Groups/Latin America and the Caribbean
Centro de Estudios de la Mujer - CEM
(Women's Studies Center)
Nicaragua 4098
Olleros 2554 P.B.
1426 Buenos Aires
Telephone: 720142
Since its founding at the end of 1979, CEM has functioned as a place of belonging and contact for women and a forum of exchange and permanent discussion. It gathers together researchers in the Social and Human Sciences as well as others whose activities are related to women's issues: educators, journalists, social workers, etc.
The center's activities focus on the areas of education, research, publications, community outreach, and assistance to women. Health is one of its priorities. In 1984, CEM organized the VI Jornadas Multidisciplinarias (Six Multidisciplinary Days) on the theme of Women and Health.
Equipo de Investigacion y Asistencia para la Mujer - ELIAM
(Research and Assistance Team for Women)
Beruti 3032 C.P.
1425 Buenos Aires
Extra Mural Dept., UW3
Pinelands, St. Michael
Founded in 1978, this group provides training to women for activities which can generate income, as well as research and information services.
It publishes a bulletin three times a year called "Woman Speak!," which treats such themes as women and glamor, violence against women, and women and health.
Centro de Informacion y Desarrollo de la Mujer - CIDEM
(Women's Information and Development Center)
Avenida Villazon 1958, Edificio Villazon apto. 3-A
Casilla de Correo 3961
La Paz
CIDEM has been functioning as a team since 1983. The group works on a local level with women from the poor areas of La Paz. It is primarily focused on documentation, research, dissemination and training. It offers workshops, short courses and meetings in which to create a space to reflect on the issues of organization, supplies, health and sexuality, women's rights, etc.
CIDEM has published three primers in the series "Women and Organization", and the paper "Conozcamos Nuestro Cuerpo" (Let's Know Our Bodies). It is collaborating with other organizations in producing three videos on sexuality (menstruation, sexual relations, and pregnancy and birth) as part of an effort known as the Interinstitutional Coordination of Women.
Consultorio Radial de Orientacion Familiar-CROF
(Family Orientation Radio Consultation Clinic)
Casilla Postal 3702
La Paz
Telephone: 354951
Founded in 1981, CROF is a health service information and promotion center. Its objective is to raise the level of participation of women in the process of development.
The center develops and supports services for the detection of women's cancer, maternal and child health, and sexual education. It offers family planning services and disseminates information through its radio program.
Casa de la Mujer «La Morada»
("The Abode" Women's House)
Bellavista 0547
Telephone: 778085
This women's house is a feminist collective which carries out various activities with the purpose of extending and disseminating information on feminism. It is a space and place for women to meet, and organizes discussions, film forums and events.
The group holds workshops on consciousness-raising, body expression, sexuality and mental health. It also provides legal advice and psychological assistance to women.
La Morada grew out of the Women's Study Circle.
Casa Sofia
(Sophia House)
Salvador Gutierrez 6257
This women's center is located in a poor sector of Santiago. Its objective is to create "a space for poor women of all ages and beliefs where united we may discover the wisdom within each one of us and within all of us."
The group focuses primarily on activities related to mental health, such as support groups, workshops on personal and group growth, groups on theology and "much more."
Centro de Estudios de la Mujer - CEM
(Women's Studies Center)
Purisima 353
Telephone: 771194
This is a group of women researchers who carry out research/action on various aspects of women's conditions: housework, women's work in the informal sector, etc. Through PEMCI (Programa de Estudios de la Mujer Campesina e Indigena; Peasant and Indigenous Women's Study Program) it is researching the role of women in popular medicine and mobilizing women for greater participation. Reports on the project will be published in their series "Mujer y Salud" (Women and Health).
CEM, like La Morada, grew out of the Women's Study Circle.
Centro de Servicios y Promocion de la Mujer - DOMOS
(Women's Service and Promotion Center)
Seminario 774
Telephone: 745713
This program is oriented towards women from the poor and middle-income sectors. It carries out workshops in order to "orient and train ourselves in different aspects of our lives." These aspects include, among others, sexuality, pregnancy, the body, self-knowledge, child development, etc.
