
INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES FOR THE WOMEN'S MOVEMENT (International Archief voor de Vrouwenbeweging - IAV) , Herengracht 262, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

IAV has extremely comprehensive book, periodical and newspaper collection on women and women's movements, dating back to the end of the 19th Century. Puts out periodical listings of new acquisitions, Dutch and international periodicals held (past and present) and a documentation bulletin listing articles and periodicals from various sources of current interest to women. (ISIS 242)

INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE (ILO) , ILO Publications, CH-1211 Geneva 22.

New bulletin, Women at Work, appears 3 times yearly in English and French. It deals with many issues surrounding employment (or not) of women around the world. Provides statistics, profiles of women workers, information on women in trades unions and an important bibliographical section. (ISIS 233)


For their triumphs and their tears, women in apartheid South Africa, by Hilda Bernstein (1975) . Available from International Defense & Aid Fund, 104 Newgate St., London ECl. Price: 50 p.

Fine study of conditions and resistance of women in apartheid South Africa. Has information on migrant labour, laws and conditions surrounding life for women in reserves·, towns, the family and at work. Whole section deals with women in the political struggle; gives list of women imprisoned, banned, etc. for opposing apartheid. (ISIS 240)

Charte nationale des Femmes Kamerunaises

(Drawn up by Mouvement MANIDEM, i.e., Manifeste National pour l'Instauration de la Democratie, Paris).

Strong denunciation of 20-year rule of Ahidjo Birawandu in Cameroon. Begins with 9-point analysis of chattel-like state of women under this corrupt neocolonial regime; sets out political programme for reform submitted by Cameroon women. These include: right to work with equal education, opportunities and pay; right to paid maternity leave and benefit with reduced working hours from 5th month of pregnancy, with pay and job guarantees for both married and unmarried women; creating of day care centres; right to family allowances and changed structures to permit shared housework; abolition of dowries, polygamy; comprehensive sex education; the right to divorce; and total political rights for women. In French. (ISIS235)


Sthree Sakthi, 6/2 Pilkington Road, Madras 600 023, India.

Eight-page monthly produced in offset by group of Indian working women and students. Contains articles, news and personal testimonies from women about their situation in India. Group says, "We aim at creating an awareness of our social situation, pose questions and try finding solutions with the response of our readers." Highly recommended as a fine source of direct information from our Indian sisters.

Australia/New Zealand

Broadsheet, Broadsheet Magazine Collective, P.O. Box 47-261, Auckland, New Zealand. Local sub. NZ$ 6.00; overseas, NZ$ 8.00.

New Zealand's feminist magazine. Interesting 40-page monthly on broad range of women's issues; gives news of feminist groups in N.Z., resources, international news, and some excellent articles on health and self-help. The August 1974 issue on violence, women battering and self-defense is still available.

WORKING WOMEN'S CENTRE, 423 Little Collins St., Melbourne 3000, Vic., Australia.

Originally set up with funds from the Australian Government's IWY programme, Center's main function is educative - to inform unions about women's issues and help women play active parts in union affairs. Activities include research on women in the workforce, collecting resource materials and running seminars and fora. Produce newspaper called Women at Work in English, Italian, Greek and various Eastern European languages. (ISIS 290)


CEFRES, Centre Europeen Feminin de Recherche sur l'Evolution de la Societe (European Centre for Women Studies in a Changing Society) , c/o Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (!), Bureau 322, 54 Bvd. Raspail, 75006 Paris (temporary address) .

CEFRES hopes to centralize, coordinate, analyze and diffuse information which will help integrate women into political and economic structures: will work in cooperation with national women's bureaux and commissions, regional bodies like EEC and the OECD and international organizations such as the UN, as well as international non-governmental organs.

Special aim is to determine what gaps exist in research being done on women and to encourage research in those areas. (Statement of purpose ISIS 234)

Feminist, De Bonte Was, Postbus 10222, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Price: Nfl. 2.50 a copy (no subscriptions) .

New journal, to appear every 3 months. Aims to be a forum for feminists interested in both easy and difficult concepts and in controversies both within and outside the women's movement. First number (June 1977) dealt with: feminism and money, subsidized revolution, the feminist manifesto for 1977, emotional/erotic feminism. The feminist collective De Bonte was is a non-profit organization seeking to diffuse books at low enough costs to enable all women to buy and read their publications.

LLIBRERIA DE LES DONES, Llado 10, Barcelona - 2, Spain.

