Asian Regional Meeting on Women and Health

In 1986 Sundari Ravindran - a former co-editor of the Women's Global Network on Reproductive Rights - wrote to Network contacts and other groups in Asia to ask if there was interest in an Asian regional meeting on women and health. Groups in five countries said they were interested and later the Pacific and Asia Women's Forum in Sri Lanka said they would like to take the idea further.

For further information, contact:

Pacific and Asia Women's Forum
623/27 Rajagiriya Gardens
Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka



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Nicaragua: Women, Science, Technology and Medicine

The Central American Conference on Women, Science, Technology and Medicine in developing countries will be held in Managua from August 24 28, 1987. It is proposed to discuss experiences, points of view and strategies of women in science. Even though the principal focus will be on women in Central America, the invitation will be extended to participants from other parts of the world, especially in North America. The conference is supported by the Kovalevskaia Foundation of the United States and by the National Confederation of Nicaraguan Professionals, which is hosting the event.

For further information, contact:

"Kovalevskaia Fund"
Prof. Ann Hibner Koblitz
Department of History
Wellesley College
Wellesley MA 02181, USA

PAST CONFERENCES Cuba - Workshop: Women and Development

A "Workshop on Women and Development" was held in the last week of February in Havana, as part of the Fifth Conference of Social Sciences at the University of Havana. The workshop was organized by the Federation of Cuban Women together with the university's Investigation Team on Development.

For more information, contact:

Federacion de Mujeres Cubanas
Calle -No.214
Havana, Cuba



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Argentina Women, Health and Development

The second National Conference on Women, Health and Development was held in Buenos Aires on November 13 and 14 last year. About 320 people from throughout the country participated, as well as representatives from the provinces and governmental bodies and non-governmental groups interested in the problems of women.

In an atmosphere of dialogue and discussion the conference discussed five central themes: women, health and development, work legislation and family legislation linked to women and development, participation of women in community health programs, maternity deaths in Argentina and Latin America and alcoholism, tobacco addiction and drug dependence in women.

For more information, contact:

Mabel Bianco
Coordinator of Women, Health and Development Program
Defensa 120 - 4 piso, of. 4080
(1345) Buenos Aires, Argentina

Women and Man-Made Environment - A Conference on Feminist Geography and Urban Planning

The people at the University of Amsterdam who organized this conference in September last year used a novel approach to an international discussion of the effect of gender relations on women and their residential environment. Eight morning lectures were given by English social geographers - members of the Women and Geography Study Group of the Institute of British Geographers (the group which wrote Geography and Gender: An Introduction to Feminist Geography, which was used as a reader for the conference). Each of these papers was critiqued in the afternoon sessions by a Dutch co-speaker, a device which lent structure to the discussions while facilitating the introduction of Dutch perspectives. Papers from the conference are available on request.



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For more information, contact:

Women and Man-Made Environment
University of Amsterdam (ISG)
Jodenbreestraat 23, 1011 NH
Amsterdam, Netherlands