Feminist International Radio Endeavor

On May 1,1991, FIRE started roadcasting one hour a day in magazine format on Radio For Peace International, an independent shortwave radio station located in Costa Rica. Soon, this program will be expanded to three hours daily. Respecting its worldwide audience, it shall broadcast for an hour in English, an hour in Spanish, and one hour in another language.

This feminist radio program gives women worldwide a voice to speak out on all issues, from sexuality to agriculture, from politics to medicine, education and demilitarization. Finally women have a forum in which women's ideas may be heard without being dismissed by the patriarchy. Through this endeavor, women shall cross the barriers of nation, race, class and culture.

This program is sponsored by the Foundation for a Compassionate Society and Change of Heart Inc. founded by Genevieve Vaughan, which has its base in Austin, Texas, but works with women around the world. The Foundation is devoted to bringing women's values into reality and validating them as the way to peace for all.

It has sponsored many projects for peace and justice through social change inspired by these ideals.

Debra Latham, General Manager of RFPI, initially hosted FIRE. Maria Suarez, a Puerto Rican-Latin American woman, recently began hosting the program. She will be joined by two other women soon.

Maria has worked as a teacher in bilingual education for children in New York and has taught at Albany State University in New York and at the University of Costa Rica. In addition, she has worked on literacy programs for adults, and more recently as a human rights activist in Central America.

FIRE welcomes programs from women worldwide which demonstrate a women's perspective on all issues. Please submit tapes, preferably cassettes, and include facts about the programs, i.e., names, titles, dates and sponsors of events, your name and address. Programs should be 55 minutes or less. (If under 55 minutes, indicate exact length.) Send the cassettes by air mail, not more than two per mailing envelope, to RFPI, Box 88, Santa Ana, Costa Rica.