Women Fanners in Africa: Rural Development in Mali and the Sahel

Edited by Lucy E. Creevey, Syracuse University Press, Syracuse, New York 13244-5160

Sahelian women are the "secret agents of modernity... Technical and development planners must communicate with them. Once African women farmers find ways to make their labors more productive and turn their institutions toward development, there will be no stopping them." This book presents the major factors affecting women farmers in the Sahel region of West Africa. Many chapters are written by African women who direct continuing projects in Mali and Burkina Faso. They give first hand accounts of their experiences in attempting to improve the lives and productivity of rural people and address issues such as the traditional and changing roles of women in the production and distribution of food.

Inter-African Committee on Traditional Pracrtices Affecting the Health of Women and Children

Newsletters, lAC Committee, 147Rue de Lausanne, CH-1202 Geneva or Inter-African Committee c/o UNECA ATRCW, Room 605 P.O. Box 30001 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The newsletters are published twice a year in English and French and are designed as a channel for sharing ideas and experiences in progress made towards attaining the objectives of the Inter- African Committee (LAC) on Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children. It is also a vehicle to promote cultural heritages that have a positive influences on African family and social systems.

The first issue in November 1985 described the history of LAC and reviewed some of the activities in 15 African countries.

INFORMATION KIT, For Machineries on the Integration of Women In Development in Africa

A reference document prepared by the African Training and Research Center for Women (ATRCW) of the UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA). It aims to throw more light on national, sub- regional and regional machineries for integrating women in development. It lists most of the resolutions adopted regarding such machineries, gives background information on the development of the various machineries at all levels and examines the nature and mode of operation of certain national bodies. It gives addresses of those concerned with Integration in Development in Africa and a list of training institutions in the region likely to be of interest to women.

For more information, contact:

ECA/ATRCW P.O.Box 3001 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


Some Questions on Feminism and Its Relevancre In South Asia

By Kamla Bhasin and Nighat Said Khan

Kali for Women, N84 Panchsila Park New Delhi 110 017, India

"We women have suffered for centuries...but I am not a feminist." Statements like these, often heard, caused the authors to try to address the problem of why many people feel the need to condemn something which many others take very seriously.

"We can only conclude that they haven't given feminism any thought at all or that they have imbibed the considerable false propaganda against feminists and feminism," they write.

"The media, which is controlled to a large extent by men, has been responsible for wide-spread misrepresentation of feminists as 'bra-burning, man-hunting, family-destroying' women. This propaganda is reinforced by other forces and groups that see the emancipation and liberation of women as a threat, with the result that feminists in Asian countries are attacked and dismissed as 'middle class', 'westernized' and 'rootless' women.

"The authors set out to answer those attacks systematically. They provide a very useful resource for women who need to reply to these often heard criticisms.

"The facts are that feminists in South Asia have never burned their bras, even symbolically. Large numbers are married, have children and run their homes as well or badly as any other women.

"The authors first try to answer the question "what is feminism?" and particularly, what feminism in South Asia means.

To answer the criticism that feminism is just a middle class phenomenon, they point out that this appears to be so partly because we just hear more about urban middle class women and their organizations because the media only mention what happens in the cities and middle class feminists are more articulate.

But, they point out, there are hundreds and thousands of women and women's groups in the working class who are raising women's issues as well as issues of class, poverty, etc.

This excellent booklet tackles other often heard criticisms of the feminist movement in the region. Are feminists man-haters, why do women organize themselves into all-female groups, are feminists against motherhood and isn't feminism a western notion and therefore quite irrelevant in South Asia?

To this last query, they point out that it is seldom raised as a question but invariably as an allegation, an attack or even a fact. "Such allegations are however, never made about modem science or 'modernization', all a result of 'westernization.'

" The authors invite all women to participate in the process of formulating a feminist ideology and creating a better world. Their message is; Don't be afraid of feminism, join it.

ARENA Exchange

The quarterly bulletin of the Asian Regional Exchange for New Alternatives (ARENA), published in June 1986, is devoted to Women's Studies. Sukanya Hantrakul, active in the Thai women's movement, draws a general picture of historical developments of women's studies in developing countries.

The bulletin also includes a review of research studies on women in Asia, a paper by a Hong Kong activist who argues that Asian women should refuse to accept the sexual division of labor, and examines why women in Hong Kong remain primarily and exclusively reproducers.

Other papers include an analysis of women's issues in Malaysia, discussion notes on introducing women's studies in Thailand, and a look at capitalism, Marxism and patriarchy.

