Bunch, Charlotte and Relly, Niamh.
Demanding accountability: the global campaign and Vienna Tribunal for women's human rights.

New York: UNIFEM, 1994. 169 p. RN HUM 02139.00B

As the UN Conference on Human Rights ended, gender-based violence and women's human rights emerged as the conference's most viable and widely covered issues. The final document produced at the conference --"The Vienna Declaration"sounds an historical call to recognize the elimination of "violence against women in public and private life" as a human rights obligation and supports the necessity of treating the "equal status and human rights of women" as a priority for governments and for the UN.

Demanding accountability documents women's organizations' strategies leading up to, during and after the Women's Conference on Human Rights. It excerpts and discusses the testimonies and other statements from the Global Tribunal on Violations of Women's Human Rights. The Tribunal testimonies are said to have forced many people to rethink women's rights as human rights.

All UNIFEM publications are distributed by: Women, Ink.

777 UN Plaza, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10017 U.S.A.

Brandt, Barbara.

Whole life economics.

Philadelphia: New society Publishers, 1995 243 p. RN DEV 02087.00B

Whole life economics charts the widespread alternatives to corporate control of people's lives and introduces "real life economics" that is as much about a more caring daily life as it is about allocating resources on a macro level. The book also discusses the re-emergence of grassroots initiatives and cooperative informal economic sector largely ignored by mainstream and traditional economists.

Available from: New Society Publishers 4527 Springfield Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19143

Joekes, Susan and Weston, Ann.
Women and the new trade agenda.

New York: UNIFEM, 1994. 91 p. RN DEV 02100.00B

This slim work forwards the assumption that effective economic policies need to be sensitive to gender relations because women's economic contribution have always been invisible in traditional economic analysis and in economic planning. The authors discuss the gender issues that are emerging as trade policies and agreements change. They also present general information about trade trends, issues and management. They then examine the gender-specific outcomes of trade, lessons learned from examining export-oriented strategies implemented in the past decade, and potential options and limitations for women of trade-related employment. Finally, a series of recommendations for future advocacy work is outlined in the conclusion.

All UNIFEM publications are distributed by: Women, ink.

777 UN Plaza, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10017 U.S.A.

Karl, Marilee.
Women and empowerment.

London: Zed Books 1995. 173 p. RN DEV 02086.606

The empowerment of women through their increased participation in all aspects of political, social and economic life has become one of the major goals of democratic and participatory movements, as well as women's organizations throughout the world. One of the founders of ISIS International, Marilee Karl examines the vital interaction of women's increasing participation, decision-making and empowerment. She also discusses the legal, economic and social obstacles faced b\ women around tine world and examples of how women are meeting the challenges.

Available from: Zed Books Ltd. 7 Cynthia Street, London N1 9JF United Kingdom and 165 First Avenue, Atlantic Highlands New Jersey 07716, U.S.A.

Aung San Suu Kyi.
Freedom from fear and other writings.

New York: Penguin Books Ltd., 1991. 338 p. RN POL 02121.00B

This collection of essays written before her incarceration, reflects Aung San Suu Kyi's beliefs, hopes and fears for the peoples of Burma and their struggle for democracy. The subject of Aun San Suu Kyi's work are varied ranging from remembrances of her father, Aun San, leader of Burma's anti-colonial struggle, to essays on the literature and cultural heritage as well as intellectual development of Burma. There are also essays, speeches, letters and interviews resulting from her involvement in the Burmese peoples' struggle for democracy and self-determination. As a bonus, Hungary's president and eminent writer, Vaclav Havel contributed the foreword.

Available from: Penguin Books Ltd. Harmondsworth, Middlesex UB7 ODA United Kingdom

Women in politics in Asia and the Pacific.

