The resources listed here on rape and on organizing to stop violence against women are selected ones. To include all the resources available would require at least one book! We have tried to give a representative selection of the books, articles and other materials covering the various aspects of this crime against women, from analyses of rape to very concrete and practical initiatives organized by women against it. We have included only a very few of the thousands of rape crisis and rape relief conters around the world just to give an idea of how these operate. Organizing to stop violence against women is one of the important parts of the women's movement and almost every national and local feminist magazine or newsletter deals with it. We would refer readers to these resources particularly for information on national and local initiatives. For information about local rape relief projects, women could also consult their local or national women's houses and information services. We have also tried to indicate which books contain good bibliographies for further research. We feel that these resources could be very useful for other women and women's groups organizing against violence against women. The women's movement has done so much in this struggle and our sharing of these experiences is very valuable for each other.
How to start a rape crisis center
The Rape Crisis Center
P.O. Box 21005 
Washington D.C. 20009 
Second and revised edition of a useful manual. US$ 4.75 from above address.
Toronto Rape Crisis Centre
P.O. Box 6597, Station ' A ', 
Toronto , Ontario , N5W 1X4 
This is one of the 23 rape crisis centres that have been set up across Canada in the last decade. It publishes a Newsletter four times a year, subscription for which help to
support, the Rape Crisis Centre financially. Articles cover areas such as self-defense, rape laws, incest, the activities of the centres. Subscriptions: individual Can $ 5.00, institutions Can $ 12.50 per year. It also publishes useful booklets such as "Emergency Room Care for Rape Victims " , guidelines for the care of rape victims.
Tel-Aviv Rape Crisis Centre 
contact address:
The Feminist Centre, 
228 Dizengoff Street, 
Tel Aviv, 
tel : (03) 220 420 
Opened on 1st February 1978, this centre operates a 24-hour telephone service, and has a team of volunteers to meet raped women, and accompany them during police interrogation , medical examination etc. Beds are available at the centre, not only for the volunteers on the night shift but also for raped women who live alone and are afraid to go home after their harrowing experience. It also provides a referral service to psychological, legal or other assistance on a long-term basis.
The Feminist Centre at the above address has a library-reading 
room, coffee corner and other facilities. Visiting feminists are 
always welcome. 
Vrouwen Tegen Verkrachting
p/a JAC
Amstel 30
The Netherlands 
This rape crisis center provides medical and legal advice and 
women to accompany rape victims to the hospital, police 
and courts. It also does educational work about rape in the 
Netherlands. A variety of publications about rape are available 
in Dutch. 
Boston Area Rape Crisis Center
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139
Tel . : 4 9 2 - RAPE 
Established in March 1972, the Center has handled over 4,000 calls from women aged 6 to 84. It provides a variety of services in the fight against rape. Preventing attitudes that victimize women is a major project and includes discussion groups, speaking engagements, and support of legislative reform. In addition , the Center conducts specialized training programs for police departments. Of primary concern is the victim herself: the Center maintains a 24-hour a day hotline and accompanies and supports rape victims through the medical, police and court systems. A short, but complete, pamphlet gives information for the victim on medical needs, including the pros and cons of the morning after pill , emotional needs, and the criminal justice system.
Against Our Will: Men, Women and Rape 
Susan Brownmiller 
Simon and Schuster 
New York, USA 
Written in 1975, this remains one of the most powerful and complete books on rape, written from a feminist perspective. In this thorough investigation of rape throughout history, Susan Brownmiller concludes that rape and the threat of rape have been and are used to control all women everywhere: "the threat, use and cultural acceptance of sexual force is a pervasive process of intimidation that affects all women". She analyses the use and meaning of rape from biblical times until the present in western culture, with references to other cultures as well, and pays particular attention to the use of rape in war from the Trojan War to Bangladesh and Viet Nam. Against this historical background, she examines cultural acceptance of rape as a means of controlling or violating women seen as the property of men in patriarchal society. Using solid statistics, she dispels the myths of rapists and their victims and reveals the conspiracy of society in promoting this crime against women and absolving the men who rape. She also deals with the subject of racism and sexism in the area of interracial rape in the USA. The last chapter of the book, speaks about women fighting back, not only against the crime of rape itself but against the patriarchal attitudes which promote this crime. Brownmiller emphasizes that throughout five thousand years of history, men have never done anything to stop this all-pervasive crime - except in the sense of protecting "their property" -- that it is women who are organizing for the first time as a movement to combat rape. Some of Brownmillers' assertions and conclusions have been the subject of dicussion and debate by feminists who may not accept everything she has said in this book. However, this work is a really indispensable analysis to start from and a powerfully moving book.
