Women's Information Network in Japan

A regional seminar on "Development of a Women's Information Network for Asia and the Pacific" was held at the National Women's Education Centre in December last year. This seminar was the first project of a UN plan to gather, analyze and disseminate statistics and data related to women, and to build a network to provide a channel for promoting cooperative activities among countries in the region.

          The present objectives of the network for the initial period are:

1. to create a list of indicators to monitor the situation of women.

2. To find ways of improving socioeconomic indicators.

3. To develop the structure for a regional women's information network.

Women Writers

A Network of Women Writers has been formed to offer support to women who write in isolation. Their magazine "Network" is produced quarterly. For more information contact:

Melissa Lee

8 The Broadway

Working Surrey GU21 BAP UK

Also, third world women who are working on issues connected with militarism are requested to send their names, addresses, research topic and list of publications to Eva Isaksson who will coordinate a network. Her address is;

Hauhontie 8 F34,00550 Helsinki



A network of women working for peace was established this year in Helsinki. Called the Network on Alternative Futures Utopias, it is being co-ordinated by Elise Boulding. Her address is:

624 Pearl St Apt 206

Boulder Colorado