/o G.E.A. 88 rue del'Quest F -75014 Paris
Published irregularly by a group of Algerian women living in Paris since January 1978.
Des Femmes en Mouvements Hebdo 70 rue des Saint-Peres F - 75006 Paris France Telephone: 22 02 08
Weekly. Single issues 7FF, Subscription 3 months 75FF (airmail 100FF), six months 150FF (200FF), one year 300FF (400FF).
Magazine produced by the group called "Psychanalyse et Politique" (psychoanalysis and politics) who classify themselves as "for women" but "anti-feminist". The magazine, which replaces a monthly published from January to December 1978, always includes a weekly calendar of events in France, international articles and news, fiction, and an abundance of photographs. In February 1980 the entire magazine was given over to reproducing the first feminist journal from the USSR - "Almanach" - which has since been banned in the USSR (It is important to note that in November 1979 the group registered themselves officially as the "Mouvement de Liberation
des Femmes" (women's liberation movement), an unprecedented step which has enraged women from all over France.)
Femmes Informations CODIF 81 rue Senac F -13001 Marseille France
Bulletin of the Centre d'Orientation, de Documentation et d'Information feminin (Centre for women's documentation and information) put out by women from Marseille every two months.
Herejias c/o Librairie Carabosse 58 rue de la Roquette F -75011 Paris France
Irregular Spanish-language newspaper produced by a group of Latin American women (first number May 1979). Includes articles on abortion, the repression of women in Argentina, the autonomous women's movement in Latin America, poems, etc.
HIstoires d'Elles 7 rue Maillet F - 75006 Paris France
Monthly. Temporarily suspended (May 1980), but back numbers still available, Nos. 1-11 5FF, Nos12-22 6 F F , per copy.
Started in March 1977 by an autonomous group of feminist, this newspaper brings together non-theoretical articles on a gamut of subjects: war, the new right, sexual violence, women working in banks, sexism in the media, women's communes, etc. Also a list of feminist events in France.
"Seize structure. Correspond with the real. Fuse spirit and matter. Know your own secrets.''
- Muriel Rukeyser
Jamais Contentes! c/o Librairie Carabosse 58 rue de la Roquette F - 75011 Paris France
An irregular journal produced by an autonomous women's group particularly concerned with wages for housework. Also has articles on the exploitation of women workers (e.g. nurses).
La Lune Rousse Maison des Femmes 19 rue des Couteliers F -31000 Toulouse France
Monthly. 5FF per issue.
The journal of the women's centre in Toulouse, used to express reflections, and both collective and individual analyses of "things of the world" ("choses de ce monde") as well as things happening at the centre. They see these closely linked. The women's centre was created in 1976 by women of the Mouvement de Liberation des Femmes as a living space, as well as providing space for study groups, a film club a workshop for screen and wood printing, and a photo and video laboratory.
Marle-Colere Maison des Femmes Impasse du Four 44 rue St. Laurent F - 38000 Grenoble France
Monthly. 5FF per issue.
Contains a calendar of events at the women's centre and in the area of Grenoble, several articles on e.g. abortion, doctors, part-time work, rape, childbirth, and poems, stories, graphics.
Les MQres prennent la parole 29 Quai Bourbon F - 75004 Paris France
An irregular journal published by a group of "older" feminists, dealing with questions of discrimination at work, in social life, and with menopause.
Parole! c/o Editions Tierce 1 rue des Fosses Saint-Jacques F - 75005 Paris France Telephone: 329 83 07.
Irregular review produced by women from the Mouvement de Liberation des Femmes, as a means of expressing ideas and analyses about the movement. The first issue called 'Terrorifieesl?" (terrified!?) deals especially with the fear of violence against women.
Penelope c/o Centre de Recherches Historiques 54 Bd. Raspail, F - 75006 Paris France
Journal produced by a group of women, mainly historians, to provide a forum for discussion on the history of women and on the question of "women" in history generally. Each issue has a theme: No. 1 (June 1979) was entitled "Les femmes et la presse" (women and the press), and future themes will be : women and education, women's creation, women alone, women and science.
Penelope 18 bis rue Chatillon F -35031 Rennes France
A mimeographed paper published by women in prison in Rennes, to break their isolation and create the possibility of exchanging ideas. The first number appeared in 1979, and it is planned topublish every two months.
Quand les Femmes s'Alment 13 rue Puits Gaillot F -69001 Lyon France
Every two months. 10FF per copy.
Journal of the group of lesbian women at the Lyon women's centre, giving news and views of the group, as well as articles about e.g. wanting and living with children, lesbian history
Questions Feminlstes c/o Editions Tierce 1 rue des Fosses Saint Jacques F - 75005 Paris France
Quarterly. 25FF per issue. English summaries of all articles.
