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bibliographic listings • isis international • July 1988

O impacto da crise sobre a saude das mulheres pobres: o caso do Brasil
The impact of the crisis on the health of poor women: the case of Brazil
Barroso, Carmen
UNICEF; Fundacion Carlos Chagas
63 pp.
The economic crisis of the early 1980s in Brazil seriously affected the health of poor women. The author exposes the social inequality and unjust distribution of income which resulted from government policies and left women in precarious living conditions. The effort to break out of this situation created new areas of activity and organization for women, particularly in health programs where the role of women is of utmost importance.
ISIS No. 00398.00

Mujer en el sector informal urbano
Women in the informal, urban sector
Ardaya, Gloria
Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, FLACSO.
Bolivian Program
26 pp.
Analysis of the participation of Bolivian women in the informal urban sector during the current period of crisis in the country. Women of rural, mining and poor urban families are the most affected and must join the informal sector to discover and develop subsistence activities in disadvantaged commercial and technical conditions. The author describes the economically active female population of Bolivia and the results of a Home Survey of Self-Employed Workers which analyzed the activities of street vendors in La Paz. In spite of the important contribution of the woman vendor to family survival, she continues to be considered inferior and to be undervalued by her family.
ISIS No. 00253.00

Informe de la Conferencia Mundial para el Examen y la Evaluacion de los logros del Decenio de las Naciones Unidas para la Mujer; Igualdad, Desarrollo y Paz
Report of the World Conference to Review and Appraise the Achievements of the United Nations Decade for Women: Equality, Development and Peace
United Nations
Presented at the World Conference of the United Nations Decade for Women
Nairobi, 15-26 July 1985
331 pp.
Report of the Nairobi World Conference, 1985. The United Nations Decade for Women arose out of significant worldwide concern for the status of women and the desire to improve women's situation in labor, health and education. Much remains to be done and women are taking the lead in promoting national activities and encouraging governments to promote equality, development and peace. The principal worldwide obstacles to achieving these goals have been the arms race, racial discrimination and unjust economic relationships. Women are also the victims of discriminatory attitudes and cultural traditions. The report, together with evaluating women's past achievements and future strategies, includes resolutions and declarations from the Conference. Lists of documents, participants and representatives of nongovernmental organizations are included.
ISIS No. 00299.00

Organizaciones de mujeres: potencialidades y limites
Women's organizations: possibilities and limitations
Bianchi, Susana; Sanchis, N.
Paper presented at the International Conference on "Political Participation of Women in the Southern Cone" (Montevideo, 26-29 June, 1986)
7 pp.
Discussion about the nature of women's participation, based on an analysis of community organizations in Latin America. The authors question if this participation is "liberated" or functions within the context of sexual and class subordination and exploitation. Such organizations can become an obstacle to women's participation if they only relate to the domestic realm and do not facilitate women's entry into new places in the social system. Includes bibliography.
ISIS No. 00113.03

Experiencia de trabajo con mujeres de los sectores populares
Work experience with women from low-income sectors
Filippini, Mabel
Paper presented at the International Conference on Women's Political Participation in the Southern Cone
(Montevideo, 26-29 June 1986)
8 pp.
Reflection on community movements and women's participation based on the experiences of four working groups of women from low-income neighborhoods of Buenos Aires. The groups organized solidarity networks to solve serious everyday problems, including unemployment, lack of food and clothing, poor housing, daycare, etc. These demands were not class or gender based, and organizing around them can slowly help to change society. Professional support for these movements shows respect for them and an understanding of women.
ISIS No. 00113.05

Movimiento de Mujeres Pobladoras/ MOMUPO
Movement of Low-Income Women
Silva H., Clotilde
Paper presented at the International Conference on "Political Participation of Women in the Southern Cone"
(Montevideo 26-29 June 1986)
4 pp.
In this paper the author describes types of organizing carried out by groups of Chilean women seeking to meet basic living needs. This type of activity has had important effects on women, in spite of the obstacles they cross in organizing and pursuing their goals. These small grassroots groups are continually developing, according to the author, and generating a political force with new perspectives.
ISIS No. 00113.18

Mujer en el mercado de trabajo en Montevideo
Women in the job market in Montevideo
Aguirre, Rosario; Mendez, Estela
Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios sobre el Desarrollo, CIEDUR
Paper presented at the Workshop-Seminar "Participation of Women in Development"
(Montevideo, 28-29 May 1987)
64 pp.
The authors maintain that the persistence of high rates of female participation in the labor market—as a form of compensating for the decline in family income—can contribute to changing perceptions about women's work as "emergency" work. They show the existence of discrimination in the job market and the undervaluation of domestic work. Bibliography included.
lSIS No. 00579.00

