Mass Arrests in Malaysia...

Over 90 people were recently imprisoned without trial in Malaysia for the alleged purpose of preventing "possible unrest due to increasing racial tension".

These people belong to different races and include Members of Parliament, leaders of non-governmental organisations (including women's groups and environmental groups), trade unionists, labour leaders, members of religious groups, university academics, youth leaders, lawyers, unaffiliated individuals and members of opposition political parties. The leader of the Opposition is one of those arrested.

They are being held under the Internal Security Act, which allows the Government to detain the arrested without trial for an indefinite period.

In addition, the Prime Minister has banned all mass gatherings and prohibited the publication of three newspapers. A support group for the detainees has been set up by 10 NGOs in Kuala Lumpur. The Bar Council is attempting to secure the release of the detainees and Hong Kong based organisations have begun to petition the government.

Letters of protest should be sent to:

The Prime Minister's Office
Attention: Dr Mahathir Mohammed
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Philippine Police Harass Workers...

Armed police and military personnel have intervened in a labour dispute here involving the Nestle multinational. The workers, who are picketing the company for the hiring of casual labour to oust unionised staff and for a wage increase, have met repeated harassment by large squads of police and soldiers.

They are being attacked with water cannon, detained, made to pay bail bonds and then released. The company has also fired 70 union officials from their jobs.

These incidents have taken place on several occasions at three plants where the workers, members of the Union of Filipino Employees, are on strike. The union is calling on the international community to launch boycotts of nestle products and to send letters of protest to:

The Ministry of Labour
Intramuros, Manila