Dear Friends,

Many of you have written to us extending sympathy over the recent death of a most dear friend to this organisation, Charles Foubert. For these expressions we are deeply appreciative.

It is rare for an organisation or for people to come across individuals such as Charles was. A constant source of support, of encouragement and assistance, this man will be missed much more than we can possibly express. Not only did Isis and the cause of women benefit from his generous spirit and deep concern for oppressed peoples, but so did communities in the Philippines and other parts of the third world, as well as minorities right here in Rome.

There were no contradictions between Charles' involvement in working for greater justice in the world and his personal relations. He put his vision into practice in everyday life. As the husband of Marilee Karl, he was a companion who shared responsibilities and worked side by side on all things big and little, besides being a constant support. As the father of Alice, he shared the cares and joy of mothering. Marilee would like to thank all those who have reached out to her at this time of enormous loss. It is your solidarity which has made it possible to keep on going.

In trying to live up to the spirit of Charles' work, we offer you our latest issue of Women in Action. You will see that we are continuing to make changes to the publication . This month we focus on something specific issues and include a couple of longer articles. We believe that a more in-depth explication of some of the innovative work of some women's organisations in the "third world" can offer fruitful ideas to other activists far away. For that reason, we have written long pieces on the East Sepik Women's Network in Papua New Guinea and the Self-Employed Women's Association in India.

Much of the material in this publication focuses on women workers in the third world. This is largely because the material we have been receiving recently seems to centre on this subject. But, in going through it, we have also become more convinced that there is increasing need for attention to this issue. New developments in women's exploitation are taking place through the use of technology and transnational business policies. We need to keep pace with information on these developments and devise ways of countering them.

As Charles would have said.