In Progress
Biofuels: False Solution, Disastrous Consequences
- Category: Women in Action 2009-1
- Author: Elenita C. DaƱo
- Year: 2009
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The food crisis that hit the world in late 2007 up to most of 2008 focused the limelight on a development that the world barely noticed before the crisis: Biofuels.
While they have been promoted and commercialised for years, the world barely noticed the impact of this development until both developed and developing countries collectively felt the pinch from high food prices and scarce food supply.
Prior to the crisis, governments were scrambling to allocate land and adopt policies that provide incentives for production in the midst of worldwide panic over increasing oil prices and climate change. The phenomenal increase in the price of oil resulting from unsteady supply and the global concern to mitigate greenhouse gas emission that bring dangerous climate change, provided the powerful push factors for the biofuel hype.