When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary to create a new bond among the peoples of the earth, connecting each to the other, undertaking equal responsibilities under the laws of nature, a decent respect for the welfare of humankind and all life on earth requires us to Declare our Interdependence.

We recognize that humankind has not woven the web of life,- we are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. Whatever befalls the earth befalls also the family of the earth.

We a re concerned about the wounds and bleeding sores on the naked body of the earth: the famine, the poverty,- the children born into hunger and disease,- the destruction of forests and fertile lands,the chemical and nuclear accidents,- the wars and deaths in so many parts of the world.

It is our belief that mans dominion over nature parallels the subjugation of women in many societies, denying them sovereignty over their lives and bodies. Until all societies truly value women and the environment, their joint degradation will continue.

Women s views on economic justice, human rights, reproduction and the achievement of peace must be heard at local, national, and international forums, wherever policies are made that could affect the future of life on earth. Partnership among all peoples is essential for the survival of the planet.

If we are to have a common future, we must commit ourselves to preserve the natural wealth of our earth for future generations.

As women we accept our responsibility and declare our intention to:

  • Link with others—young and old, women and men, people of all races, religions, cultures and political beliefs-in a common concern for global survival,
  • Be aware in our private, public and working lives of actions we can take to safeguard our food, fresh water, clean air and quality of life;
  • Make women's collective experiences and Judgments equal to experiences and value judgments of men when policies are made that affect our future and future generations;
  • Expose the connections between environmental degradation, greed, uncontrolled militarism and technology devoid of human values. Insist that human and ecological values take absolute precedence when decisions are made in national affairs;
  • Change government, economic and social policies to protect the well-being of the most vulnerable among us and to end poverty and inequality;
  • Work to dismantle nuclear and conventional weapons, build trust among peoples and nations, and use all available international institutions and networks to achieve common security for the family of earth.

We also declare that, whenever and wherever people meet to decide the fate of the planet, it is our intention to participate on an equal footing, with full and fair representation, equivalent to our number and kind on earth.

Drawn from the words and philosophies of the drafters of the US Declaration of Independence Only 4,1776)/ Chief Seattle to President Franklin Pierce (1855)/ Wangari Maathai, founder, Green Belt Movement, and Chair, National Council of Women of Kenya (1988)/ The UN Population Fund (1988)/ Women s Foreign Policy Council/ The World Commission on Environment and Development (1987)/Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders Global Survival Conference, Oxford (April 1988).

Source: Women's Environment and Development Program, Women's Foreign Policy Council, 1133 Broadway, Room 924, New York, NY 10010 USA. Tel.: (212) 691-7316.