WIA1994 4cover

Women and Religion
Women and Militarism
Women in the Pacific

Editorial team: Lynn Lee Luz M . Martinez, Mavic Cabrera-Balleza, Rhona Bautista, Mylene Soto-Sol Cruz Kristina Gaerlan, Marianita Villariba
Cover concept: Lynn Lee
Cover illustration: Jean Fayc Rodriguez
Illustrations: from Against Al l Odds: essays on Women, Religion & Development from India & Pakistan, published by Isis International and Kali for Women B1/8 Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110 016. India
Photo credits: Rebecca Padilla Marquez (RPM), Lynn Lee, Bing Concepcion/HAIN, Isis
Layout, typesetting & printing: Alter Printing Press Co. Rm. 603 FMSG Bldg. 9 Balete Drive, Quezon City


Personal Views    
'Am I still married to a priest?'    
'You are always taught that God is perfect' by Meena Moorthy Shivdas    
'The rhythm is offbeat - a personal view of catholic teachings on contraception' by Marilen Danguilan MD    
Women and priesthood    
'Theravada Buddhism and women priests in Thailand by Suwanna Asavaroengchai    
'A century later - women and the church' by Sr Helen Graham M. M.    
'Pacific women asserting spirituality' by Lisa Meo    
'Religion, secularism and organizing women workers in India' by Mirai Chatterjee    
Is the UN Worth It? by Luz M . Martinez   57
Pacific women's views by Taugu Volaono and Vaine Wichman    
Women Resisting Militarism   63
Serbia - Lepa Mladjenovic and Susan Sontag    
Woman in Action    
Poetry by Riza Faith Ybanez & Vaine Rasmusse   37
Book reviews by Annette Hug & Luz M . Martinez   40
Book reflections by Mavic Cabrera-Balleza & Elvie Colobong    
Writers; Film; Resource Update    
Health : nurse assault survey; statistical profile of young women/mothers; TB deaths; bananas; ginseng    
Announcements, Outrage, Updates