The center provides information services, legal counsel and psychological assistance.
Grupo de Salud, Vicaria Oriente
(Health Group, Eastern Vicarage)
Los Alerces 2900, Nunoa
Founded in 1973, this group carries out educational workshops on mental health, sexuality, mother-child relationships, family communication, first aid, preventive medicine, and community campaigns.
It works with young and adult women from the poor sectors. The group publishes primers for their workshops prepared by women participating in the workshops.
Casa de la Mujer
(Women's House)
Carrera 18 No. 59-60
Created in 1981, this organization offers a wide range of services: workshops on health and sexuality, family life, creativity, preparation for birth and postnatal care, legal and psychosexual advisories, reflection groups, training and support for rape victims and battered women, health services, and day-care services. There is also a resource and documentation center. At the moment the women in this group are working on compiling a small inventory of groups and individuals involved in the area of health and sexuality.
The Women's House publishes the bulletin "Vamos Mujer" (Let's Go, Woman) which includes substantial information on the theme of violence against women.
Centro de Ayuda a la Mujer y al Infante - CAMI
(Women's and Children's Assistance Center)
Carrera 23 B n. 3-98 Miraflores
Telephone: 55 1480
Functioning on a local level, this center offers the following services: gynecological examinations with vaginal cytology, diagnosis and treatment of illnesses, birth control and the prescription of contraceptives, preparation for natural childbirth, assistance to mothers and newborns, promotion of breast-feeding, and assistance in children's sicknesses. It carries out educational programs on women's health during the different stages of the life cycle; individual as well as group consciousness-raising; legal and psychological advice; educational workshops, seminars and conferences on family rights, anatomy and physiology, women and society, methods of birth control, sexuality, menopause, etc.
The center also leads a group on women and health through a workshop called Woman, Health and the Medical Institution, which takes a critical view of the medical establishment.
Centro de Informacion y Recursos para la Mujer
(Center of Information and Resources for Women)
Calle 36 n. 17-44
Bogota D.E.
Founded in 1979, this center lends psychological, medical and legal support to women (in particular to poor women) in the areas of sexual violence, sexuality, family planning and reproductive problems, crisis situations, etc. It offers workshops and courses on sexuality open to women, adolescents, children, etc.
The center works with all women who require assistance, focusing on women from poor areas of Bogota.
Corporacion Regional por el Desarrollo Integral de la Mujer y la Familia
(Regional Corporation for the Full Development of Women and the Family)
Apartado Aereo 76180
The Corporation was formally created in 1979 by several feminists who were once part of the group "Mujeres en Lucha" (Women in Struggle). This group carries out workshops with women from various social sectors on the themes of health, sexuality and fertility control, and provides support to women in crisis suffering the consequences of physical or sexual violence. It also offers legal advice, psychotherapy and medical care, and child care within a creative setting. It is developing a documentation center on women and the family in Latin America.
The center publishes a local bulletin which disseminates information on the group's activities.
In 1984, the Corporation organized the First Regional Meeting of Latin America and the Caribbean on Women's Health and published the papers presented in the meeting in the book "¡Es preciso volar!" ("It Is Necessary to Fly!").
Fundacion Dialogo Mujer
(Women's Dialogue Foundation)
Carrera 9 No. 17-54 (501-6)
Apartado Aereo No. 43061
Bogota D.E.
Telephone: 2428763 and 2860818
Founded in December 1983, the Foundation carries out training and education activities for local women on work, health, sexuality and the family. It promotes community enterprises and day-care centers, and offers workshops, courses, seminars and film presentations. The group publishes a bimonthly bulletin and soon will also issue a fotonovela (popular comic book) with a critical bent. The center works with women workers and with women's groups from the slums and poor sectors. It also makes available critical and instructional material for work with prostitutes and drug addicts.