The Politics of Rape: The Victim's Perspective 
Diana E.H. Russell 
Stein and Day 
Briarcliff Manor, New York 10510 
Based on the accounts of rape by 22 victims, Diana Russell dispels the major myths about rape, such as women "asking for it". The book is divided into four major sections: The Victim, the Rapist, Rape and Racism, and Rape and Society. It shows how attitudes about rape and about the rapist and his victims define how rape is experienced. A critical example is the way the criminal justice system treats the woman as somehow guilty and the rapist as a victim of a temptress or liar. The author analyzes how society promotes and rewards rapist characteristics in men, i.e. aggressive behaviour is "masculine", rape is aggressive, therefore rape is masculine. She shows how these rapist characteristics are conformist in our society and not deviant as we are led to believe. The book includes helpful information on solutions ranging from rage, self-defense, feminist actions, rape crisis centers and neighborhood organization to changing public opinion, the laws and the medical, police and court procedures. The book contains an excellent and extensive bibliography.
Against Rape 
Andrea Medea and Kathleen Thompson IT
Farra, Stras and Giroux
New York, USA
A very good book written by feminists and published in 1974. It is filled with women's voices. Subtitled: "A Survival Manual for Women: How to Avoid Entrapment and How to Cope with Rape Physically and Emotionally", this book discusses the various aspects of rape in a sexist society, why rape occurs, who rapes, why rape is increasing, how rape affects women's daily lives. The book is also a valuable guide: how to recognize and avoid dangerous situations, how to train for self-defense, what to do in a situation of rape, the medical, legal, psychological and emotional aspects, the police and the courts. It includes a good chapter on "little rapes", harassment on the street and other public places. It includes information about rape crisis centers with a listing of addresses and a bibliography. A valuable guide. Price US $2.95.
Crimes Against Women 
Les Femmes
231 Adrian Road 
Millbrae, California 94030
Documenting the testimony heard by the Brussels Tribunal on the institutional, cultural and criminal victimization of women throughout the world, this book is an electrifying account of the first International Tribunal on Crimes Against Women. This Tribunal was held in Brussels, Belgium in March 1976 with over 2,000 women from forty countries participating. The editors, Diana Russell and Nicole Van de Ven describe how the tribunal was organized, recreate the events, record the personal testimony, present the resolutions and proposals for change, analyze the media's response and assess the impact of these five powerful days. Battering and rape are only the tip of the iceberg -- Crimes Against Women reveals the appalling dimensions of what lies beneath the surface. The editors and compilers of this book were organizers and participants in this tribunal and they have donated the royalties of this book to help finance the International Feminist Network. The book is available from the above address for US $ 5.95
plus $ .50 postage and handling. 
Gewalt Gegen Frauen 
Erica Fischer, Brigitte Lehmann and Kathleen StoffI,
Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Koln , 1977. German.
Inspired by and based upon testimonies given at the International Tribunal of Crimes Against Women (Brussels, Belgium, March 1976), this excellent book gives a detailed  analysis of violence against women in our society. The authors, who are Austrian, cover three major areas of violence against women: domestic/family violence, rape, and the violence committed by medical institutions against women (forced sterilization, breast removal, hysterectomy, drugs, medicailized birth etc.). In each section they give considerable space to describing and analysing women's initiatives, such as refuges for battered women, rape crisis centres, and self-help groups. The sections on rape deals at length with the myths about rape, about rape within marriage, laws on rape and women's initiatives. There is also a good final section on the women's movement, and some useful addresses. 
Rape' The Price of Coercive Sexuality 
Lorenne Clark and Debra Lewis 
Toronto Women's Press
280 Bloor Street West, 305
Toronto , Ontario 
Analyzing rape and the Canadian judicial system, the authors show how rape is a product of and perpetuates a misogynist  society. Central to the problem is the view of women as property and the control of reproduction by men. Society and current laws see men as needing protection from false accusation by alluring/masochisti/vindictive" women. A rape victim not only has to prove that she did not consent, but that it was obvious to the rapist and that she used her best judgment to avoid the situation of risk. She must prove that she was not overstepping the bounds defined by a patriarchal society. The authors remind us that rape is one of the safest crimes to commit. Only any fraction of rapes committed are ever reported, and of those reported only a fraction are brought to court and a tinier fraction yet result in conviction of the rapist.
