Starting from 1976, the International Feminist Network (IFN) has been active in helping mobilise international support and solidarity among women to fight against the oppression of women and the violation of women's rights. Past experience shows us that international support does make a difference. The IFN is jointly coordinated by Isis International and Isis-WICCE. We have recently received the following appeals:

In Turkey: Demands for Reha Isvan's Release

Reha Isvan, 60 years old, has been an activitiest for the rights of women and children for many years. She was arrested two years ago and has been sitting in the Metris military prison in Istanbul, Turkey, since. She was tried and sentenced to eight years imprisonment and later to be exiled for two years and eight months by the military court.

Please send your demands for Reha's release to:
President Kenan Evren/ Prime Minister Turgut Ozal Ankara, Turkey.

For more information, contact:
Progressive Women's Organization, Faelledvej 16C, 4. tv. DK-2200 Copenhagen, Denmark

In Uruguay: Yessie A. Macchi Torre

Yessie A. Macchi Torre, accused of belonging to the National Liberation Movement (MLN-Tupamaros), was sentenced by a military court to 45 years in prison in Montevideo, Uruguay, twelve years ago.

During the past twelve years of imprisonment, Yessie has reportedly been persistently tortured physically and psychologically. Due to the lack of medical care, the frequent arbitrary punishments and the unsanitary prison conditions, Yessie suffers from serious physical deterioration.

Yvelise Macchi, the sister of Yessie, in fear of her sister's physical well-being, appeals for your support in obtaining Yessie's freedom. Letters and petitions could be sent to:

  • Dr. Julio Maria Sanguinetti Presidente de la Repiiblica Casa de Gobierno Montevideo, Uruguay
  • Dr. Juan Silva Delgado Presidente de la Suprema Corte de Justicia Montevideo, Uruguay - Ibicuy 1310
  • Hon. Presidente Camara de Senadores Palacio Legislativo • Hon. Presidente Camara de Diputados Palacio Legislativo Montevideo, Uruguay

For more information, contact:
Yvelise Macchi, Insurgentes Sur 3493, Edif. 2()/3{)2, Mexico D.F., 14020.

In Chile: Women Political Prisoners

Women political prisoners being held in the San Miguel Preventive Detention Centre in Santiago, Chile are trying to establish an exchange of letters and information with women's groups worldwide to gain support for human rights cases in Chile. They are demanding an end to government killings and reprisals against the opponents of the regime, the right to better prison conditions and to a fair and speedy trial for all political prisoners. They would also like to receive information on the activities of different women's groups and organisations so as to establish a mutual support network.

Letters and information should be directed to:
Carmen Aguilera, Villa Santa Lucia, Los Duraznos 062, Quilicura, Santiago, Chile.

In Morocco: Campaign for the Release of Women Detainees

The Collective of Maghrebines Women (Le Collectif des Femmes Maghrebines) is calling for your support of the worldwide petition for the release of Moroccan women political prisoners. About fifty Moroccan women are now detained in prisons for crimes of conscience. Having been sentenced to thirty years of imprisonment, Souad Makane is now suffering from an alarming physical deterioration.

The Collective demands the Moroccan government to reveal the situation and conditions of these women detainees, to carry out public trials, and to release all political prisoners in Morocco.

For more information, contact:
Collectif des Femmes Maghrebines c/o Maison des Femmes, 8 Cite Prost, 75011 Paris, France.


Filipino Women in Unity

5000 women from all walks of life gathered in front of Malacanang, the Philippine presidential palace, to demand a stop to the «double oppression and exploitation* of women and an end to the «US-backed Marcos dictatorship* on International Women's Day.

The protest action lasted for five hours and was held simultaneously with mass actions in other cities of the country. Organised by GABRIELA, this march dramatised a growing nationalist and militant consciousness and served as a climax to the week-long women's congress and other protest activities. The protesters called for the abolishment of the Preventive Detention Decree, an end to sexual harassment, political repression. International Monetary Fund and World Bank impositions, pornography, the operation of the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant, and the militarisation of the Southern Philippine Island of Mindanao.

Backed by two firetrucks and a Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) team, the 1()(K) armed anti-riot police behind rows of barbed wire barriers witnessed the protest action.

For more information, contact:
GABRIELA, Rm. 221, PCIB Bldg., Greenhills Commercial Center, Manila, Philippines.


Zimbabwe Women in Industry in Pictures on 8 March

International Women's Day was marked in Zimbabwe by a photographic exhibition entitled «Zimbabwe Women in Industry* together with the launching of a book sharing the same name. The exhibition and the book are the result of interviews and photographs taken of women workers at various factories around the country. The women workers outline their problems and discuss the work of individuals and unions in overcoming these problems. The exhibition was organised by the Zimbabwe Publishing House.

For more information, contact:
Anni Holmes and Jester Tshuma, Zimbabwe Publishing House, P.O. Box BW 350, Borrowdale Harare, Zimbabwe.


Women not Only want to give their lives, but also want to change It.

In the new democratic spirit which dominates Uruguayan society, on 8 March, women marched in the centre of the city under the slogan of «Women not only want to give their lives, but also want to change it».

The march was organised by all of the country's political forces: PLEMU (Plenary of Uruguayan Women), GREMU (Union of Uruguayan Women), AMPU (Association of Women Journalists) and the PIT-CNT. In a public speech the women asked for education, work, health, communication channels and social services. The march ended at the women's prison where they conveyed their demands to the women prisoners. On the days following 8 March many seminars and meetings were organised to discuss the situation of women in the country. Information provided by Mariela


8 of March Marches in the pre-Election Spirit

This year the women's movement was more active than ever for International Women's Day. There were activities organised not only in Lima, but also in many cities of the interior such as Cuzco, Chimbote, Arequipa and Chiclayo. In Arequipa, for example, the feminists of the Women's Center inaugurated the «Adela Monsinos Library» to commemorate one of the first women who fought for women's rights in Arequipa. This is the first library of its kind in the city which is considered the second in importance after Lima.

This same group organised, together with the group Flora Tristan, a two day seminar in Lima on «Feminism as a Legitimate Expression of Political Participation." Around 50 women from different sectors - students, professionals, housewives, etc. - attended the seminar.

In another city, Cuzco, the women organised a painting exhibition at the National Cultural Institute's Gallery.

Meanwhile in Lima, thousands of women marched on March 8 carrying flags, banners, placards, and singing different slogans. Since the march was organised by the different women's committees of the political parties of the left and COMUP (Committee of the Peruvian Woman) just before the presidential elections on April 14, the slogans were very heterogeneous. The section where the feminists marched was more numerous than other years and was headed by the two candidates for parliament: Victoria Villanueva and Virginia Vargas. Wearing T-shirts with the main election slogan written on them: «Woman, vote for yourself,» the feminists accompanied their usual slogans with songs and music. One of the refrains most sung was «If your husband hits you, you should also hit him; if you can't with your hands do it with your pots!»

The mixture of the music, flowers, and torches in the march gave it all a very festive atmosphere!

A week later in a very big outdoor auditorium of Lima, Campo de Marte, the third edition of the song festival «Canto a la Vida» («I sing to Life») was held. A large number of women actresses, musicians, and dancers participated in the festival which lasted for 5 hours and was attended by 3,000 persons.

Information from:
Ana Maria Portugal of the Centro Flora Tristan, Apartado 11745, Lima 11, Peru