New York: United Nations 1993. 204 p. RN POL 02097.00B

Women's visibility in public life and their participation in political processes are becoming increasingly evident in the Asia and Pacific regions. But despite the many achievements of women in the region, politics continue to be dominated by men. To boost regional efforts to enhance women's role in politics, the UNESCAP in cooperation with the Center for Korean Women and Politics, organized the Seminar on the Participation of Women in Politics as an Aspect of Human Resources Development, held in Seoul, Korea in November 18-20, 1992. This thin volume contains the proceedings of the Seminar, including the "Seoul Statement on Empowering Women in Politics" which was signed by the seminar participants and country papers presented by keynote speakers. For inquiries about

UN-ESCAP publications: united Nations Building Rajdamnern Avenue Bangkok 10200, Thailand

Correa, Sonia.
Population and reproductive rights: feminist Eierspectives from the South,

London: Zed Books Ltd., 1994.136 p. RN REP 02099.00B

The book attempts to bring the voices of women from the South to the ongoing debate on population and reproductive rights. With a critical feminist perspective. Correa examines the detrimental effects on women of past and present fertility management policies.

Turning to issues of sexual and reproductive health and women's rights, Correa argues for the indivisibility of health and rights, she identifies the challenges which women in the South need to tackle and suggests appropriate strategies for political action by the international women's movement around these issues.

Available from: Zed Books Ltd. 7 Cynthia Street, London N1 9JF United Kingdom and 165 First Avenue, Atlantic Highlands New Jersey 07716, U.S.A.

Committee on Women's Studies in Asia (ed.).
Women's studies, women's lives: theory and practice in South and Southeast Asia.

New Delhi: Kail for Women, 1994. 208 p. RN EDU 02091.00B

In this collection of essays, individual women's studies scholars and practitioners from South and Southeast Asia share their thoughts on themselves as women, and on the impact of women's studies on their lives and work. The writers reflect on their individual life stories and through these trace the different trajectories of their involvement in the field of women's studies. In doing so, they lay bare a dimension that often remains hidden' in accounts of the discipline-that of the personal~and show how deeply it is interwoven with the political.

Kali for Women B 1/8 Hauz Khas New Delhi 100016, India

Fisher, Judi and Wood, Janet (eds.).
A place at the table: women at the last supper.

Melbourne: LBCE, 1993. 90 p. RN REL 02098.00B

The understanding that only 12 men were invited to the last supper is a crucial point in the development within the Christian churches of the idea that only men can become priests and ordained ministers. The book examines the exclusion of woman from the New Testament accounts of the last supper and from the art that portrayed it. It concludes by appealing for an end to gender separation, starting with the inclusion of women in the visual depiction of the last supper The book editors heed this call by featuring the works of some women-artists.

Available from: The Joint Board of Christian Education Second Floor, 10 Queen street Melbourne 3000, Australia

Zohar, Danah.
The quantum self.

London: Flamingo, 1991. 245 p. RN IDE 02095.00B

Using the developments in modern physics, Danah Zohar, herself a physicist, shows that people cannot separate themselves from their surroundings. Zohar demonstrates how a more participative view of humankind's relationship with the universe is essential if it is to discover its true nature. She also asserts that quantum physics is the new foundation upon which both science and psychology can be based.

Available from: Flamingo Books 77/85 Fulham Palace Road Hammersmith, London W68JB, UK

Blunt, Alison and Rose, Gillian (eds).
Writing women and space.

New York: Guilford Press, 1994. 256 p. RN IDE 02125.00B

The book examines questions of mapping and space, the intersection of race with class and gender, and strategies of critiques and disruption. Using travel accounts, captivity narratives and letters as texts. Writing Women and Space raises questions about white women's historical complicity with, and resistance to hegemonic and imperialist mapping strategies. It also addresses the need for critical study of women's colonial and post colonial experience and for rethinking mapping and the concept of space, both its social and personal aspects.

Available from: The Guilford Press 72 Spring street, New York NY 10012, U.S.A.

Groz, Elizabeth.
Volatile bodies: towards a corporeal feminism.

Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1994. 250 p. RN IDE 02101.00B

Feminists, like philosophers, have tended to ignore the body or to place it in a position subordinate to, and dependent on intentions. In Volatile Bodies, Grosz demonstrates that the sexually specific body is socially constructed; that is, biology or nature is inherently social and has no pure or natural origin outside culture. Because it is the raw material or social and cultural organization, the body is subject to the rewriting and inscription that constitute all sign systems. Grosz shows that the theories of, among others, Freud, Lacan and Foucault theorize the male body She then turns to corporeal experiences unique to women like menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, lactation, and menopause to lay the groundwork for a feminist conception of the body.

Available from: The Indiana University Press Publicity Dept. 601 N. Morton Street Bloomington, Indiana 47404, U.S.A.

Williams, Christine.
Gender differences at work: women and men in non-traditional occupation.

Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989. 191p. RN SEX 02117.00B

Examining the experiences of women in the military and men in the nursing profession, Christine Williams debunks popular stereotypes about masculine women "and feminine men. She demonstrates how the maintenance and reproduction of gender identity is very different for men and women. Williams shows', for example, that while men in the nursing profession exert greater effort than women to distinguish their roles from those performed by the opposite sex, women in the military seek to minimize the role differences between themselves and their male colleagues. One of the book's conclusions is that the achievement of masculinity is today intertwined with demonstrating superiority and essential differences from females.

Published by: The University of California Press Berkeley and Los Angeles California, U.S.A.

Alexander, Meena.
Fault lines.

New York: The Feminist Press, 1993.226 p. RN LIT 02134.00B

From India to Sudan to England, and finally to the island of Manhattan, poet Meena Alexander traces her growth as a writer and a woman over borders, through decades, and across cultures. In this journey, Alexander claims the fragments of a life left scattered by multiple migrations and uprootings.

Available from: The Feminist Press at The City University of New York 511 East 94th Street, New York NY 10128 U.S.A.

Cordero Fernando Gilda and Francisco, Mariel.
Lady's lunch and Other Ways to Wholeness.

Quezon City: GCF Books, 1994, 227 p. RN LIT 02157.00B

A book for women and little women, for men and little men too. It offers a descriptive chronicle of two women's lives coming to terms with themselves and with their world. Told in many ways through anecdotes, tales, and even recipes, this book will not only delight the reader's eyes through its design, layout and illustrations but will also be enlightening, refreshing and delightful for the mind and soul to feast on.

This book relives the idyllic life of pre war Pampanga and Manila to the commuters' chaos of today viewed from the eyes of two convent bred and rich girls turning into women. It gives traditional, home-spun wisdom and healing like hilot and herbal oaths to soothe the Body. Unabashedly bourgeois, the book recounts women s discovery of sexuality, coping mechanisms, married life, motherhood, love affairs and life after mid forties.

Available from: CCF Books , 37 Panay Avenue Quezon City, Philippines

Gilden, Julia and Friedman, Mark (comp.).
Woman to woman: entertaining and enlightening quotes by women about women.

New York: Bantam-Doubleday Dell Publishing Croup, inc., 1994. 205 p. RN LIT 02089.00B

Read wit, humour, biting one-liners on a wide range or topics like life cycle, relationships, spirituality, money, business, to science and technology by women. The women who speak here, although predominandy Americans and Europeans, come from different social and political backgrounds, race and professions. The spirit of the book is to give the reader a rapid scan on women's opinions. But more important than this is that the collection of quotes brings out women to be heard and read.

Available from: Dell Publishing a division of Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Croup, Inc. 1540 Broadway, New York NY 10036, U.S.A.

Steams, Liza and Burris, Mary Ann (eds.).
Reflections and resonance: stories of Chinese women involved in international preparatory activities for the 1995 NGO forum on women.

Beijing: The Ford Foundation, 1995. 328 p. RN CUL 02158.00B

This is a collection of essays and reportage of some of the Chinese women who have been involved in the preparation for the 1995 NGO Fourm on Women. The women-teachers, studnets, journalists, lawyers, social workers, medical practitioners, and researchers-wrote about their selves and their observations of the world. There is also a section called "Dialogues" which records actual roundtable discussions of some of the women about women's work, overseas meetings, and girls and boys.

