Voice of Women
African National Congress (SA)
Women's Section
P.O. Box 38
28 Penton Street
London N. 1.
Voice of Women is a quarterly publication of the Women's section of the African National Congress (Southern Africa). One of the few publications coming from black African
women about their situation. They desperately need support both in their activities against Apartheid and Racism, and in financial terms. Please subscribe. JC 1.50 annual subscription from above address.
Genital Mutilation: a Statement from Africa
Association of African Women for Research and Development (AAWORD)
B.P. 11007 CD Annexe
Dakar, Senegal
Firmly condemning genital mutilation, this statement by African women holds that African women must "speak out in favour of the total eradication of all these practices, and
they must lead information and education campaigns to this end within their own countries and on a continental level." The women set forth how they intend to carry on the fight against genital mutilation and explain why they feel it should be carried out in this way. They discuss the negative reaction in Africa to actions against mutilation. This statement was presented to the Africa Regional Conference preparatory to the United Nations Mid-Decade Conference on Women. It is an important statement for those concerned with this issue.
The Hosken Report: Genital and Sexual Mutilation of Females
Fran. P. Hosken
187 Grant St.
Lexington, MA 02173
A 368 page study, this enlarged and revised edition of The Hosken Report on genital mutilation of females was produced in October 1979. It is an important and well-documented report with case histories from several different countries of Africa and Asia. The report includes the medical facts, the history, and the effects of this mutilation on the health and lives of women. Strong recommendations for the abolition of this mutilation are also given. Included is a report the World Health Organization Seminar held in Khartoum, Sudan in February 1979, a good part of which was devoted to this issue, with the recommendations which came out of that seminar. There is a lengthy bibliography on the subject. This is a very important document for all those concerned with this issue. Available from WIN at US $ 17.00 per copy, prepaid; plus $ 4.00 airmail outside the USA.
asia and the pacific
Voice of Women
16/1 Don Carolis Road
Colombo 5
Sri Lanka
A Sri Lanka journal for women's emancipation, published by a group of the same name which describes itself as "an organisation which groups together women who are in various fields of activity and who belong to several different organisations and to all communities. What is common between us is a commitment to the emancipation of women and to the full participation of women in the economic, political and social life of the country". The journal, started in January 1980, proposes to expose oppression and exploitation of women, as well as highlighting women's struggles in both Sri Lanka and other countries. The first issue deals with women working in plantations, agriculture, industry, the Free Trade Zones and women migrants to the Middle East. Also looks at the media, the dowry system and wife beating
Towards Self-Reliance: Income generation for women
Ed. Jessie Tellis-Nayak & Selena Costa-Pinto
Divine Word Publications
Sat Prachar Press
Indore 452001, India
1979. Rs. 12.
Produced by the Indian Social Institute Programme for Women's Development, this quite practical book makes an important contribution to evaluating income-generating projects for women. The introduction states, "In the existing socio-economic environment, income generation assumes a particular significance for women primarily because of the obvious economic benefits derived. Many of these women workers are the sole breadwinners of families struggling to subsist. Secondly, these programmes provide opportunities for growth and development of self-reliance and leadership".
The book has four major sections, the first setting the context of income generation and describing the situation of Indian women, the second presenting a discussion of planning income generating programmes, and the third a collection of practical case studies which evaluate on-going projects in such areas as garment-making, rope-knotting, tailoring, hand-weaving and nutrient-mixing. The fourth section, which is listed as an appendix, gives details of "resource agencies", i.e. groups and organisations which give funds to such projects.

The Indian Social Institute Programme for Women's Development works "to enable women to discover their potential and develop their capacities for their own benefit and for the benefit of society". It has a variety of activities including organizing meetings, courses, seminars and workshops, publishing material and books, film strips and articles of relevance to women's development, and "mobilising women from the working classes to make them aware of their economic and social rights."
Alternative News and Features
4A Bhagwan Dass Road
New Delhi 110001
Tel: 385270,389753,385042.
US $ 75.00 airmail (half-year).
This new monthly publication is described as "a counterinformation service from the Third World". It has been set up to respond to information needs of alternative networks
of concerned individuals and institutions within and outside India. Stories, which are mainly from Asia, Africa and Latin America are sent out to media outlets, study groups, political organisations and social action institutions in both the industrialized nations and developing countries. The first trial issue includes a story on Delhi women protesting dowry deaths, and future issues promise to deal fully with feminist activities and perspective. Each issue contains 3-4 stories of 800-1000 words each. Within India, the service is provided in 5 languages.
