Three Feminist Experiences

These three groups have been working in women's health for some years. The most outstanding among their many contributions in this field is a wide variety of educational material — leaflets, audiovisuals - which are being used both by women's groups and by government institutions as instruments in the implementation of official women's health programmes.


Rua do Hospicio 859 / depto. 14

50000 Recife, PE, Brazil

Tel. (081) 2213018

It all began in 1980, when a group of women began meeting for the purpose of practicing gynaecological self-examinations. The group included a biologist, an architect, a sociologist, a photographer, social workers, reporters and students, all interested in women's health issues and in working with women in the outskirts of Recife and Olinda.

They were also interested in producing educational materials. Besides working in three districts with women's groups, they published a small book: Corpo de Mulher (A Woman's Body), which is now in its fourth edition, revised and enlarged. The book deals with female anatomy, the menstrual cycle and alternative cures to gynaecological problems.

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The group, now consisting of ten women, carries out the following activities:


Covering female and male anatomy, fertilization, sexuality, contraception, child education, gymnastics and body relaxation techniques, these courses are held in ten districts of greater Recife. Some of the groups are mixed, including youths and adolescents. The teaching materials include clay, flannelgraphs and audiovisuals.

Self-examination groups

Working on body self-knowledge, menstrual cycle, sexuality and gynaecological self-examination, these groups are attended by middle class women.

Radio programme

Since the second half of 1983, a twice weekly programme has been broadcast during which listeners may phone in and letters are answered. The programme lasts around 20 minutes and is put out at a peak listening hour.


The group has worked on a play, "Vida de Mulher" (Women's Lives), which talks of the situation of women in the street, at work, in the family and as mothers. They have used this play as a means to make contact with the women of the neighborhoods and as a way of presenting the group and the ideas they want to discuss.

Production of teaching material


Apart from Corpo de Mulher (A Woman's Body), they published another book called Como evitar filhos (How to avoid children) which explains the existing contraceptive methods for men and women and discusses birth control.


  • Apenas o Comeco, made in 1980, 27 minutes.
  • Second Women's Meeting, made in 1983, 20 minutes, documents the Second Women's Meeting organized by SOS Corpo.
  • Pintando Sexo, made in 1984, 20 minutes.

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  • Causas e condicoes de estirilizacao femenina voluntaria na regiao metropolitana do Recife (1982) (Causes and conditions of voluntary female sterilization in the Recife metropolitan area)
  • Causas e condicoes do aborto provocado no Grande Recife (1983/84) (Causes and conditions of induced abortion in Greater Recife)
  • Contracepcao: mulberes e institucoes (Contraception: women and institutions). In preparation.

The SOS Corpo group takes part in as many meetings, debates, symposiums and discussions as possible on issues related to their work. They also took part, as consultants, in drawing up norms of gynaecological medical care for the Health Ministry's Integrated Women's Health Care Programme (PAISM). The consultancy was carried out in Brasilia in April 1984.


Carlos Chagas Foundation

Av. Prof. Francisco Morato 1565

05513 Sao Paulo SP, Brazil

Tel. (011) 211 4511


Instituto de Accion Cultural

R. Visconde de Piraja 550, sala 1404

22410 Rio de Janeiro RJ, Brazil

These two feminist projects are examples of how teaching material for sex education for women is produced in Brazil on a basis of research and action by private institutions in the field of education.

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The "Esse Sexo que e Nosso" (This Sex That Is Ours) project came into being in 1981, using participatory methodology to produce leaflets on women's health and sexuality with women from the outskirts of Sao Paulo. The discussion groups, organized for a year and a half, resulted in leaflets on "Knowing your body," "Do I want to be a mother?," "When children ask certain things...," "Gynaecological examination" and "Lots of pleasure." Originally distributed among feminist groups and maternity centers, they gradually began to be requested by schools, nurseries, universities, secondary schools, women's groups within political parties and even some government health institutions. Last year, for instance, the Sao Paulo State Secretariat issued 5000 of these leaflets for use in training professional health staff in the public network.

The project's team was invited along with other feminist groups to assist the group of women in the Health Ministry in drawing up the Integrated Women's Health Care Programme (PAISM). The team was also invited by UNICEF to evaluate in the implementation of sex education programmes in Cape Verde and the Seychelles (in 1983 and 1984 respectively).

Three more leaflets have recently been completed on sexuality during adolescence ("Our Bodies," "Our Passion," "Avoiding Pregnancy"), at the request of the State Foundation for the Welfare of Minors (FEBEM), a government institution designated to implement a sex education policy. Meetings with mixed groups of youths were held for some months, and the resulting accounts were used as text for the leaflets.

The Mulher-IDAC project consists of a group of researchers interested in the education of women on the basis of reflection about their daily experiences. They produce a variety of material.

Their first publication was the magazine Maria Sem Vergonha, with two issues: "Women, Feminine Sex" and "Oh, What Lovely Images of Women," in which they talked about women's sexuality and identity.

They recently published a book on domestic violence (by Rosiska Darcy de Oliveira, Leila Linhares Barsted and Miguel Palva with the collaboration of Comba Marques Porto and Ana Maria Figueireda). This is a resource guide to help women defend themselves against violence. It talks about the kinds of crimes that take place within the four walls of that apparently sacrosanct place called "home," with information about practical measures women who are victims of violence can take.

The project has produced the audiovisual "Learning to Live Better" and an accompanying booklet "Women and Health" which they developed during an educational experience in the area of health that they have been carrying out with women in the poor area of Paraty (SP) since 1982.

Because of their work, the women of Proyecto Mulher-IDAC were also invited to evaluate the implementation of PAISM and their audiovisual was used as educational resource material.

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