Publications include "Situacion de la Mujer" (Women's Situation), "La Mujer y el Subempleo" (Women and Underemployment), and "La Mujer y la Droga" (Women and Drugs). The group is also preparing an audiovisual: "La Mujer y el Inquilinato" (Women and Tenancy).
Centro Feminista de Informacion y Accion - CEFEMINA
(Feminist Information and Action Center)
Apartado 949
San Jose
This group is tied to a community organization called COPAN (Popular Committee for Popular Action). It carries out work on health in urban and rural communities by creating self-help groups. In 1984, these groups gathered together 200 women participants. The center also organizes projects on a community level and works with hospital officials, health centers, ministries, etc.
It presents workshops, papers and film exhibitions and participates in the International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN). A monthly bulletin called "Mujer" ("Woman") is published by this center, which treats such themes as breast-feeding, divorce, and women's rights.
Centro de Investigacion para la Accion Femenina - CIPAF
(Investigation Center for Women's Action)
Benigno Filomeno Rojas No. 307
Santo Domingo, D.N.
Founded in 1980, this center is primarily dedicated to feminist research into the living and working conditions of women workers, peasant women, etc., as well as on sexual violence, health, the murder of women, domestic violence and sexuality. The women of CIPAF carry out workshops, discussions, and information and action campaigns around these issues. They offer advisory services to groups which are in formation, a specialized library and documentation center, tutorials to university students preparing theses, and support to unions, peasants and community organizations. The center is available as a meeting space to all women and organizations.
CIPAF produces various publications: la Coleccion Teoria (Theory Collection), literature for theoretical reflection; Ediciones Populares Feministas (Feminist Popular Editions) for women from poor sectors; Guias de Trabajo con Mujeres (Guides for Working With Women) on health, sexuality and maternity. It also produces audiovisuals on the results of its research.
Colectivo Mujer y Salud
(Women and Health Collective)
Apartado 2248
Santo Domingo D.N.
Founded at the end of 1983, the collective grew out of a workshop on health and sexuality in which 62 women participated, together with the advisory committee of the Puerto Rican Health Workshop.
It aims to train groups of women on the functions of their bodies, to share knowledge and experiences, to establish an alternative health center for women, to carry out research and to start a documentation center. The group publishes the bulletin "Mujer y Salud" (Women and Health).
Equipo de Promocion Sur Central - EPSURCE
(South-Central Promotion Team)
Apartado Postal 202 — Calle Allugracia 33
San Jose de Ocoa
Founded in 1976, this team aims to strengthen the movement of peasant women. It carries out various activities which include the dissemination of information on the problems of birth control, the care of sexual organs, etc.
It prepares educational material for courses and is planning to publish a bulletin for peasant women as well as organize a group dedicated specifically to health issues.
Union di Muhe Antiano - UMA
(Antillian Women's Union)
c/o Gladys do Rego
Esperanzaweg 51
Founded in 1975, this union combines the feminist struggle for women's liberation with the objective of involving the women of the Dutch Antilles in the struggle for national independence.
UMA organizes cultural activities, research projects, study days and workshops. The bulletin "Bosero," which it has published since 1977, treats among other themes the issue of violence against women.
Centro Accion de las Mujeres - CAM
(Women's Action Center)
Casilla 10201
Telephone: 271954
Formally founded in April 1981, CAM functions on a local level in marginalized sectors and suburban slums. The center carries out investigations on the influence and effects of government policies in relation to the needs of women: health, education, hygiene and a methodology of work for women. It offers literacy instruction, workshops on sexuality and consciousness-raising groups. It promotes the dissemination of information, expression, debates and events, and provides day-care services and curative medicine. The center has also opened a women's book store.