No time for Crying: stories of Philippine women
compiled by Alison Wynne
Resource Center for Philippine Concerns
P.O. Box 2784
Kowloon Central Post Office
No Time for Crying is a beautiful book in which Philippine women recount their lives and struggles in a country suffering from an oppressive, martial law regime. Alison
Wynne, who compiled the book, writes: "I am attempting to give a small voice to some women who are denied the right to free speech in their own country. Many of them,
because of their active concern for the poor and oppressed victims of the unjust social order, have themselves become victims of oppression and brutality — such women as Trinidad Herrera, who is internationally known for her work with the squatters in the Tondo area of Manila."
These stories recount how women in the Philippines are struggling and organizing in different ways. In the mountain provinces, women of the ethnic minorities are organizing to fight against hydro-electric "development" projects which would flood their homelands. They have confronted logging and mining companies which would destroy their forests and lands. In industries, they have organized strikes. In the overcrowded cities they have organized the squatters to press for basic amenities such as water. They are in the forefront of community-based health programs in both urban and rural areas. They are becoming aware of their exploitation in the sex-tourism industry. They are active in organizing agricultural workers in the banana and sugar industries. Because of their struggles against oppression, many women have been arrested, detained and tortured. Many of them have also become active in the underground resistance movement. All of these stories are told here.
Illustrated with photographs and drawings, this is a very inspiring book which asks our solidarity with the women of the Philippines. It is available from the Resource Center
for Philippine Concerns in Hongkong for US $ 2.50. Add $2.00 for airmail.
Irish Feminist Information
45 Elmwood Avenue
Ranelagh, Dublin 6
Ireland. Tel. : (01) 686420
Irish Feminist Information (IFI) aims to develop a distribution network and create an awareness among women's groups and local groups of the written word or image (pamphlets posters, bibliographies, non-sexist children's literature, women's research, etc.) produced by Irish women individually or collectively. Where possible, it is intended to by-pass commercial outlets.
IF! is producing an Irish Women's Diary and Guide Book for 1980. The diary, 6" x 4" is spiral bound (white plastic coat) with a four colour cover illustrating women's activity. There are 224 pages, 117 of which are devoted to information on subjects that affect women daily, i 75 per copy, 25 0/0 discount on orders of over 6. From IFI at the above address.
National Council for Civil Liberties
186 King's Cross Road
London WC1, UK.
"For 45 years, the National Council for Civil Liberties has fought against all forms of discrimination. In May 1973 we set up a Women's Rights Group w^iich works closely with the women's movement, trade unions, and other groups. During 1975, International Women's Year, the Sex Discrimination Act was passed; the Equal Pay Act came into effect; and our work expanded. So we created the Collective Fund, as a way of raising money from our supporters in order to set up a permanent Rights for Women Unit with fulltime staff." NCCL Rights for Women Unit helps women use the law, trains lay advocates for tribunals and courts, publishes useful pamphlets (maternity rights, equal pay, battered women, social security) and helps campaign for women's rights in areas like violence, abortion and immigration.
Cow Films
20Trederwen Road
London E.8., UK
Tel: (01) 515 5547.
Six women film-makers have set up this feminist film distribution service, (COW = Cinema of Women). Hiring charges are relatively cheap, with the money being ploughedback into promoting feminist film-making. Some of the films they distribute include: Marion's Story (a personal account of violence in marriage, £ 6), Taking a Part (challenges the treatment of prostitutes, £ 18), and Token Gesture (animated spoof on male attitudes to women's liberation and sex role stereotyping, £ 5). Full details from above address. (Taken from Spare Rib, no. 90, Jan. 1980, UK)
middle east
Women in Iran: the part they played
in the Revolution
Iranian Women's Group
45 North Street
London SW4, UK
1979, 35 pages.
The only document we've seen written by Iranian women about the particpation of women in the Iranian revolution, with a very clear feminist (non-political party) perspective. Gives great insight into Iranian women and Islam. Gives details about Iranian law and historical background.
latin america
First Meeting of Latin American Women
Will take place in
Not in Venezuela in May as announced
previously (ISIS Bulletin No.12).
Grupo feminista la Conjure
Giovanna Machado
c/o Zoraida Ramirez
Calle la Colina Edf. La Colina Ap. 13
Las Acacias — Caracas 104.
This feminist group began in 1978 with the publication of their bulletin Una Mujer Cualquiera (appears 2 or 3 times a year giving news of activities in Latin America and theoretical articles on,e.g. abortion, sexuality, feminism etc.). The group consists of women — housewives, professionals, workers, students, grandmothers. Their principal aim is to disseminate ideas, plans and discussions about the situation of women in Venezuela and the rest of the world. Their activities include support for measures which improve women's lives such as the reform of the civil and penal code, legalization of abortion, recognition for the value of housework, day-care centres, and an end to violence. They take feminism as being an authentic social movement and not an ideology. They explain and elaborate on this in a fourpage paper (in Spanish) available from the group and from ISIS.