Mujer participe: reflexiones sobre su papel en la familia y la sociedad
Women who participate: reflections on their role in the family and society
CEPAL (Economic Commission for Latin America)
59 pp.
Theoretical and practical analysis from CEPAL's perspective on the theme of women, the role assigned them culturally and their relation to development processes in the region. While new areas of participation for women have been created, women continue to fulfill traditional roles as well. Women are seen as important social actors in changing society to be more just and democratic, requiring different social values and a new definition of roles within the family. Statistical data included.
ISIS No. 00194.00

Familia rural en: Mujer rural en America Latina: Un actor social del ultimo decenio (1975-1984)
The rural family in: Rural women in Latin America: A social actor during the last decade (1975-1984)
CEPAL (Economic Commission for Latin America)
pp. 28-37
This chapter analyses predominant types of rural families and their regional variations. Themes discussed include female heads of household, changes (decreases) in birth rates, and the need for women to train and organize themselves to make demands.
ISIS No. 00200.02

Mujer en el sector popular urbano
Women in the popular urban sector
CEPAL (Economic Commission for Latin America)
Work presented at the Regional Meeting on Low-Income, Urban Women and Families in Latin America
(Santiago, 28 November - 2 December, 1983)
349 pp.
This book collects diverse studies about women from low-income urban sectors which were carried out in research-action projects, from an alternative perspective of development which incorporates social factors into the development process. Some issues raised include: What importance do women from these sectors attribute to issues of class and gender? Can community participation be used as a way to incorporate these sectors into democratic systems? Included is an annex with statistical and methodological data.
ISIS No. 00250.00

Mujeres latinoamericanas en el debate sobre estilos alternativos de desarrollo in: Repensar el futuro. Estilos de desarrollo
Latin American women debate about alternative styles of development In: Rethinking the future. Development styles
Krawczyc, Miriam
CEPAL (Economic Commission for Latin America)
Nueva Sociedad - UNITAR/PROFAL
pp. 63-71
The author argues that the status of Latin American women has been studied for more than a decade from different perspectives and that it is now important to analyze the relationship of women's groups to the rest of society, recognizing their potential to contribute to new options for development. Women's educational and work situation is analyzed and themes for discussion highlighted, including: the private vs. the public; the family system; the socialization of young people, etc. The author also describes the contribution which alternative social movements formed by women have made to these discussions.
ISIS no. 00349.01

Ponencias del taller mujer y proyectos productivos
Presentations from the workshop on women and productive projects
Fondo Ecuatoriano Populorum Progressio/FEPP; Centro Ecuatoriano para la Promocion y Accion de la Mujer, CEPAM; Servicio de Voluntariado Belga, COOPIPBO
59 pp.
At a workshop, 50 Ecuadorian women from rural and urban popular organizations analyze experiences with economic projects. After studying the achievements and problems of these projects and their causes, the women learn how to organize an income generating project, including its administration and its relation to other popular organizations, and problem-solving
ISIS No. 00302.00

Que comen los pobres? Habitos alimenticios, estrategias de compra y mecanismos de sobrevivencia
What do the poor eat? Eating habits, buying strategies and survival mechanisms
Cereceda, Luz E.; Cifuentes, Max
Universidad Catolica de Chile, Instituto de Sociologia
180 pp.
A study from Chile which contributes to a better understanding of the nutrition problem in low-income urban sectors. The study provides information about eating habits among this population and the factors which influence some families—in similar economic conditions—to eat better than others. More than 300 women were interviewed about subsistence strategies, family income, working conditions, the cost of food, diet, etc. Policy recommendations are included as well as an annex containing the methodology employed and a bibliography.
ISIS No. 00505.00

Mujeres jefas de familia
Women heads of household
Especial Mujer, Unidad de Comunicacion Alternativa de la Mujer
40 pp.
The theme of women heads of household is presented through news clippings from Latin America. Extracts from articles are included along with an editorial outlining the principal problems of this group. In Latin America a growing percentage of women provide the principal income for their family, yet society ignores the separated or deserted women who must assume such responsibility. This crisis in the family is not a product of feminism but rather of the economic situation in Latin American countries.
ISIS No. 00473.00