Centro Ecuatoriano para la Promocion y Accion de la Mujer
(Ecuadoran Center for Women's Promotion and Action)
Apartado 182-C, sucursal 15
Calle los Rios y Gandara
Telephone: 230844
This center is a collective of professional women which was founded in July 1983. It functions under the direction of the Women's House, where workshops on nutrition, food consumption and popular cooking, and the promotion of breast-feeding are held. It is also concerned with the prevention of women's diseases: breast cancer and cancer of the uterus, and occupational health of working women. The center works with housewives in the poor slums, peasant women, women workers and professionals. It publishes a bulletin, CEPAMUJER, as well as specific papers on various themes.
In June 1984, the center organized the National Seminar on the Occupational Health of the Working Woman. In September 1984, it organized a seminar on Maternal Breast-Feeding.
Centro de la Mujer "Quito Sur"
(South Quito Women's Center)
Alonso de Alvarado 11 (manzana F)
Ciudadela "Quito Sur" (ex Mena 1)
Founded in 1982, the center organizes cultural days on women's health and conferences related to established health programs. It organizes and participates in the community and provides training in home finance and nutrition.
The center works with housewives on a local level.
Union Femenina de Pichincha
(Women's Bargain Union)
Casilla 153 - Sucursal 15
Founded in 1977, the union is an organization of housewives, women artisans and independent workers of the poor quarters in the city of Quito. The primary issues that the union criticizes and denounces are the failure of the government to provide public medicine, the lack of medical care for women and children, abortion (which continues to be clandestine), disinformation on contraceptives, sterilization, and the uncontrolled sale of canned food products by multinationals, especially with regard to milk. The group intends to campaign for maternal breast-feeding, mother-child care, the legalization of abortion, the participation of women in the politics of family planning, and the strengthening of alternative methods of assistance to women. It also campaigns against forced sterilization.
Asociacion de Mujeres de El Salvador - AMES
(El Salvador Women's Association)
Apartado Postal 183
La Uruca 1 150
San Jose, Costa Rica
or Apartado Postal 3725 - 0300
Mexico, D.F.
This association also has other offices in Nicaragua, France and the United States. It is an organization of Salvadoran women which promotes the incorporation of women in the process of liberation of the country, in opposition to US intervention in Central America and in favor of dialogue and negotiation. Among the specific proposals related to the women's struggle that the association supports are equal rights, improved medical care, increases of 4 months in maternity leave, the construction of more clinics, the improvement of public services (garbage collection, water, etc.), the construction of more day-care centers and educational resources for children and women, and better living conditions for refugees.
Asociacion de Servicios Comunitarios de Salud - ASECSA
(Association of Community Health Services)
Apartado Posted 27
Founded in 1984, this national organization carries out educational workshops on women's health, treating all aspects of the life of a woman. It publishes a number of educational pamphlets.
Comunicacion, Intercambio y Desarrollo Humano en America Latina - CIDHAL
(Human Communication, Exchange and Development in Latin America)
Orozco y Berra No. 27 depto. 6
Col. Guerrero
Mexico, D.F.
Av. Francisco Madero 516
Apartado Postal 579
Cuernavaca 62.000 Morelos
This group was born in 1969 as a documentation center. Its activities now are fairly diversified: it promotes the organization and education of women from different economic levels (mostly low-income) on such issues as their family situations, living conditions, the right to work, and political involvement.
With regard to health, the group offers complete medical care embracing many services, from personal consultations to the formation of consciousness-raising groups on understanding our body, contraception, preparations for natural birth, the use of homeopathy and natural medicine, and more nutritious as well as cheaper food.
It publishes two bimonthly bulletins: "Cidhal Noticias" (Cidhal News) and "Voz de Mujer" (Women's Voice), and has also issued portfolios and pamphlets on health issues ("Health Guide for Promoters," "Menopause," etc.), the book "Cuerpo de Mujer" (Woman's Body), films and audiovisuals on sexuality, work in the home, unsalaried work, day-care centers, etc.
Promocion del Desarrollo Popular, A.C.
(Promotion of Popular Development, A.C.)