Law and the Status of Women
Columbia Human Rights Law Review, USA, 1977.
available from:
Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs
United Nations, New York,
N.Y. 10010, USA
An anthology of descriptions and assessments of the law as it affects women in 15 countries (Brazil, Egypt, France, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Iran, Jamaica, Kenya, Peru, Philippines, Sweden, Togo, USA and Yugoslavia), written by leading women lawyers in these countries. Although the format is standardised, i.e. descriptions of civil law, penal laws, health and family planning, education and training, employment and related problems, - the assessments from the different countries are so variable, that comparison is hardly possible. Some go into great detail, for instance, about rape laws, while others barely touch on it, or (in the case of Kenya) even lament the fact that women cannot be tried for raping men! Nonetheless a useful starting reference book which at least tells you what is on the statute books of these countries.
Women, Crime and Criminology , A Feminist Critique 
Carol Smart 
Routledge Kegan and Paul
Unfortunately , we have not seen this book but it is recommended reading by Women's Report, United Kingdom. Published in 1977.
The Rape Controversy 
Anna Coote and Tess Gill 
National Council for Civil Liberties 
186 Kings Cross Road
London WC1 X 9DE 
United Kingdom 
This brief but comprehensive pamphlet gives a good overview of the laws on rape in the United Kingdom, how these laws work in practice, what the rape victim can expect from the police, the medical examination and the courts. It also examines the myths surrounding rape, the role of rape crisis centers, and what to do if you are a victim. It discusses the controversial 1975 Lords ruling on rape which states a man cannot be convicted of rape if he believed that a woman consented to the act, no matter how unreasonable that belief may be. This 39 page pamphlet is available for 50 pence. 
Breaking the Hold 
D. Smith and V. Woollacott
Vancouver Rape Relief 
Vancouver, Canada 
Subtitled " A Booklet about Rape Prevention", this 48-page work deals with the deep and complex causes of violence directed toward women throughout history and today. It gives ideas for individual action for change, including self-defense and prevention and organized action for change by women, men, and the community. The suggestions for action are well-thought out and helpful. It also includes a list of resources on self-defense, rape and sexism.
Rape: the Victim as Criminal 
Cathleen Schurr 
KNOW, Inc.  
P.O. Box 86031 
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15221 
These articles clearly expose the injustice of attitudes and laws on rape in a sexist society, such as that of the USA; how rape is treated in the press, why there is so much silence about this crime, why It is so often unreported, the double violation of women by the attacker and by society and the court, ways of protection and self-defense.
Rape: The All-American Crime 
Susan Griffen 
Also published by KNOW, Inc. (see address above), this Is a short but very good analysis of rape as a political crime against women. Susan Griffen places rape in its context in a patriarchal sexist, male-dominated society as a means of keeping women terrorized, dominated and in fear. She examines rape as it is treated by this society as a crime against male property and examines the role of racism, male violence, double sexual standard, the family and marriage.
Fighting Back: A Self-Defense Handbook
Columbus WAR 
P.O. Box 02084 
Columbus, Ohio 43202 
The 16 pages of this booklet are filled with numerous tips for avoiding and resisting rape. Price: US .40 plus .20 postage.
The Violent Sex: 
Male Psychology and the Evolution of Consciousness
Laurel Holliday
Bluestocking Books
Box 475
Guerneville, California 95446
"Maleness is a biocultural phenomenon". The main argument of this book is that aggressiveness and violence which are much greater in men than women, are the result not just of socialization, but also of biology. Drawing on studies in the fields of biochemistry, neurology, genetics, endocrinology, psychology, behavioural sciences and paleoanthropology. Laurel Holliday shows that not only are males more disposed to be aggressive from birth but also this aggressiveness is biologically connected with the male sex hormone, androgen. This turns the thesis that sex behaviour is entirely socially conditioned on its head. However, the book makes an important link between biology and environment throughout the book. Violence is not just a question of body chemistry. Published in 1978. Price: US$ 4.95.