Grupo de mujeres mapuches en la ciudad: una experiencia multiple
Mapuche women in the city: a multiple experience
Montecino, Sonia
Cuadernos de la Mujer del Campo. PEMCI
98 pp.
Analysis and presentation of the experience of an autonomous Mapuche women's collective. Life stories of the participants reveal the type of productive labor which unites them, their demands as women and as representatives of a repressed ethnic group, and some characteristics of the Mapuche culture. The objective of the group is to mobilize women to confront the reality of their subordination, to help them achieve equality while preserving their identity and to develop democratic working relationships between researchers and the "researched".
ISIS No. 00400.00

Tecnologias apropiadas: Solucion de necesidades humanas? in: Del macetero al potrero (o de lo micro a lo macro)
Appropriate technology: Solution to human needs? in From the flowerpot to the garden (or from the micro to the macro)
Velasco, Blanca; Leppe, Arodys
UNICEF - Universidad de Colombia
pp. 97-116
The authors analyze the role and objectives of appropriate technology in urban sectors of "critical poverty". They argue that given the social, economic and political exclusion suffered by this sector during the last decade, appropriate technologies aid in satisfying not only basic needs, but human needs in the broadest sense of the term. An example of an organizational experience is provided. Includes bibliography.
ISIS No. 00343.05

Condicion de la mujer rural en Chile in: Mujeres campesinas. America Latina
The condition of rural women in Chile in Rural Women. Latin America.
Valdes S., Ximena; Mack, Macarena
Isis International
pp. 49-80
Complete article which describes the situation of rural women in Chile in the context of historic changes in the rural economy and the participation of women's organizations. Includes bibliography.
ISIS No. 00327.04

Ser mujer en Nicaragua: Diez anos de lucha de AMNLAE
To be a woman in Nicaragua: Ten years of AMNLAE's struggle
Murguialday, Clara
Nueva Sociedad, n. 94
March-April 1988
pp. 54-64
The author provides an in-depth analysis of the Nicaraguan women's movement from its beginning in 1983 to 1987. She clarifies the objectives and nature of women's participation before and after the triumph of the Sandinista revolution (1979) and shows the path followed by the movement and the changes it has undergone. What stands out is the movement's growing and explicit recognition of gender contradictions. Includes bibliographic references.
ISIS No. 00700.01

Mujer venezolana y la educacion
Venezuelan women and education
Arvelo, Lilia; Granados, Antonia; Mata de M., Zoraida; Guzman de M., Migdalia
6 p.
A group of professors analyze the contributions and "positive participation of women in the family, the school and the community". They point out the existence of a high percentage of single parent families, which may point to a crisis in the Venezuelan family. The authors make suggestions to improve the condition of women.
ISIS No. 00578.00

Cuando del poder se trata. La mujer en el Tercer Mundo
Speaking of power. Women in the Third World
Birgin, Haydee
Nueva Sociedad
July-August 1985
pp. 100-111
Analysis of the historic oppression suffered by women through a study of power relationships. After considering the formal legal situation and employment status of women, the author concludes that women will only find equality in a new style of development, where economic and power structures are modified, and domination and exploitation are ended. In this type of participatory and egalitarian development women would be subjects and not only human resources.
ISIS No. 00363.01

Mulher frente a crisis economica dos anos 80 Algumas reflexoes com base en estadística oficiais
Women confront the economic crisis of the 80s. Some reflections based on official statistics
Spindel, Cheywa
Instituto de Estudos Economicos,
Sociais e Politicos de Sao Paulo, IDESP
51 pp.
Analysis of the impact of the economic crisis on fluctuations in employment and employment distribution by sex, in Brazil. Supported by statistics, the author analyzes the profile of the female worker, and concludes that women are discriminated against in the workplace and are the ones most affected by economic policies. The author tries to prove the theory of a "reserve force", the selectivity by sex in the job market and the fact that female workers are always the last to be incorporated into the job market when the economy improves. In conclusion, the author highlights the need to make a theoretical distinction between organized and informal markets.
ISIS No. 00450.00

Democracia emergente y movimiento de mujeres in: Movimientos sociales y democracia: la fundacion de un nuevo orden
Emerging democracy and the women's movement. In Social movements and democracy: the foundation of a new order
Barrig, Maruja
pp. 147-183
Within the context of the Peruvian sociopolitical situation, the author analyzes the development of the feminist movement in that country. She points out that the movement, after identifying with other social struggles, became organizationally and ideologically autonomous and even isolated. The author also examines popular female organizations, their activities, relationships with institutions and the problems which they must confront, among them co-optation by the State. Includes bibliography.
ISIS No. 00689.01