For enquiries, write to:

Asian Regional Exchange for New Alternatives
A4, 2/F, G-Block Hung Hom Bay Venter
104- 108 Baker Street Hung Hom,
Kowloon Hong Kong

Indian Women - Change and Challenge in The International Women's Decade 1975-1985

By Neera Desai and Vibhuti Patel, Popular Prakashan Private Limited, 35C Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya Marg, Popular Press Bldg.,Tardea, Bombay 400034, India

This book tries to evaluate the impact of the International Women's Decade on the lives, status and struggles of women in India. It is an attempt by two Indian scholars to see the women's question in India in the larger context of the country's politico-economic situation, in the belief that raising awareness about the real situation of women in India is the first step towards their emancipation. It looks critically at development in India, reviews the employment situation, legal reforms, role of political parties and mass media from women's point of view.

HECATE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Women's Liberation

Volume XI1 1/2 1986, a special double issue. PO Box 99, St. Lucia, Brisbane, Old. Australia 4067

This special double issue features articles on Black Women, Racism, Multiculturalism. Black Oppression and Resistance in Australia. Hecate is normally published twice-yearly and focuses on articles which feature a feminist, Marxist or other radical methodology to analyze the situation of women. It publishes creative work and graphics.

This issue reflects a range of political and theoretical questions about the economic and cultural contexts of perceptions of race and racial difference in Australia and elsewhere.


A Empregada Domestica (To The Domestic Worker)

Booklet published by the Women's Project of the Institute de Agao Cultural, Rio de Janeiro.

Second booklet in the series Os Direitos da Mulher (The Rights of Women) - produced for Brazil's domestic workers. It is an easy to understand picture book form and addresses many of the problems domestic workers may face. It is distributed free to women's groups working with domestic workers and is accompanied by a series of slides.

Ter Filhos, uma escolha ramiciente - (Having Children, a Conscious Decision)

An informative booklet, also from IDAC, which talks about contraception in a simple and interesting way. IDAC's Women's Project also offers a related series of slide shows to accompany the booklets.

For further information, contact:

Rosiska Darcy de Oliveira Coordenadora do Projeto Mulher do IDAC

Institute de A9ao Cultural Rue Visconde de Piraja, 550 s.1401 22410 Rio de Janeiro RJ Brazil

Mujer y Desarrollo

A tri-monthly newsletter, Mujeres en Desarrollo Dominicana Inc, (MUDE), Apartado Postal 325, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Politics is a right and duty of men and women who form a nation. That is the message of issues number 31 and 32 "Women and Politics." The newsletters impart powerful messages in a beautifully simple comic strip form. The aim of this group of women from Santa Dominica is to provide aids for women working for the political education of other women, to get across the message that women have the same right to participate in politics as men and should use that right.

Sindicato Independlente; Los Estatutos de Nuestro Sindicato

Booklets issued by The September 19, Garment Workers Union, Slndicato Nacional de Trabajadoras de la Industria de la Costura, 19 Septiembre, San Antonio Abad 151, Colonia Obrera, Mexico, D.F., Mexico

The September 19 Union was born on that day two years ago when a massive earthquake decimated Mexico. Hundreds of garment workers died victims of the shoddy construction and unsafe conditions of their factories. When bosses showed themselves unwilling to help rescue survivors and pay compensation, garment workers demonstrated, rallied and struggled until the government recognized their existence as a legal entity. The booklets are explanations in simple cartoon graphics, of how the union can help the worker. It sets out its statutes and an expose of inhuman conditions in the sweat shops. The booklets are designed as educational material.


Speaking of Faith: Cross Cultural Perspectives on Women, Religion and Social Change

Edited by Diana L. Eck and Devaki Jain Kali for Women, N84 Panchshila Park, New Delhi 110017, India

The papers in this collection bring together and attempt to relate three of the most important topics in today's world - women, religion and social change. In our era, the subject of women has become a focus of thought and study as in no other century or era before.

Religion has entered into and shaped almost every major conflict and crisis in the world today. But, this book argues, religion has too often been the missing factor in development and there has been too little discussion on religion heard from women themselves. The papers have been written by women from all over the world, from various disciplines. In throwing open issues that have repeatedly confounded those working for radical social change, this book demonstrates how virtually no essential concern is free from the influence of politics and religion.

Consumer Directory, 1987

The International Organization of Consumers Unions, Emmastraat 9, EG 2595 The Hague, The Netherlands. Price $18

The Consumer Directory is an international "who's who" of consumer organizations. The 1987 edition gives new and updated information on more than 300 consumer bodies on all continents. Groups, institutions and associations working in the consumers interest are all mentioned, and information is given on addresses, principal offices, finances, regular publications, specific areas of work etc.

Women 2000

News Bulletin, UN Branch for the Advancement of Women, Center for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs, Vienna International Center, P.O. Box 500, A-1400, Vienna, Austria

Published to promote the goals of the Nairobi Forward-Looking Strategies for the Advancement of Women, Issue no. 2, 1986 illustrated the work being done for the advancement of women by United Nations bodies and some of the specialized agencies. Issue no. 3 presents the work being done for the advancement of women by many entities of the UN Secretariat itself. This includes the Branch for the Advancement of Women of the Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs in the Department of International Economic and Social Affairs, which serves as focal point for women within the United Nations system.