29 Av. 5-03, Zona 7
Apartado 174
Guatemala, Central America
A bimonthly journal in Spanish dealing with the situation of peasants, women, the poor in Central America. Concentrates especially on the extremely oppressive situation
in Guatemala. It is a Christian publication, and always gives space to Christian thought and reflexion. Some good, analytical articles on the situation in Central America.
They need new subscribers.
north america
P.O. Box 26354
San Francisco, Ca. 94126
USA Tel: (415) 431 4863.
The National Task Force on Prostitution (NTFP) is now publishing a newspaper to appear several times a year. Carries articles on the decriminalization of prostitution,
national and international news on the status of prostitutes and their campaigns and organisations for decriminalization. Edited by Margo St. James of Coyote Howls (see
ISIS Bulletin No. 13)
National Hispanic Feminist Conference
Dr. Sylvia Gonzales Business Tower 456
San Jose State University
San Jose, Ca. 95192
March 28-31 1980, San Jose, California, USA. Co-sponsored by the US Office of Education and the San Jose State University, this conference will focus on dialogue and
theory for social action between feminist scholars, researchers and community workers. This conference will address itself specifically to the tremendous need for research on Hispanic women and for viable ways of implementing and disseminating this knowledge to the Hispanic community and society at large. (From the information brochure.)
Ladyslipper Catalog
Records & Tapes by Women
P.O. Box 3124
Durham, NC 27705
A well-annotated catalogue of records and tapes and songbooks produced by women, organised under category. It is brought together by several women who are working to expand the scope and availability of musical and literary recordings by women, and who want to share this information as widely as possible. Includes mainly English-language material, although does have a limited list of other language material too. A good resource.
Feminist Party of Canada
P.O. Box 5717,Station A
Toronto, Ontario M5W 1A0
Launched last June (1979), the Feminist Party of Canada is a group with growing numbers across Canada, who are working towards the foundation of a permanent political
party with a feminist perspective. The Feminist Party of Canada will nominate and support candidates for political office (municipal, provincial, federal) who share the feminist vision of politics as a constructive and integrating force in Canadian life, and who feel that a feminist perspective can and must be brought to bear on all matters of political significance. Mary O'Brien, one of the founding members, said at the launching, "Feminism is growing, not because it is a good theory, but because if we don't do it we won't be around. We aren't going to build a new world on vision alone - but we're not going to build one without it." (Information from Broadside, Vol. I No. 1, September
1979, Canada.)
Gyn/Ecology: the metaethics of radical feminism
Mary Daly
Published by Beacon Press, Boston
1978 Hardback US$14.95
"Radical feminism, the journey of women becoming, is the subject of this brilliant work by America's leading feminist philosopher and theologian". The book Is a kind of journey through three passages involving discovery of obsolete myths and deceptions based in patriarchy, exorcism, looking at "goddess murder" such as the Indian suttee, Chinese footbinding, African female genital mutilation, the massacre of witches in Renaissance Europe, and gynocide under the guise of American gynecology and psychotherapy, and ecstasy - the process of women's own unfolding/becoming, the world of what Daly calls her own free time/space, her own enspiriting, sparking, spinning Ecstasy. A fascinating, feminist philosophy book.
The Asianadian
Asianadian Resource Workshop
P.O.Box 1256, Station " Q"
Toronto, Ont. M4T 2P4
An Asian Canadian magazine to promote understanding between Asian Canadians and other Canadians and to speak out against racism and injustices against minority groups. Quarterly.

International Contraception, Abortion and sterilization Campaign
Corn. Outshoornstraat 8
3067 ED Rotterdam, Netherlands
Tel: 010-202920.
ICASC i s the new name for the coordination group of the international campaign for abortion rights. The Dutch group at the above address is doing the coordinating work
for this year, and has now published the first Newsletter (November 1979). It reports plans for a Spring International Meeting on contraception, abortion and sterilization,
news of research, and proposed actions for 1980 (Ireland, Netherlands, Britain). Groups and individuals are encouraged to subscribe to the newsletter, to bring in vitally needed funds for the Campaign. £ 3.00 per year
Human Rights
World Council of Churches
150 route de Ferney
1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland.
This is a collection of articles, in loose-leaf pull-out form focussing on women and human rights. It is a selection of papers presented at the conference on Human Rights in
Vienna, June 1979 organised by the women's desk of the World Council of Churches. Subjects covered include: sexism and racism, battered women, prostitution in the
Philippines and Japan, violations of human rights of women and children in Latin America (Argentina, Chile and Uruguay), women in prison, migrant workers in Australia, and specific situations in Ghana, Brazil and Chile. A useful collection of articles which can be used as discussionstarters or bases of studies.