Mujer chayahuita: un destino de marginacion?: anilisis de la condicion femenina en una sociedad indigena de la Amazonia
The Chayahuita women: destined to marginalization? An analysis of the female condition in an indigenous society of the Amazon
Dradi, Maria Pia
Instituto nacional de Planificacion,
INP. Peru
162 pp.
An anthropological analysis of the indigenous Chayahuita in the Peruvian Amazon which describes the evolution of the role of women in the Chayahuita community, the family, the production and social environments. The author studies the problem of women, the impact of the introduction of a market economy into native communities and the development of specific research and community participation methodologies within the Chayahuita community. The study concludes with specific proposals for production, for improved health education and for conditions to make these possible. Includes a Female and Infant Demographic Survey and bibliography.
ISIS No. 00755.00

Mujer y la economia mundial
Women and the world economy
Joekes, Susan
Siglo Veintiuno Editores
205 pp.
The micro and macroeconomic analyses of the world economy presented here are the basis for United Nations studies of the situation of women and their participation in and incorporation into the international economy. The changing panorama in business, finance, work organization (through new technology) and employment trends affects women more directly and differently than men. UN efforts are primarily directed towards making policy recommendations for governments, transnational corporations, financial agencies, public and private agencies and women themselves who must play a role in implementing them.
ISIS No. 00568.00

Efectos de la crisis economica sobre el trabajo de las mujeres
Effects of the economic crisis on the work of women
Salle, M. Angeles; Casas, Jose Ignacio
Serie Estudios, Instituto de la Mujer, Spain
126 pp.
Book dedicated to the study of the labor situation of Spanish women which analyzes working conditions of those who carry a double work load— unpaid domestic work and paid work in the labor market. The first part of the book includes a complete description of the economically active female population and is complemented by an analysis of women's attitudes about work which is based on discussions of various groups about the theme of women and work.
ISIS No. 00422.00

Situacion de la mujer americana a 1985. Situacion socioeconomica y condicion de la mujer
The situation of women in the Americas, 1985. The socioeconomic status and condition of women.
Sanchez, Carlos Eduardo; Alasino, Carlos Maria
Organization of American States. Interamerican Commission on Women
14 pp.
This report analyzes the economic condition of women, specifically, employment rates and types of employment women engage in and sex discrimination in the job market. The authors point out the causes of women's disadvantaged situation, i.e., prejudice, lack of training, greater costs of female employment and the level of economic development in the countries of the region. Includes recommendations.
ISIS No. 00590.00

Presencia de las mujeres en America Latina en una decada en crisis
The presence of women in Latin America in a decade of crisis
De Barbieri, Teresita; De Oliveira, Orlandina
Coleccion Teoria,CIPAF
Dominican Republic
The first part of this document examines the effects of the economic crisis on Latin American women. The second part considers ways in which women have organized in the region, highlighting the role played by the Latin American feminist movement. The authors contend that "what is at stake in the resolution of the crisis is the opportunity for a radical transformation of social relationships in this continent." Bibliography included.
ISIS No. 00624.00

¡Es preciso volar!
The need to fly
Corporacion Regional por el Desarrollo Integral de la Mujer y la Familia
Documents presented at the Regional Meeting on Women's Health (Boyaca, 28 May-2 June 1984)
Editorial Gazeta
214 pp.
An important collection of documents presented by women at the Regional Meeting on Women's Health, which include themes such as: sexuality, abortion, motherhood, female identity and ideology. Included are descriptions of alternative women's projects which have been carried out during the past few years in Latin America and the Caribbean. Includes a description of workshops carried out during the meeting, a resource list and bibliography.
ISIS No. 00138.00

Mujer y la politica agraria en America Latina
Women and agrarian policies in Latin America Leon Magdalena; Deere, Carmen Diana (editors)
Asociacion Colombiana para el Estudio de la Poblacion, ACEP
Presented at Seminar on Agrarian Development Policies in Latin America and their Effects on the Rural Woman: Synthesis of the United Nations Decade for Women
(Bogota, 1985)
Siglo Veintiuno Editores
290 pp.
Collection of articles which synthesize accumulated knowledge about the condition of rural women and their role in agricultural development. Through case studies, the effects of state intervention in agriculture are analyzed, as well as the influence of development projects which try to "integrate rural women", the effects of the crisis of the 1980s on the agricultural sector and women's responses to these problems.
ISIS No. 00261.00

Comedores populares
Soup kitchens
Serie Organizacion y Salud
Asociacion Peru-Mujer
14 pp.
The functioning of soup kitchens in low-income neighborhoods is explained through simple illustrations of daily life and conversations with two neighborhood women. The guide also describes how organization around health issues occurs, beginning with a description of principal health problems facing the population, health committees, popular health assemblies, the "plan unico" (principal plan) for health, and work with local clinics. The guide concludes by explaining how the experience of organizing around health issues encouraged and trained the community to resolve other problems.
ISIS No. 00048.00