Violence In The Family - Women News

UN Newsletter sponsored by the Branch for the Advancement of Women, Room E-1283, Vienna International Centre, P.O. Box 500, A-1400, Vierma, Austria

The newsletter is published regularly to promote the goals of the UN decade for Women - equality, development and peace. The January 1987 issue reports on an expert group meeting on Violence in The Family and its effects on Women, held in Vienna, December, 1986.

Audiovisual Resources

A Select List of CENDIT Films, January 1987. Available from: CENDIT, D-1 SoamiNagar, New Delhi 110 017, India

CENDIT is a registered society engaged in developmental communications since 1972. It has made a number of films on issues related to development, environment, health, women and social movements. This catalogue lists some CENDIT programs which could be used by development groups/social activists.

Programs produced by CENDIT are available for non-commercial screenings for a nominal charge of Rs. 25 per program. The organization has a continually expanding collection of communication materials made by other agencies, international production companies and networks, which are also available for non-commercial educational screenings.

The Naked Truth: Advertising's Image of Women

Slideshow, over 140 slides, plus commentary in English. Available from: Lordly & Dame, 51 Church St., Boston, Massachusetts 02116, USA

Over 140 slides of advertisements from a wide variety of magazines, plus commentary. The presentation examines specific ways in which advertisements reinforce stereotypes and affect self-images. Since advertisements are a shared cultural experience, the presentation provides a common ground for discussion, both as an introduction to the issues and as a stimulus for deeper exploration. It raises the issues of: objectification of women, caricaturing of femininity and masculinity, exploitation of sexuality,
tyranny of the aesthetic ideal, sexualization of little girls, negative attitudes toward maturity in women, limited presentation of role and career options, fostering of competition among women, glorification of violence against women. The series aims to explore possibilities for change by clarifying links between negative self images and self-destructive behavior, stimulating discussion and promoting constructive dialogue between women and men.

Breaking the Silence: The Church and Domestic Violence

Video and slide/tape programs, 21 minutes, slide/tape set 80 colored slides for manual or fully automatic operation. Available from: Australian Council of Churches, Box C199, Clarence Street, Post Office Sydney 2000 Austraha

Sale: Video 1/2 inch Aus$50, Video 3/ 4inch Aus$70, Slide/tape Aus$125

The program examines the incidence of domestic violence in society and allows women to tell their own stories of violent abuse in their homes. The churches are challenged to acknowledge how their theology, teaching, structures, language and other symbols have often denied the experience of women and have therefore helped to foster an environment in which violence can occur. The program is available with a leader's guide and a Resource Package which includes information, case studies and hst of resources, theological material etc.

VHAI (Voluntary Health Association of India) - List of Color Slides

VHAI educates the public on rational drug therapy, oral rehydration therapy, the value of mother and child welfare, etc. Each set of color slides contains 24 slides on such topics as breastfeeding, contraceptive devices, charting growth in small children, communication in health, common oral diseases. The slides are available at low cost.

A comprehensive list can be obtained from :

Voluntary Health Association of India 40, Instituional Area South of IIT New Delhi-110016 India

Yerbas Buenas

Slideshow documentary, 30 minutes (240 slides, part 1-104 slides, part 2 136 slides). Available from: Proyecto Mujeres Mapuches - CEM, Purisima 353 - Chile, in Spanish. Complimentary material: cartilla "Mujeres del Campo y Hierbas Medicinales, la tradicion en la curacion de enfermedades " and cartilla "Mujeres Mapuches, el saber tradicional y en la curacion de enfermedades comunes."

A summary of the experience of organizations working for better health of Mapuche women since 1983.

Comenzando A Ser Mujer, Bolivia

Video, 15 minutes, color, in Spanish. Available from: Coordinadora de la Mujer Maria Elena Querejazu, Casilla 3961, La Paz, Bolivia

A group of immigrant women discuss the lack of information and education about menstruation. The women relate their experiences of consulting doctors and finding out for themselves. The video is part of a series of three, designed to give public information on sexuality.

Who's In Control: Microtechnology and Women's Work

Slide/tape show, 30 minutes. Available from: The Participatory Research Group, 229 College St., Toronto, M5T 1R4, Canada.

This show examines the impact of microtechnology on women workers in Canada. Starting with a brief overview of the changing situation of Canadian women workers, it then describes the growth of microelectronic technology and how corporate interests profit from this development. Interviews with Bell telephone operators, bank workers and library workers. The program asks "How can women protect themselves against the problems of de-skilling, isolation, machine-monitoring, health hazards and stress-related diseases." It lays out important steps that can be taken toward unionization and collective action and outlines demands for governments and employers to act on. A resource and organizing tool for meetings, workshops and educational groups.