Not Fleeting Rage: a Handbook on Rape
San Francisco WAR 
1800 Market Street 
Box 139 
San Francisco, California 94102
This 48 page booklet contains information on a wide range of subjects including harassment from men on the streets, child rape, rape laws, the morning after pill, self-defense and brief discussions on the historical, political and social origins of rape.
Sexual Shakedown: The Sexual Harassment of Women on the Job 
Lin Farley 
McGraw-Hill (1978) 
New York, USA 
Presenting a feminist analysis of sexual harassment of women, this book explores the effects of sexual harassment on women at work. It makes connections between the threat of rape on all women and the threat of sexual harassment on working women. A good introduction to a complex subject.
Women Against Rape (WAR)
c/o Falling Wall Press Ltd., 
79 Richmond Road, 
Bristol 6 
Collected testimonies and reports from a meeting in London. July 1977, where women denounced rape, recounted their experiences and told about what they are doing to stop it. The meeting took the form of a trial against the Law, the police, the Government and rapists. Edited by Ruth Hall, this book is one in a series produced by the Power of Women Collective (wages for housework group) and published by Falling Wall Press. Other titles include: All Work and No Pay, women, housework and the wages due, edited by Wendy Edmond and Suzie Felming, Sex, Race and Class by Selma James, and Women's Liberation and Revolution, a bibliography compiled by Sheila Rowbotham. Falling Wall Press has pamphlets listing all publications, prices etc.
Magazine on Ending Violence Against Women 
Box 21033 
Washington, D.C. 20009
tel: (202) 543 5580
Aegis is the most comprehensive and excellent resource on violence against women currently being produced. Its stated purpose is "to aid the efforts of feminists working to end violence against women. To this end, Aegis provides practical information and resources for grassroots organizers, along with promoting continuing discussion among feminists of the root causes of rape, battering, sexual harassment and other forms of violence against women". Although clearly dealing mainly with the US situation, the listings of groups, projects, publications and many of the articles will be relevant and helpful to women elsewhere. The magazine is produced by a coalition of three groups, two of which previously had their own newsletter. The groups are: the National Communication Network (NCN) which focuses on issues in the battered women's movement, the Feminist Alliance Against Rape (FAAR) which focuses on organizing against rape and other forms of violence against women, and the Alliance Against Sexual Coercion (AASC) which writes a sub-section for FAAR about sexual harassment at the workplace, and provides services to women who are sexually harassed on their jobs. Aegis is published six times a year with the following subscription rates: individual US$8.75 (US$10.00 outside North America), institution US$20.00 (US$25.00 outside North America). All subscription requests should be addressed to FAAR at the above address. Articles submitted to Aegis should be sent to the appropriate publication group, care of the above address.
Alliance Against Sexual Coercion (AASC) 
Box 1 
Cambridge, Ma. 02139 
AASC is a feminist group with the ultimate goal of eliminating sexual harassment at the workplace. The group's commitment is both to individuals trapped in abusive situations and to groups working towards a more profound transformation of society. With this in mind, strategies are measured in terms of immediate effectiveness and long-range implications. Sexual harassment at the workplace must be linked with other conditions affecting women, particularly violence against. women and economic issues. A basic assumption of the group is that the failure of our social system to respond to women's needs is rooted in unequal distribution of power and resources inherent to this social structure. Direct service to women workers include: legal options and referrals, unemployment compensation referrals for women who quit their jobs, emotional support, and vocational and educational counseling referrals. See also Aegis listed in this Bulletin, for details of their publication activities.
"Women and Violence" 
Heresies 6 
P.O. Box 766 
Canal Street Station New York, NY 10013 
This 130-page issue of Heresies is a hotch-potch collection of more than 100 articles, poems, think-pieces and reports. "Women and Violence" is taken in a very broad sense, covering rape, battering, genital mutilation, psycho-surgery, the media, homeworkers, prison, and historical images of women. The articles are extremely varied, and for this reason the publication is somewhat uneven (and in the way it is presented), and it is especially geared to an American audience. However, there are some important analytical articles, such as, "Why the Women's Movement cannot be non-violent" by Karen Hagberg "A social history of battered women" by Mary Metzger, and "The social meaning of violence" by Janet Koenig. The collective which produced this issue clearly sets the problem of violence in a class/race/ sex context, demonstrating that you cannot look at violence without dealing with the whole gammut of socially oppressive structures. Heresies is a quarterly feminist publication on art and politics, costing US$ 1 (plus US$ 2 postage outside USA and Canada) for four issues, US$ 18 for institutions. Single copies US$ 3.50.