Ilaloc 40 - 3, col. Anahuac
11370 Mexico, D.F.
Founded in 1966, this organization functions on a national level in both Honduras and Nicaragua. Its seven-year-old health section carries out activities related to complete nutrition, herbalism, women's illnesses, natural childbirth and family planning. It works with women from the urban sectors, peasants and indigenous women.
The group has published a series of educational pamphlets: "The Period," "Women's Illnesses, How to Treat Them," "How to Make an Herbarium" and "How to Use Plants."
VEMEA - Vejez en Mexico, Estudio y Accion
(Old Age in Mexico, Study and Action)
Apartado Postal 11912
Cuernavaca Morelos 62000
The national group, which began working seven years ago with elderly people, organizes conferences, courses and seminars on themes related to the health of elderly women. It works with women of every social class, and in particular from the poor sectors.
The group publishes the bulletin VEMEA three times a year and is preparing collections of literature called "portfolios" on a professional and popular level.
Asociacion de Mujeres Nicaraguenses "Luisa Amanda Espinosa" - AMNLAE
("Luisa Amanda Espinosa" Association of Nicaraguan Women)
Apto A 238 Managua
AMNLAE was founded in July 1979. At the same time that it works towards bringing peace to the nation, this group also fights for the equality of women in both social and political life. Its primary demand is the incorporation of women in production, through children's development centers, production collectives and other projects of community development. The association has created committees in the slums, factories and offices, each raising the specific demands of the women's sectors. It also created several health clinics for women.
Asociacion Peru-Muier
(Peru Women's Association)
Avenida Arica 755-B
Lima 18
Telephone: 465250
Founded in 1979, this local and regional association carries out seminars and workshops on nutrition, maternal breast-feeding, sexual education and voluntary motherhood, and organizes talks and discussion days on methods of birth control and women's sexual rights. It advises local groups which work on health issues, voluntary motherhood and breast-feeding. Peru-Mujer represents IBFAN in Latin America and forms part of the Comite Pro-Nutricion Infantil (Children's Pro-Nutrition Committee). Furthermore, it tries to influence government policies through lobbying government bodies including consulting on the Curriculum Changes in Sexual Education, at the Ministry of Education; the Diagnostic Document on the Profile of Women in the Population, at the National Population Council; the Code on the Consequences of Artificial Milk, at the Ministry of Health.
The group is currently preparing material (pamphlets) for illiterate women and family planning services for Lima, Puno and Tarapoto.
La Casa de la Mujer - IPEP: Instituto de Promocion y Educacion Popular
(Women's House-IPEP: Popular Education and Advocacy Institute)
Apartado No. 16
The center is a place where women can develop a consciousness of their dignity and rights as persons, and where they can receive the necessary advice and support when they are victims of violence. The center was founded for the IPEP: Popular Education and Advocacy Institute of the Commission of Social Justice of the Diocese of Chimbote.
It has published the book: "¿Pecho o biberon? Practica de lactancia en Chimbote" ("Breast or Bottle? The Practice of Breast-Feeding in Chimbote").
The group issues the bulletin "La Voz de la Mujer" (Women's Voice) and other pamphlets on violence against women, malnutrition, etc.
Centro de la Mujer Peruana Flora Tristan
(Flora Tristan Peruvian Women's Center)
Avenida Arenales 601
Lima 1
Telephone: 248008
This center for feminist research and action carries out many investigations on the conditions of Peruvian women. It produces a series of primers and pamphlets, including the portfolio "Metodologia de trabajo con mujeres" ("A Methodology for Working with Women"), for the education and consciousness-raising of women from the poor sectors. It has published a series of leaflets treating such issues as Women and Politics, Women and Work, and Women and Sexuality, including articles on feminist theory and on the results of the group's investigations.
The group holds meetings, discussions and debates on such themes as work in the home, wage labor, sexuality (roles, understanding one's sexual organs, the body, menopause, menstruation, virginity, fidelity, pleasure, etc.). It publishes the monthly magazine VIVA.
The center functions on a local level with poor and peasant women, students, professionals and housewives.
