The 1988 consultation led the unit to the confirmation of:

• The need to change WAND's goal from one of ' 'integrating women into development'' to one which seeks to "empower women for social change";

• The need to reflect this change in programme strategies, focus and methodologies, and especially in the selection of programme participants and partners/ allies; and

• The need to place greater emphasis on advocacy, and to re-conceptualize WAND's programme so that it reflects a recognition of the integral link between ' 'communications'' and ' 'field work,'' both part of a single programme which seeks to promote a dialogue about development and women's role in the process, and to advocate alternative approaches which reflect the reality and creativity of women at the base of the society.

WAND will give priority with cooperating with those organizations which work from an analysis which recognizes the need to change the systems which oppress and exploit the majority of our populations by challenging class and racial oppression's, along with WAND's central concerns with gender. In the context of the present policy throughout the region this means that WAND will seek to work more closely with those women's organizations and NGOs which seek solutions to the continuing economic crisis (with its devastating social, cultural, environmental and political consequences) by exploring alternatives to the current economistic, foreign-exchange-oriented approaches to development.

From: WAND Annual Report August 1, 1988, ~ July 31. 1989