New feminist bookshop which opened on 14th May this year. Request relevant publications from other countries (as many as possible) and hope to become a strong centre for the women's movement in Spain.

Schritte ins Offene, produced by the Schweizerischer Katholischer Frauenbund, Burgerstrasse 17, 6000 Luzern, and the Evangelischer Frauenbund der Schweiz,Winterthurstrasse 60, 8006 Zurich (i.e., the Swiss Evangelical Reformed and Catholic women's organizations).

No. 4, 1977 of this bi-monthly publication, entitled "Feminismus - Beschreibung eines Bewusstseins" (Feminism - Writings about Consciousness), contains articles on the development of the women's movement, especially in Switzerland (lead article) and of feminist consciousness (in Italy, Germany, the Church). In German. (ISIS 300)

WIRES (Women's Information and Referral and Enquiry Service), 30 Blenheim Terr., Leeds 2, England.

Keeps up to date listing of refuges and centers for battered women. WIRES newsletter regularly prints information on these as well as on laws, courses and resources. Valuable resource for the UK women's movement.

WOMEN'S PRESS LTD, 12 Ellesmere Road, Bow, London E3 SQX. Tele: 01-581-2171. 37

New feminist publisher, working with editorial collective. Will publish hard and softcover books, pamphlets and posters. All editorial decisions taken by women. First publications to appear in February 1978. Plan to publish 12-15 titles a year in areas of literature, art, history, politics and physical and mental health. Welcome manuscripts, outlines and ideas from feminist writers.

ZED PRESS, 57 Caledonian Rd., London N.1, Tele: 01-837-4014 .

New socialist publisher specializing in books on revolution and imperialism in Third World. Now developing a list on women in these areas, who suffer dual oppression of imperialism and patriarchal social structures. Titles planned on women and power in Africa, feminism and socialism in China, and women in purdah in India. Manuscripts and new material from researchers in these fields are welcome.

Canadian Newsletter of Research on Women/Recherches sur la Femme - Bulletin d'Information Canadien. Put out by Department of Sociology of Education, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, 252 Bloor St. West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5S 1V6. Price: subs. C$ 7.00 in Canada; C$ 8.00 in USA; overseas C$ 8.00; institutions C$ 15.00.

This newsletter, produced 3 times per year, is more like a journal. October 1976 number runs over 100 pages, with annotated resources on current research, periodicals, bibliographies, and specific themes, both Canadian and international. Also has book reviews (almost all Canadian) and snippets of news and data on other countries. Useful resource, especially for those seeking information about the Canadian women's movement. (ISIS 236) (see also ISIS 239)

W0MEN' S HISTORY RESEARCH CENTER MICROFILM LIBRARY, Women's History Research Center, 2325 Oak, Berkeley, Ca., 94708, USA.

Collection from Women's History Library (now dispersed) ; over 1 million documents relating the role of women in Western society, collected from 1968 to 1974. Materials cover: (1) women and health/mental health, ( 2) women and law, ( 3) herstory (women's periodicals). While these microfilm reels are available from the above address, the women of the Center urge any women wanting to use this service to write their librarian asking for these microfilms to be made available locally. They should be available from any central lending library in the world. (For further details write to above address). (ISIS 289)

The Women's Kit .And More, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, 252 Bloor St. West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1V6. Price: C$ 59.50.

Multimedia kit essentially about Canadian women. Twenty-five lbs of records, slides, articles, filmstrips, posters, photos, plays, newspapers, poems, etc. for use in schools, continuing education courses, libraries, women's groups, men's groups, social action organizations, etc. The kit has had widespread response in Canada and is most exciting because it requires an entirely different concept of teaching: the way it is to be used is decided by the "students" or any combination of "students" and "teachers." The kit's success has made it into a project on: (1) development of non-sexist curricula materials for both elementary and secondary schools and (2) the running of a women's resource centre, containing a reasonably large collection of books by women in all fields (mostly English , but some French) , articles from newspapers and a collection of over 500 photographs.

Women in liberation movements


In Isis International Bulletin No . 3, we announced the Conference on Women in Liberation Struggles with a proposed date of late Autumn 1977.

Since then, the two organizing groups, Isis and the Foundation for the Rights and Liberation of Peoples, have been so overwhelmed with inquiries and proposals that it now appears that much more organization will be necessary than was first envisaged.

Therefore, the date of the Conference has been rescheduled for some time in 1978 .

This will certainly give us all more time to prepare ourselves and enable us to contribute more fully to the Conference. Please keep sending us your replies, suggestions and documents!