Good news for traveling women! A West European travel guide in German language is now available. It is a book containing over 100 addresses and descriptions of women's hotels, pensions houses, guest houses, camping sites and private accommodations in 18 European countries. Information about women's coffee shops, bars and centres are also Included.

The guidelines (5 pages) and 100 keywords are translated into English. French, Spanish and Italian so that non-German speaking women can make use of it too. To order, write to: Frauen Unterwegs e.V., Potsdamerstr. 139, D - 1000 Berlin 30 Germany. (256 pages, priced at 24 DM)

Skipping Stones

A Multicultural Children's Quarterly Skipping Stones Is a non-profit, multi-ethnic children's magazine. The publication wishes to encourage cultural and linguistic diversity and an understanding of the ecological web that sustains us. It is a place for children of diverse backgrounds to share their experiences and expressions - a forum for the young generations. They have a pen pal network as well. If you are Interested In learning about other countries and culture, share thoughts. Ideas and experiences with an international pen pal, write your request to: Skipping Stones 80574 Hazelton Road. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 U.S.A.


Correspondencia is a bilingual (English/ Spanish) forum for women active In labour, urban popular, lesbian, anti-violence, popular education and cultured movements in Mexico, Canada and the U.S.

It is published three times a year by Mujer a Mujer, a collective of Mexican, U.S., and Caribbean
women based in Mexico promoting communication, exchange and strategic connecting among activists throughout the region.

They welcome letters, articles and other contributions. To submit articles or subscribe to Correspondencia. write to:


Mujer a Mujer/ Woman to Woman, 

P.O. Box 12322, San Antonio 

TX 78212 U.S.A.

Two New Issues of Social Justice on Women

Social Justice Is proud to announce the publication of two sequential Issues on the rights of women. Part of the legacy of the Reagan era has been the devastation of economic and social programs benefiting women and children. An emboldened right wing continues to push its agenda of traditional family values resulting In Increased attacks on women, minorities, the gay community, and on new and creative visions of human relations. Concomitantly, the social control of gender and the reinforcing of traditional gender roles have come to play an increasingly central role. Such an atmosphere prompted Social Justice's decision to devote these two issues to women. The two Issues are: Criminality, Imprisonment, and Women's Rights in the 1990s (Vol. 17, No.2), and Feminism and the Social Control of Gender (Vol. 17, No. 3) To order, please send $12.00 per copy to: Social Justice, P.O. Box 40601. San Francisco, CA 94140.

Now Available from South Asia Bulletin:

Volume 9 No.2 - The Civil War in Sri Lanka; Racism and Writing of History; Women in the Dalit Movement

Subscription rate: Individuals: U.S.$ 115.00 per year or $25.00 for two years.

Institutions: U.S. 25.00 per year or $45.00 for two years.

Please order from: South Asia Bulletin Department of History State University of New York, Albany, Albany, NY 12222, U.S.A.