Comision de Derechos Reproductivos
(Commission on Reproductive Rights)
Apartado Aereo 2111
Lima 100
Created in December 1984 by the Peruvian feminist movement, this commission aims to raise certain basic women's issues: the right to receive information on different birth control methods and to make such methods available to all women and incorporated into the Social Security System as basic medicine; research into and distribution of natural contraceptives; the right of every woman to resort to voluntary legal and free abortion; women's participation in the development of the politics of health; the representation of the women's movement in the National Population Council. The commission carries out educational campaigns on these rights.
Instituto de Estudios Andinos
(Andean Studies Institute)
Jiron Torre 365
Cerrito de la Libertad - Apartado 289
Along with the communities of the Canipaco Valley in the province of Huancavo, this institute is organizing the "Salud Comunitaria" (Community Health) project as part of the Women's Health project, an alternative program for better health and organization of women in the family and the community.
It has published a variety of pamphlets in the "Serie de la Mujer" (Women's Series), including "Nos Debemos Curar" (We Must Take Care of Ourselves), "Embarazo y Parto" (Pregnancy and Birth), etc., which gather together the experiences of healers in the Canipao Valley.
Movimiento El Pozo
(Movement of the Well)
Apartado 2211
This group of four women supports women who work in prostitution. It also attempts to raise the awareness of the public and society about this form of exploitation of women. The group carries out educational programs on venereal disease, not only for prostitutes but also for women in schools, factories, and other work places, offering free and confidential treatment. It also denounces violence against women and legalized prostitution.
Movimiento Manuela Ramos
(Manuela Ramos Movement)
Avenida Bolivia 921-Brena
Casilla Postal 11176
Lima 14
This group works to promote women's action towards greater participation in social, cultural, economic and political life in the country, with a primary focus on young people and on training women. It conducts courses, discussions and workshops on health, sexual education, our body, menstruation, pregnancy, birth, contraceptives, etc. The group publishes a bulletin which comes out five times a year on various themes such as family violence, knowing the laws, battered women, etc.
Organizacion Feminista Mujeres en Lucha
(Feminist Organization of Women in Struggle)
Casilla Postal 11739
Lima 11
Working in metropolitan Lima, this group offers workshops on sexuality with women's organizations from low-income areas, focusing on issues of women's health. It works mainly with low-income women and women workers.
The organization publishes pamphlets in relation to the workshops and events it holds.
Promocion Cultural Creatividad y Cambio
(Promotion of Cultural Creativity and Exchange)
Jiron Quilca 431
Apartado 2211
Lima 100
Founded in 1973, this group publishes pamphlets on women's issues, some of which are related to health. It works with social workers and grassroots organizations. The publications discuss such themes as women, childhood, population, prostitution, mental health, and so on.
Casa Protegida Julia de Burgos
(Julia de Burgos Protected House)
G.P.O. Box 2433
San Juan 00936
This group offers assistance to women who have been victims of domestic violence and to their children. It provides the following services: medical care, crisis intervention, consultation and advice by telephone, legal direction, protection and temporary shelter for women and their children.
Centro de Ayuda a Victimas de Violacion
(Help Center for Victims of Violence)
Direccion Postal, Departamento de Salud
Officina del Secretariado
Edificio A Call Box 70184
San Juan 00936
Telephone: 765-2285
Founded in July 1976, this national center is responsible for training doctors, nurses and social workers in methods of assisting victims of sexual violence. It organizes workshops for psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors and the families of victims on how to help victims in their emotional and physical recovery.
The group has an emergency advice and counseling service and provides information and medical and/or legal referrals for Puerto Rican women of all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds who have been victims of sexual aggression.
It has published a pamphlet on rape, "Podrias ser tu" (It Could Be You), and also issues a bulletin three times a year called "Semillas para el Cambio" (Seeds for Change).
Centro de Informacion y Servicios a la Mujer - Re-Union Inc.
(Women's Information and Service Center - Reunion Inc.)