Victimology an International Journal
Visage Press, Inc. 
P.O. Box 39045, Washington D.C. 20016 
Volume I, No. 2 Summer 1976 
A 378-page collection of essays on theoretical perspectives, treatment and prevention, institutional victimization, victim services and several articles on rape victims. Very academic and not particularly feminist.
Women's Rights Law Reporter
c/o Transaction Periodicals Consortium
Rutgers University 
New Brunswick, N. J . 08903 
A quarterly feminist legal journal published by students at Rutgers University School of Law. Gives analysis and commentary on sex-based discrimination and the impact of law as it affects women. Several issues have been devoted to covering rape laws and analysis of proposed changes. Vol. 4, No. 3, 1978 contains a particularly interesting article "Representation of Women Who Defend Themselves in Response to Physical or Sexual Assault" by Elizabeth Schneider and Susan Jordan. The article deals with how to win an acquittal on grounds of "justifiable homicide" when a woman has murdered in self-defense in a situation of rape or battering. Annual subscription: individual US$12.00 (US$ 14 outside North America), institution US$ 24.00 (US$ 26.00 outside North America).
Atak Lor Fam
Muvman Liberasyon Fam 
c/o Libreri Morisyana 
36 Sir Virgil Naz Street 
Port Louis 
As part of its campaign against rape, the Muvman Liberasyon Fam of Mauritius has published this 34-page booklet in Creole on rape, with information about the definition of rape in a patriarchal society, self-defense, and actions against violence against women.
"Rape Avoidance and Resistance: A Nonviolent Approach"
Mary Crane 
503 Atlantic Avenue, 5th floor 
Brooklyn, New York 11217 
In this article, Mary Crane analyzes some of the theses of the practice of nonviolence and finds that they are very male-oriented. Many of the positions of the nonviolent movement do not apply to women. For example, the movement asserts the necessity of overcoming aggressiveness, yet women need to overcome their passivity and to learn some aggressiveness in order to overcome the injustice of rape. On this basis, Mary Crane goes on to discuss forms of nonviolent resistance to rape. This article is followed by a critique by Wendy Schwartz who asserts that "I believe its's also essential to establish  that violence to ourselves is no more acceptable than violence to others... I feel it's necessary to prevent rape in any available and reasonable way". Other articles in this issue are on "The Martial Arts: Options for Women's Self-Defense", by Cathy Carson and "Contradictions Between Feminist Anger and Nonviolent Practice" by Pam Mc Allister. This issue is essential reading for all those in or interested in the nonviolent movement.
Women Against Graphic Rape
3700 Chestnut 
Philadelphia, Pa. 19104 
In our everyday lives, many women find that we cannot walk down a street, read a magazine or newspaper, or listen to radio or television, without being affronted by some dehumanizing portrayal of women. Sometimes we feel outraged, sometimes we tell ourselves that we are over-reacting. Almost always, we have feelings of frustration.
Women Against Graphic Rape is a group of women working to end the public display of women as victims: helpless and vulnerable. We have organized in order to promote effective protest against the visual abuse of women: depictions of rape, sadism, battery, and dehumanizing acts against women. 
Women Against Graphic Rape has decided to focus our protest on public displays, such as billboards, shop windows, and other visual depictions of violence against women. We are organizing a telephone tree which will be engaged whenever we discover instances of graphic rape. 
Women Against Violence Against Women - WAVAW  
P.O. Box 928 Station Q 
Toronto, Ontario 
Set up after the national day of women against violence against women (November 5, 1977) this action group will support any women on the issues listed in their demands.
These demands cover:
- freedom of movement for all women in city or countryside, unmolested either physically or verbally
- action which focuses on taking the profit out of violence and hate propaganda against women and NOT harassment of working women
- decriminalization of prostitution
- that rape is a crime based on hate and not on sex, and intended to confirm men's power over all women
- that police and court respond to wife and child beating as they would (or should) to any assault
- the elimination of female job ghettos and the growing wage gap between men and women
- the right of any woman to bear and raise children in dignity and freedom from economic want, i.e. adequate support for single mothers, and no separation of children
from mothers because of their lesbianism.
