Dear Friends,

This issue of Women in Action comes to you from a scene of total confusion. We are in the midst of moving our Rome office. If there are any shortcomings, therefore, we hope you will bear with us. The longer term results will be terrific. Now, with far more space at our disposal, we will be able to move two steps without treading on one or another of our colleagues. It should result in a greater capacity to offer you improved service. Isis started in 1974 as a tiny operation with three people; we now we have nine women working with us at our Rome center and ten at our office in Santiago. You can imagine how crowded we have become, especially as our office has always been a stopping- off point for traveling activists and researchers!

We would like to welcome Ms. Niala Maharaj, a journalist from Trinidad and Tobago, who has joined our staff as English language Publications Co-ordinator. The next issue of Women in Action will be prepared with her inputs.

We are pleased, also, to announce the publication of an English language version of our Latin American Women's Health Networks Journal. This journal is designed to carry information, ideas, news and experiences sent in by participating groups in the network. Some ten issues have already been produced in Spanish. But because of the clamor from groups in the Caribbean and elsewhere to have access to the wealth of information contained in these publications, we felt it was urgent to begin production of an English edition. We are delighted at the lively appearance and the wide range of issues that have surfaced in this first attempt, and hope that you will feel the same way. We urge all organizations working in this area to communicate their activities, concerns and ideas through this publication, which is available from our Santiago office.

Our recent activities include participation in the 5th International Women and Health Meeting organized by CEFEMINA in Costa Rica in May. We held two workshops there; this current Women in Action carries a report on this endeavor.

Please continue to communicate with us at our new address; our own growth, we hope, is a reflection of the strengthening of ties among the international sisterhood of women working for women and a better world.

And now, back to the packing....

We look forward to seeing any of you who may pass by Rome at Via San Saba 5.