Course on Women, Men and Development

This course is being run by the Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex from April 18 to July 15, 1988.

       It aims to provide participants with analytical tools for examining the social, political and cultural context in which they operate.

       It identifies a number of major issues concerning women's participation in the economic and social process in societies undergoing rapid transformation. It emphasizes a number of critical interventions which can help ensure social recognition of and support for women's distinct contribution and needs: policy-useful research; formulation of policy alternatives; development of organizational strategies to influence policy- making decisions....

       The fee for the two-month course is £3,380 plus extras. Interested persons may write to:

The Chairman, Teaching Area

Institute of Development Studies

The University of Sussex 

Falmer Brighton BNl 9RE


Telex 877997 IDSBTN

Leadership and Power Conference

A four-day conference will be held in the United States to examine the theme: "Leadership and Power: Women's Alliances for Social Change."

        Organized by the National Women's Studies Association, the conference is the 10th annual meeting of this group and will take place at the University of Minnesota in Minneapohs on June 22- June 26, 1988.

         The conference will focus on means of women working together: its goals include exploring coalition
building by looking at culturally diverse leadership models that empower women.

           Call for proposals are available


Lori Graven or Ann Verica The National Women's Studies


Department of Professional


315 PUlsbury Drive SE

University of Minnesota

Minneapolis MLn 55455-0139

Tel: (612) 625-9023, 625-8803

Women at Work Meeting

A two-day meeting on Women at Work will be held in London in April 1988. Arranged by the Thames Polytechnic, it is expected to bring together feminist researchers, writers, lecturers and practitioners in industry, commerce, HE/FE consultancy and the professions.

        Centered around issues in Organizational Psychology, the conference will enable women centered decision makers and administrators to explore common
themes, examine inherent conflicts and to look at their theoretical developments and practical strategies in employee behaviours.

         Persons interested in preparing

papers may contact:

Sandra M. Oliver

Thames Polytechnic

Oakfield Lane

Dartford Kent DAI 2SZ


Tel: 0322 21328

Talks on Home Birth

The First International Conference on Home Birth will be held on October 24 & 25, 1987. It is for all who wish to reconsider the modern way of birth and explore alternatives for the future. An audience of 3,000 is expected and there will be one week of workshops following the
conference. For further information, contact:

Janet Balaskas

Home Birth Conference

65 Mount Nod Road

London SW16 2LP