Mujeres en los barrios: de los asuntos locales a los problemas de genero
Women in neighborhoods: from local problems to problems of gender
Feijoo, Maria del Carmen
Materials for Popular Communication/IPAL n.5
pp. 3-11
The author analyzes the role of low-income women in social movements. She illustrates this analysis by describing her experience working on a research-action project in a working class neighborhood of Buenos Aires. She contends that female participation in such movements, which traditionally has been channeled towards fulfilling basic family needs, often permits women to express the conflicts and contradictions of their subordination and causes them to question male domination of the home and politics. Includes bibliography.
ISIS No. 00120.01

Presencia de la mujer en las barriadas
The presence of women in neighborhoods
Serie Las Barriadas
Centro de Informacion Estudios y Documentacion, CIED
99 pp.
This document describes the exploitation which low-income Peruvian women experience. In addition to suffering the same discrimination based on sex as upper class women, capitalist society also exploits poor women on the basis of their class. This reality is revealed through the accounts of five women who live in poor neighborhoods, who describe their problems, working conditions, organizations and political participation, male attitudes, etc.
ISIS No. 00232.00

Working class women
Barrig, Maruja
Mosca Azul Editores
124 pp.
Research-action project about women and work, from the perspective of women's exploitation and subordination (class and gender) in a society in crisis (Peru). Through interviews and workshop experiences, this book discusses the work experience of participants and their participation in union organizations. The study focuses on workers in the pharmaceutical and clothing industries. Includes bibliography.
ISIS No. 0233.00

Alimentadoras del pueblo: Vendedoras ambulantes de alimentos preparados
Feeding the people: Women street vendors selling prepared food
Picasso, Estrella
Servicios Urbanos y Mujeres de Bajos Ingresos
56 pp.
Analysis of a type of informal urban work in Peru during the economic crisis—women street vendors selling prepared food. Research for the project was carried out through direct observation, surveys and structured interviews. The struggle for survival forces poor women to become part of the informal sector of the economy and to create family micro-enterprises. The majority of these women are migrants who manage to maintain solidarity networks under difficult working conditions. This paid work is carried out in addition to domestic work and the earnings are used to feed the family. Organization of these workers is limited and consists of finding a site for selling products and avoiding problems with the Municipality.
ISIS No. 00254.00

Mujer y desarrollo
Women and development
Galer, Nora; Guzman, Virginia; M. Gabriela (editors)
Centro de la Mujer Peruana "Flora Tristan"; Centro de Estudios y Promocion del Desarrollo,
246 pp.
A collection of papers which analyzes the work experiences of a group of women, focusing on three themes: the assumptions underlying projects directed towards women; social participation of women in low-income urban neighborhoods; and participation of women from these sectors in the workforce. Annexes contain the conclusions of workshop discussions about the papers.
ISIS No. 00290.00

Repensando la mujer y el desarrollo: un caso para el feminismo
Rethinking women and development: a case for feminism
Anand, Anita
Centro de la Mujer Peruana "Flora Tristan"
Paper presented in the Course "Teoria Feminista y Estrategias para el Movimiento de Mujeres"
(Lima, 20 February - 30 March 1984)
15 pp.
Critical reflection about the situation of women in the development process. The author questions the concept of "integration", which does not consider the patriarchal characteristics of the systems into which women are to be integrated. The concepts of "development", "growth" and others which hide the roots of subordination and exploitation, are analyzed.
ISIS No. 00293.15

Confronting the crisis in Latin America: women organizing for change seeks to examine the effects on that continent of the profound economic, social and political crisis of the past several years, particularly the effects of the crisis on the lives of women in the region.

A series of articles prepared by women researchers organized by DAWN explores how the crisis and the policies enacted by governments to confront it have changed the living conditions of women. In particular, the authors show how women's fulfillment of their traditional role as provider of basic family needs has left them overworked and poor. They also examine how women's subordination has aggravated the effects of the crisis in their lives. These issues are analyzed as they occur in different facets of women's lives, in distinct countries and among women of different social classes.

The analysis presented here, however, shows not only the effects of the crisis and government policies on women, but also reveals how Latin American women have responded by creating new forms of participation in many types of organizations, among them subsistence organizations and the feminist movement. Through these movements women are learning not only to survive, but to overcome discrimination and repression, and to better know and understand themselves and the possibilities for change in their lives.