Fourth Feminist Meeting in Mexico

The Coordinating Committee of the Fourth Gathering (Encuentro) of Latin American and Caribbean Feminists have written the following letter:

Dear Sisters,

We would like to let you know that we are moving ahead with our preparations for the Fourth Gathering (Encuentro) of Latin American and Caribbean Feminists, which will be held October 17- 25, 1987, in Taxco, Mexico.

Since the number of participants has grown with every Encuentro and we face serious limitations both in terms of space and infrastructure, we have had to limit the number of participants to 1,200 - with a maximum of J 50 women coming from the United States and Europe. Of these 150, we feel that Chicana, Latina, or Caribbean women's participation is a priority.

If you are interested in participating, please write us a letter with the following information: your name and address; your work with women, or other feminist activities; your relationship to Latin America or the Caribbean or to Chicana, Latina, or Caribbean communities; why you want to participate in the Encuentro; what you can offer; and, what you hope to do and learn.

We need to have all applications in by July 1. On August 1, we will send 20 the invitations to those who are accepted.

The registration fee will be U.S.$250, which will cover all the costs of the Encuentro. We do not have the possibility of offering scholarships, so we ask that women seek support from their communities.

We appreciate your help in spreading the word to Chicana, Latina and Caribbean women - as well as any other support you can offer.

For further information, contact:

A.P. 21-584
Coyoacah 04000
Mexico, D.F., Mexico

International Conference on Homebirth

A two-day International Conference on Home Birth will be held in London in October 1987 and will be followed by a week of workshops.

It aims to unite people from many countries who are concerned about childbirth and the tendency throughout the developed world to deliver babies in hospital. Rarely does a hospital provide the right conditions for normal physiological birth, say the conference organizers. The view that hospital is the best place for birth has gone largely unchallenged and the conference has invited an international guest list of speakers to address this issue.

Home birth has many advantages, claim the organizers. If more women gave birth at home, the maternity services as a whole may be improved. For those women who do not give birth at home, it is vital to bring more of the qualities of home into hospitals. The Home Birth Conference is for all who wish to reconsider the modern way of birth and explore alternatives for the future.

Conference fee is £ 25, (general public); £ 45 (professionals), £ 15, (unwaged).

For more information, contact:

Home Birth Conference
65 Mount Nod Road
London SW16 2LP

Consumer Conference

More than ever before consumers are realizing the need to show consumer solidarity to achieve a better world. Now the consumer voice is beginning to be heard. But there is still much to be done to ensure that consumer rights are fully respected and that the development process takes into account the consumer interest.

Consumers from all over the world will meet in Madrid, Spain September 15 - 20, 1987. They will share experiences and knowledge and work together to find ways to promote and protect consumer interests nationally and internationally. It is the first time the lOCU World Congress has been held in a Spanish- speaking country and the majority of sessions will be in both English and Spanish.

The 12th lOCU World Congress will be held in the University of Madrid. About 4,000 consumer activists, experts and administrators are expected to attend.

For more information, contact:

Soledad Gonzales
Congress Coordinator
lOCU Central Office
Emmastraat 9 2595 EG The Hague
The Netherlands

Weaving Women's Colors

The 1987 annual conference of the U.S. National Women's Studies Association, as mentioned last issue, is called "Weaving Women's Colors: A Decade of Empowerment." Organizers now report that the conference, to be held June 24 - 28 at Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, will have some eminent speakers. They include Angela Davis, C. Dolores Tucker, Byllye Avery, Mary Frances Berry, Margaret Randall, Beverley Glenn, Ada Deer and Mab Segrest.

The four plenary sessions will discuss: The Political Empowerment of African-American Women; Furthering a Feminist Agenda for the Twenty first Century, Pain, Survival, Triumph; Voices of Poor and Working Class Women, Spinning Threads of Women's Movement; and Women and the United States Constitution; Does it Work and for Whom?

There will also be over two hundred workshops and other cultural events.

Registration materials available from:

NWSA '87
Emory University
PO Box 21223
Atlanta. GA 30322 USA