While I was in Delhi, I came across your Women in Action journal, and I must congratulate you on your excellent work. The Women's Studies Research Centre in the M. S. University of Borodo will soon open a Resource Centre on Women, Households and Development. It will also have international networking. We would be happy to subscribe to Women in Action as part of our new Resource Centre's collection.

Yours Sincerely,
Annapoorna R., Research Associate
Women's Studies Research Centre
Faculty of Home Science, M.S. University of
Barodo, Boroda, India

(Best wishes on your Resource Centre opening. We hope you shall continue to find Women in Action an excellent resource material on women.)

I always enjoy reading Women in Action because it gives me a feeling of sisterhood with women all over the world. I would like to see something about the women in Sudan, especially about their struggle under the political and environmental hardships, and also their dilemma with Islamic fundamentalism.
Ms. Zeinab M.S. Elasad
Forestry Corporation
P.O. Box 658, Khortoui
(Sisters in Sudan! How about it? We hope to hear from you soon!)

I am a student of International Studies with emphasis on Developing Countries at Willamette University in Salem, Oregon. My particular interest is in Women's Issues in the developing countries of the Middle East and Northern Africa. I am the coordinator of the Womyn's Center in Willamette University, and have had the good fortune of working with women students from Third World countries. I think it is important for women from around the world to share experiences and resources for mutual empowerment and survival.

In Sisterhood,
Monique Albrecht
Salem, Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

(Right on, sister!)

Thank you very much for sending us the 3&4 1990 issue of Women in Action. We will make the best use of itand share it with our neighbors after we've read it in full. The information is very useful to us. I am deeply impressed by the article on pages 36 ~ 42 on Women and Funding because SWAK is facing financial difficulty in our community and women development projects.

Yours Sincerely,
Marcia Im, President
Social Welfare Association of Cheju,
Korea (SWAK)
P.O. Box 4 Cheju, Korea

(Thanks for your letters. We hope that our sisters out there find inspiration enough to assist - even through support letters, ideas and suggestions - our troubled sisters in Cheju, Korea.)