
\Ne live in a society where the sexual molestation and abuse of female children is "not regarded seriously, is winked at, rationalised and allowed to continue through a complex of customs and moves that applaud the male's sexual aggression and denies the female's pain, humiliation and outrage". The following are works which examine incest, social attitudes toward incest and incest survivors. Vital reading for all women in order to understand the dynamics of incest, what incest is; as well as for survivors of incest in order to put the responsibility shame where it belongs.

Voices in the Night. Women Speaking About Incest. edited by Toni McNaron and Yarrow Morgan Cleis Press P.O. Box 8281 Minneapolis MN 55408
USA US$7.95.



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Ninety-seven percent of all incest victims are young girls abused by adult males... 58 percent under the age of ten... The youngest known victim: an infant girl of only a few months... ONE THIRD OF ALL GIRL CHILDREN. The stories of incest survivors clearly show that there is no "incest taboo". There is only a taboo against speaking about incest. This book is for all women who want to understand "this huge reality" in the lives of one-third of all women, and for those of us who want to "give some of the anger and hatred back to the appropriate sources and stop shoulding all the shame or blocking the reality from our consciousness."

Kiss Daddy Goodnight Louise Armstrong Simon and Suchster NY NY USA.

Within a Dark Wood: The Personal Story of a Rape Victim Jennifer Barr Doubleday and Co., INC. USA.

Against Our Will Susan Brownmiller Simon and Schuster USA.

This well known work on rape. Includes a chapter on sexual abuse of girl children.

Father's Days
Katherine Brady
Dell Publishing Co
Behind Closed Doors
Murray Strauss and Richard Gelles
Anchor Press
Betrayal of Innocence: incest and Its Devastation
Susan Forward and Craign Buck
Penguin Books
Hidden Victims: The Sexual Abuse of Children
Robert Guser
Beacon Press
The Best Kept Secret: Sexual Abuse of Children
Florence Rush
A Curriculum on Child Abuse and Neglect
U.S. Dept. of Health, Education & Welfare
Washington DC