Box 22025 U.P.R. Sta.
Rio Piedras 00931
In addition to serving as a clearinghouse of information on the services of agencies, groups and individuals, this center promotes workshops and conferences on medicine and health, exhibitions, artistic events, film presentations, etc. It has also formed a day-care center to facilitate the effective participation of women in the community's activities. The center makes its space available to feminist groups for meetings.
Feministas en Marcha
(Feminists on the March)
Calle Margarita No. 57
Santa Rita, Rio Piedras 00931
This center works specifically on women's health issues.
Grupo de Mujeres de Aibonito
(Aibonito Women's Group)
c/o Leticia Rivera
Box 378 Bo. Llanos Adentro
Aibonito 00609
This group works specifically on women's health issues.
Taller Salud
(Health Workshop)
Aptdo. 2172 - Estacion Hato Rey
Hato Rey 00919
Founded in 1979, this group carries out conferences on the reproductive health of women (vaginal hygiene, contraception, common surgery, abortion, etc.). It also offers training workshops and self-help (vaginal and breast examination), as well as promoting the organization of women on health issues.
The workshop publishes pamphlets on various themes related to women's health and a bulletin, COMAI, which comes out three times a year.
Amigos Latinos en Accion Pro-Salud - A.L.A.S.
(Latino Friends in Action for Health)
Box 192
West Somerville, MA 02144
Telephone: (617) 924-2071
This group is affiliated with the Boston Women's Health Book Collective. It consists of five Latina women who have decided as one of their priorities to write a new book on health and the social condition of Latinas living in the United States. The collective's fundamental objective is its own education and that of Latinas in the field of health.
The group organizes discussion groups and workshops in various Latino communities. It is developing an active exchange with professionals and students interested in this theme.
Santa Fe Project on Health Education
P.O. Box 577
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
Telephone: (505) 982-3236
This group gathers information on the experience of menopause of Chicano women, and investigates and verifies the number of women who take estrogen to alleviate the discomforts of menopause.
The group publishes pamphlets, including an excellent manual, "Menopause: A Manual of Self-Care," and is also in the process of preparing a book on middle-aged women in collaboration with two women from the Boston Women's Health Book Collective.
Asociacion Uraguaya de Planificacion Familiar e Investigacion en Reproduccion Humana - AUPFIRH
(Uruguayan Association for Family Planning and Investigation into Human Reproduction)
Hospital Pereira Rossell
Br. Artigas 1550
Telephone: 785328
Founded in 1963, this national center offers free information, education and assistance programs and supports 50 family planning centers distributed across the country. Assistance includes: general and gynecological clinical examinations, early detection of cancer of the uterus and of the breast and distribution of contraceptives. It carries out courses on family planning and sexual education at the graduate and postgraduate level for doctors, teachers, psychologists, social workers, midwives and nurses.
The center has a specialized library at the disposal of professors and students.
Fundacion Casa de la Mujer
(Women's House Foundation)
Avenida 7 No. 66-34 Qta. Osli
Maracaibo, Edo. Zulia
Telephone: (061) 72319
Founded on March 8, 1984, this regional organization carries out activities in the field of medicine such as gynecological consultations, prenatal care and family planning. It holds educational discussions in the poor districts of Maracaibo. In the psychosocial area, it offers services on psychological counseling problems in family relationships, sexual dysfunctions, etc., as well as discussion groups and workshops on children's education, sex education and so on.
The group works with women from the poor and marginalized districts, with housewives, women workers, adolescents, and middle-class women.
Movimiento de Mujeres de Merida
(Women's Movement of Merida)
Apartado Postal 466
Merida 5101
Telephone: (074) 639372
This center began in 1979 as a consciousness-raising group. In 1982, it extended its work to community outreach and mobilization.
Among other activities this center holds discussion groups and conferences and presents films on such themes as abortion, the physiology of the sexual response, sexuality, etc.
The center directs its activities towards university students as well as women from the poor districts.