On 8th March 1987, the Union of Feminist Action was created by a group of women who had launched some three years before a monthly paper called "8th March".

This paper has been playing a tremendous role to develop a sense of responsibility within Moroccan women, help them be aware of the increasing importance of their participation in the economic, social, cultural, scientific and political life of the country, and achieve rights that match their role in society.

"8th March" has also introduced a general debate on women's lives in Morocco, put forward proposals to unite and organise Moroccan women to combat discrimination especially that related to marriage and divorce. It has finally called upon the authorities to sign and abide by the international conventions condemning all kinds of sex discrimination against women.

The Union of Feminist Action will work to make women more aware of their cause which is part of the causes of the country and the people at large. It will also organise women in order to achieve their specific demands and be involved in the general struggle.

The Union aims not only at educating women and scraping illiteracy among them but at taking action in order to change sexist laws and put an end to all forms of discrimination that they suffer from, and finally, at achieving equality of both sexes in all fields.

It aims at strengthening solidarity and cooperation with women's organisations in all Arabic countries, and in the rest of the world.

For more information, contact:

UWA 45, Bd Lalla Yakout, ler, etage Casablanca, Morocco