Isis International

ISIS INTERNATIONAL will publish and distribute the Spanish and English "Women's International Journal", as well as new resource guides. In the search for new ways of communicating and consciousness raising, we will begin a new project in 1984 with the goal of assisting grass-roots groups in the development and use of audiovisual small media for their own conscientization and communication. We will also continue to offer training and technical services.

In its ten year history, Isis has facilitated global communication among women by gathering and distributing materials and information produced by women and women's groups. In this way, it has provided an important channel of communication for local, national and international women's organizations. Continuing in this perspective, Isis International today will emphasize and promote the strengthening and expansion of communication channels among women in Third World countries (south-south communication) while at the same time maintaining the channels of communication already provided with industrialized countries (north-south communications).

In order to more effectively encourage the exchange of experiences among women and strengthen regional and international networking, the activities of Isis International
will be carried out with more direct participation of Third World women. This will mean the decentralization of much of our work so that it is done by Third World women in the
developing countries of the world themselves. Isis International in Rome will continue to coordinate these activities.