Due to pressure of time, evaluation of the workshop took place on Monday 10 December when a number of participants were attending the 'Italian Day'. However at least 25 people were present.

We began the process by each participant writing down on the one hand what they liked about the workshop and on the other hand what they felt could have been better. There was then a general discussion.

The following summary aims to portray something of the atmosphere of the workshop as well as including comments of relevance to the planning of future meetings.

The composition and structure of the workshop

Since the aim of the workshop was to analyse personal experiences as a basis for the development of new strategies, the group composition was clearly of crucial importance. Many people commented favourably on this: "I welcome the diversity of class and background represented and especially the participation of those with concrete experiences at grassroots level. This made an enormous difference to the relevance of what we are doing as well as to the tone of the meeting." There was however some concern that the women from the North came mainly from development organisations rather than women's organisations, and hence the focus tended to be on the problems of Third World women. "It seems", said one African participant, "that Northern women have no problems."

Many people welcomed the relatively small size of the meeting. "The group should certainly have been no larger. The size allowed us to have real interchange and build up common understanding and a feeling of solidarity. "A number of those used to attending primarily mixed (men and women) meetings mentioned the non-competitiveness of the group and the greater freedom they felt to express themselves openly in an all women's situation.

There was an expression of disappointment that, "just as we are beginning to get to know each other and creating a real feeling of solidarity and the establishment of lasting ties the workshop must end." It was suggested that we should all meet again for a month in West Samoa!

In terms of organisational style, most people welcomed the opportunity to work in small groups but felt frustrated that the workshop sessions could not have been longer. Some felt that, "clearer leadership in some workshops would have allowed us to get more out of a short time." Others welcomed the low profile adopted by the organisers : "The style is a good demonstration of what we mean about development - each taking on a role and everyone having the chance to speak and have their views respected."

The outcome of the meeting

Most people welcomed the fact that the meeting agreed on concrete action proposals, especially in relation to the Resource and Action Kit and joint plans for the NGO Forum in Nairobi. However there was frustration that due to lack of time it was not possible to do enough drawing together of personal experiences in order to go beyond them to the analytical level needed to develop new strategies.

In particular it was felt that more focus would be needed in the future on the shortcomings of the women's movement in influencing policy at international level. Also more analysis is needed of specific development issues from a women's perspective. Some Northern participants would also like to have heard more about what Third World women think of Western development aid and the views of Western women.

One participant summed up her feelings about the outcome of the meeting by saying : "Although we did not have enough time to come up with common strategies, the workshop helped me choose my own strategies for the future. Perhaps we are too often pressurised into thinking we should have common strategies when a characteristic of women's methodology is that the strategies will be very diverse."

The atmosphere

This is best indicated by a series of quotations:

"I felt a strong sense of community, a real living network which strengthens and inspires."

"A great occasion for sharing experiences."

"This was my first time at an all women's meeting. The atmosphere created in the first few days allowed us to lose our inhibitions and express ourselves freely. It has been one reason why we have come up with so many concrete strategies."

"The atmosphere was one of common concern and understanding, even among such a diverse group. This enabled us to cover a lot of ground in a short time." 

"I expected a growth process - contact based on common experience with women new to me from many places in a context suitable at home. This was met and exceeded."