By Cristina B. Bontuyan

Four months after the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) or Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, a meeting on Women, Environment and Development (WED) was held in October 1992 at the International Centre in Amsterdam. Initiated by Both ENDS, a Dutch NGO on environment and development, the WED Meeting was participated in by women from the different women's groups and NGOs worldwide. The primary purpose of the meeting was to discuss and determine diverse actions and focal points for women's involvement in environment and sustainable development.

Five major focal points were identified and discussed, namely vision, approaches, methodology, tools for change and specific issues. For vision, the participants tackled: fundamental change of existing patriarchal development models and strategies, the need to further define WED and Women in Development (WID), sustainable livelihood and living, alternative analysis with women's perspectives. For approaches, the assembly identified the need to be aware of local context and local knowledge, clear linkages and awareness of groups working a given area, identification of opportunities for partnership to nature global sisterhood. In addition, approaches should be contextualized, decentralized, interdependent, a learning process and holistic. The methodology to attain the vision must be participatory in nature and uses the above-mentioned approaches. The gathering of women highlighted the importance of Agenda 21 blueprint of post UNCED scenarios in all area relating to sustainable development of the planet from now till the 21st century.

As the transition concerned every living inhabitant of this earth, it is necessary to examine, monitor its implementation, and work for its improvement. Gender balance in all newly created bodies like the Sustainable Development Commission and the Earth Council must be pursued. Enhance networking, research and other capacity building of women's groups in WED must be encouraged. Issues that need special attention like consumption and lifestyle must be tackled by WED groups. Lets get involved and participate in the 1994 UN Conference on Population and the Women's Conference in 1995 preparatory activities and voice our concern.

Also noted at the meeting was the importance of information sharing on population issues and Global Environmental Facility (GEF) among others. The GEF is a created funding mechanism presently managed by the World Bank, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Education Programme (UNEP). Its primary task is to ensure adequate financing for the implementation of Agenda 21.

Participating groups in the | WED Meeting were: : WorldWIDE Network, Women in Development-Europe (WIDE), YWCA/Y's Eyes, International Women's Tribune Centre (IWTC), . Women's Environment Network (WEN), ELCIWEDNET, WEDO, Isis International, International Union for the Conservation of Nature (lUCN), REDEH, Both ENDS and observers from the Institute of Social ' Sciences (ISS) and Institute j for Development Research j Amsterdam (INDRA).