- the decriminalization of abortion and the provision of women-run clinics where good health care, birth control information and safe abortions will be available free to
all women 
- dignified treatment of women in prisons and so-called correctional institutions
- the right of women to express themselves sexually - no harassment or discrimination for lesbian sexual orientation
- that forced sterilization of immigrant and native women be stopped
- an end to violence against women in mental health institutions and the offices of private psychotherapists.
Solidarite Femmes 
B.P. 15  
76800 St. Etienne-du Rouvray 
tel: 60 54 70 
Principally a group to give solidarity and practical help to battered women, this group is set up to help all women in the region who suffer moral or physical violence. They  produce an irregular magazine (in French) called Solidarite Femmes
Violence Against Women
National Conference on Violence Against Women, October 2-5 1979, Executive Tower Inn. Denver, Colorado, USA. "For the first time a national conference will address acts of violence- committed against women as a single social phenomenon. Sexual assault, battering, marital rape, sexual harassment on the job, incest, pornography, and rape... Will be explored from the perspective of sex-role stereotyping and socialization, and their contributions to perpetuating prejudice and discrimination". This description is from the pamphlet announcing the conference. For further details contact: Workshops, Institutes and Conferences, Metropolitan State College, 1006 11th Street, Box 9, Denver, Co. 80204, USA.
This Film is About Rape 
Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Center 
406 Jarvis St. 
Toronto, Ontario M4Y 2G6. 
"An analysis of rape that is intended to reach people at an emotional level so that they may wish to change some of their possibly wrong ideas about rape - a subject permeated by myths. The facts and many more are discussed in the  
film. The message is that rape is not a crime of sex, but one of 
assault, using sexual humiliation as its method. The film 
is serious without being militant. It presents a very painful 
fact of our lives in a compassionate manner". The film is 
accompanied by "Rape Prevention Resource Manual". Colour 
29 min.. Rental $ 30.00, sale $ 395.00.
Battered Women: A Hidden Crime
Slide show by Cathy Avina 
Battered Women's Project 
Minnesota Department of Corrections, 
Metro Square Building, 
St.Paul,Mn. 55102 
This slide-tape show demonstrates one woman's experience with violence, the reactions of her family, and two attempts to leave the situation. In the first attempt she is seen as defeated by the humiliation she experiences at the hands of various agencies and bureaucracies and by her isolation and fear of living alone. The second, and successful flight is to a shelter. A good basic introduction to the issue of battering. 
Nobody Told Me: Childhood Sexual Abuse
Feminist Radio Network 
P.O. Box 5537 
Washington, D.C. 20016 
A one-half hour audio tape for use in organizing, education and broadcasting concludes that "it appears that the only long term solution to the problem of childhood sexual assault, as with rape and battering, is to change the age-old attitudes which view women and children as property...". Cassettes US$ 7; 7 1/2 IPS reel $ 8; 3 3/4 IPS reel $ 7.
Disarm Rapists
c/o Betsy Warrior, 
46 Pleasant St., 
Cambridge, Ma. 02139 
A poster costing US$ 1.50 plus 50 cents postage, original, heavy paper, 17 x 22, black on white. Betsy Warrior has also produced an excellent resource book on battered women, called Working on Wife Abuse, now in its 7th edition (114 pages). It is a directory of coalitions, task forces, groups and individuals working to offer support refuges and services to battered women both inside and outside the USA. Lists publications pertinent to the issues, including books, films, research studies, statistical reports, theses, posters, pamphlets, speeches, funding sources, etc. Also contains an introduction examining the history and purposes of refuges. US $ 5.00 from the above address.
"Rape: 'In' and Dangerous"
Emergency Librarian 
c/o Phyllis Yaffe 
39 Edith Drive 
Toronto, Ontario M4R 1Y9 
In the July/August 1976 issue of this magazine intended primarily for feminist librarians, there is an excellent bibliography on rape. The following books and films are taken
from it.
Rape! Victims of Crisis
Ann Wolpert Burgess and Lynda Lytle Holmstrom 
Robert J . Brady Co. (Prentice-Hall) 
While it is intended primarily for those who are involved in the immediate crisis situation, it tells a whole lot about rape,  its victims, its perpetrators, the medical, legal, and law enforcement problems, and everything else concerned, all in a readable, fascinating form-including a chapter on male homosexual rape.
Rape: The First Source book for Women
Noreen Connell and Cassandra Wilson, eds. 