Started in November 1977, this is a theoretical journal of research and reflection on feminism and on the patriarchal society from a radical feminist point of view. No. 7 (February 1980) contains a very comprehensive view of the French feminist press today, including an analysis of "Des femmes en mouvements" (see above), articles on sexuality and feminism, sexism and racism, and documents on the repression of feminism (Rouen, France, and the USSR).
Remue-Menage c/o Nicole Canto 20 rue de Hauteville F -75010 Paris France
Monthly. 7FF per issue. Subscription: France one year 60FF/ 6 months 30FF; elsewhere one year 85FF/6 months 45FF.
Published by a group of autonomous feminists, this journal has a substantial "dossier" each time on a specific issue, e.g. abortion, menopause, domestic workers, and carries articles on women abroad - Nicaragua, Argentina, Spain, Italy. Also has factual information on legal issues, health, current events in France
La Revue d'En Face c/o Editions Tierce 1 rue des Fosses Saint Jacques F - 75005 Paris France
Quarterly. Nos. 4,5 & 6 16FF, No. 7 onwards 18FF.
Started in May 1977, this is a journal of feminist politics, with a number of specific sections each time: women's history, women's work, women's emotions, current issues in the women's movement (abortion, motherhood, unions, divorce), an international section.
Sorcieres c/o Editions Stock 1 rue de I'Ancienne Comedie F - 75006 Paris France
Three times a year. Subscription (3 numbers) 100FF for France, 140FF elsewhere.
First published in January 1976, this is a literary journal which frequently uses personal accounts on subjects such as pregnancy, prisoners, women's writing, women's art, space, smell, movement, desire, death.
Le Temps des Femmes c/o M. Zaiesrtyen 22-24 rue de Belleville F - 75020 Paris France
A monthly publication by an autonomous feminist group, started in March 1979. Contains articles on the women's movement in France, women internationally and women in politics.
Visuelles c/o la Petite Ecurie 5 rue Guittard F - 94500 Champigny France
Journal on "women and images". First number September 1979
Bibliotheque Marguerite Durand 21 Place du Pantheon F - 75005 Paris France
A feminist library endowed by pre-world War I feminist and journalist Marguerite Durand. It provides access to most scholarly publications, some theses, and has an extensive collection of international journals on the women's movement. It is located on the top floor of the fifth arrondissement's city hall.
Centre de Documentation feminists 50 rue de I'Quest Paris 146 France Telephone: 327-97-35 Open: Saturday 15.00-19.00. Annual membership 50FF (individual), 100FF (sustaining), 150FF (groups).
A feminist documentation centre which has an impressive collection of all the feminist newspapers, journals, videotapes, films, posters, etc. produced by women in France. Also makes a regular review of the national media, and collects clippings about women and feminism. Publishes a quarterly Bulletin listing its holdings under subject matter and reproducing some press clippings. An important source of additional information on the feminist press in France.
Librairie "des femmes" 68 rue des Saints-Peres 75007 Paris France Telephone: 222 02 08
Run by the group "Psychanalyse et Politique" (see "Des Femmes en Mouvements Hebdo") who also has a publishing house. The bookshop stocks all their own books, and various feminist and women's journals and periodicals.
Librairie "des femmes" 2 Place des Celestins F - 69002 Lyon France Part of the same group as above.
Librairie "des femmes" 32 rue Pavilion F -13001 Marseille France
Part of the same group as above
Agence femmes information 104 Bd. St. Germain F - 75006 Paris France Telephone: 236 36 33 or 233 43 71. Open: Friday & Saturday 13.00-21.00.
A women's documentation centre and telephone information service, begun in 1979. One of the principal aims is to "faire de I'information en action" (make action out of information) and to set up a women's press agency based on an information network throughout France and correspondents abroad.
Librairie Carabosses 58 rue de la Roquette F - 75011 Paris France Telephone: 700 13 06. Open: Tue-Fri. 12.00-20.00. Sat. 10.00-20.00.
Books and journals, as well as a catalogue of women's groups throughout France and in other countries; documentation on the entire French feminist press. Also an all-women's cafe restaurant "Cafe de Femme Barcarosses".
Editions "des femmes" 2 rue de la Roquette F -75011 PARIS France Telephone: 805 17 45
Became operational in 1974 and has now published more than 200 books - fiction, theory, poetry, letters, photographs, children's books. "Our project is to publish what is
repressed, censored, rejected by the capitalist publishing houses... For us, there is a political, historical and tactical necessity to publish women's texts in the first place".