For inquiries about the book: International Club Jianguomenwai Dajie No. 21 Beijing, China 100020

Gender Review: Kenya's Women and Development Quarterly
Interlink Rural Information Service Kodi Road, Nairobi, Kenya P.O. BOX 12871, Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: (254)-2-603572/3,

Fax: 603574

IRIS, a non-governmental, nonprofit making media and research organization based in Nairobi, Kenya. Gender Review reports on environmental, social and development issues affecting women. First published in June 1994, the magazine tackles development problems of Kenyan women from a policy and legal perspective.

Review of Women's Studies

University Center for women's Studies Magsaysay corner Ylanan Sts., University of the Philippines, 1101 Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines

Published twice a year since 1990, Review of Women's Studies carries articlesn by feminist scholars as well as research reports and abstracts of ongoing studies on women's concerns, feminist poetry and fiction and book reviews.

Alam-E-Niswan: Paldstan Journal of Women's Studies

C-12, Staff Town, University of Karachi, Karachi 75270, Pakistan

First published in 1993, Alam-E-Niswan comes out twice a year, every January and July. Its major interests as a women's journal are interdisciplinary research, conceptual and analytical papers, research on curricula and teaching strategies, reviews of books, films and theatrical performances, and reports on national and international conferences, workshops and symposia

Gender and Development: An Oxf am Journal

274 Barbury Road, Oxford OX2 7DZ, United Kingdom

Formerly known as Focus on Gender, the new Gender and Development is published in February, June and September each year. It offers a forum to exchange views, record experiences, describe models of good practice and disseminate information about networks and resources. Recent and forthcoming themes include North-South cooperation, women and culture and women and rights.

Lola Press: International Feminist Magazine

  • Friedrichstr. 165, D-10117 Berlin, Germany Tel/Fax: 49-30-6093719
  • P.O. Box 6914 Windhoek, Namibia, Tel/Fax: 264-61 220156
  • Eduardo Acevedo 1320 Ap. 102, 11200 Montevideo, Uruguay Tel/Fax: 598-2 424 180

Lola Press is a bilingual magazine published biannually in Spanish and English. Its main objective is to divulge and encourage feminist debates in all regions of the world. Some of the issues tackled in its pages include feminism in Africa, women and power, Brazilian women and elections, women's strike in Germany, and women's organizing in the Czech Republic.

Women and Environments

736 Bathurst St., Toronto, Canada M5S 2R4

Published by the Weed Foundation, Women and Environments tackle diverse issues like community development, green consumerism, urbanization, rural women, networking, etc. This thin but substantive periodical comes out quarterly each year.

Hecate, A Woman's Interdisciplinary Journal

P.O. Box 99, St. Lucia, Brisbane, Queensland 7067, Australia

Hecate comes out twice yearly and is published by the Hecate Press and the Unit for Women, Ideology and Culture of the English Department at the University of Queensland. For the last twenty years or so, it has published historical and critical articles, creative works and graphics, bibliographies and reviews. Hecate's stress is on analysis which employs a feminist, Marxist, and other radical methodology.

Towards Women-Centered Reproductive Health

(Information Package No. 1:1995) prepared and published by the Asia-Pacific Resource and Research Centre for women (ARROW). Kuala Lumpur, 1995.

ARROW'S information package addresses the questions raised by population, health, family planning and women's organizations related to the preparation and implementation of the Programme of Action of the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo.

The package comprises three booklets Broadening the Concept, Addressing the Needs; Ideas for Action; and an Annotated bibliography. This package which highlights views and experiences from Asia and Pacific, contains excerpts of about 40 articles, papers and reports have been reprodroduced in this package. In the bibliography, 50 key monographs, articles and papers reappraising population and family planning programs have also been reviewed.

This package is a useful resource for all organizations concerned Math women's health and women's rights.

Available from:
2nd Floor, Block F
Anjung Felda, Jalan Maktab
54000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