New American Library 
Writings by New York Radical Feminists on every aspect of rape-from the heavy feminist standpoint. Covers C-R, psycho-sexual abuse, feminist action, formation of rape prevention groups, self-defense, and more. Highly recommended.
Sexual Assault: Confronting Rape in America 
Nancy Gager and Cathleen Schurr 
Grosset and Dunlap 
This is the second book on rape you should own if you can only afford two. About the best book of its kind on every aspect of rape except what Brownmiller covered in her
excellent book. Highly recommended (available in both trade and paper editions). Fine bibliography.
Hot Line! 
Margaret O . Hyde 
A juvenile book that has some good things to say about crisis intervention work, especially hotlines, and especially using the hotline if you're a youthful victim, as so many of the rape victims who call us are. Not for young kinds, but certainly for young adults.
Speak Out on Rape! 
Margaret O. Hyde
Classified as juvenile literature, this is an excellent overview for mature children and YA ' s , written in clear, readable style and yet containing a vast amount of information on all aspects of rape, including rape crisis centers and outdated laws and how to change them.
Rape: The Bait and the Trap
Jean MacKellar
Interesting only because it is a good example of what makes the myths flourish. Based on Amir's study of rapists, the author's thesis is an amplification of his findings, which seem to be that the rapist is more to be pitied than censured, and that "woman's role in rape is not a simple one" - i.e., women help a bit, too. A very dangerous book and one that should be read and evaluated very carefully before purchase 
How to Say No to a Rapist - and Survive
Frederick Storaska
Possibly the worst book around on rape, by a self-styled "authority" who is getting rich on this book and his lecturing but who is also under investigation in several states for a number of irregularities. Makes getting raped sound like sort of fun, especially once you learn to flatter and cajole (sexily) your attacker and thus disarm him. Rape is not fun, however, and phonies like this lull many women into a sense of false security regarding the handling of rapists. A very dangerous book that should be looked at very carefully before it is disseminated.
Rape Alert
Charles Cahill
17 min. colour film
Aims Instructional Media
A black policewoman in L.A. talks about how you can avoid getting raped or fight back if it happens. Contradicts Storaska's ideas, and good for that reason as well as its sensible content.
Rape Culture 
Margaret Lazerus and Renner Winderlich 
25 min, colour film  
Cambridge Documentary Films 
The whole socialization process that leads men to rape and women to become victims of rape. Very good.
No Tears for Rachel 
National Educational Television 
Educational Broadcasting Corp. 
27 min. colour film 
Indiana University Audio-Visual Center 
Good film on how a rape victim is treated by police, friends, and family, the medical profession, and the legal profession. Deals with the lasting paranoia felt by many women who have been raped, attitudes of males, especially husbands of rape victims, and boyfriends. Powerful and moving.
Sex and Violence
27 min. colour film 
Benchmark Films 1976
One of the best films I've seen on rape--powerful and informative. Talks with victims, a child victim's mother (the child raped three times!), a prosecutor, a judge, and others give a vivid picture of this nasty business, but the most frightening part is the discussion at the end with several rapists now in prison: it is simply horrifying. Highly recommended! (Also available is an excellent 8-page guide to the film and to subsequent discussion).
How to Say No to a Rapist - And Survive 
Harry Wilard 
52 min. colour film 
Learning Corporation of America 
Every bit as bad as Storaska's book, on which it is based. A very dangerous film, especially as it has received rave reviews-all from men and/or non-feminists, of course. (See review of Storaska's book).
An article in the Gazeta Lubuska of Zielona Gora, Poland, dated 5 November 1977 reports on the handling of rape cases in the courts. When women bring charges of rape, they are treated in the courts as if they were the accused. They are subjected to interrogation on such things as, why did they use the public underground transportation, knowing that this is risky; why did they choose deserted streets to go home by; why did they get into empty lifts, etc. As far as the aggressors are concerned, the medical doctors often testify that the poor fellow is sick, therefore, innocent.  
While there is very little material available on rape in Eastern 
Europe, this article indicates that perhaps things are not so different there than in Western Europe.
"One out of every six Mexican women has been a rape victim, 
the president of the National Association to Aid Raped Women said yesterday. Maria Urquidi said that many girls between the ages of 6 and 8 are sexually assaulted by members of their families. She said that local courts are not tough enough with men accused of rape and that judges often free defendents in exchange for bribes". International Herald Tribune, 1 June 1978.